最近は、週に1回くらい、West Falls Churchの近くのマギン事務所に行っています。OAについての話し合いや翻訳チェクをしてもらっています。だいたい、お昼前に行って、ディスカッションして、お昼御飯をごちそうになって、帰ってきます。お昼は、マギンさんのジャガーに乗って食べに行きます。ごはんの後、West Falls Churchの駅まで送ってくださるのですが、必ず車から降りて、挨拶をされます。そして、私が駅の入り口に行くまで、車の横で立ったまま、ずっと私を見送って下さいます・・・。
I go to McGinn Office near West Falls Church Station once a week these days. There I discuss OAs and have my translation checked. I usually go there before noon, make discussions, then have lunch with Mr. Sean McGinn and Mr. Fred Cooperrider. After that, I return to home. I usually go for lunch by Jaguar of Sean. After lunch, Sean gives me a lift to West Falls Church metro station. Sean always gets out from his car, and says good-bye to me. Then he watches me walk off until I go to the gate of the station!
They are very kind to me. and they speak English slowly to me. I have my translation checked by Sean and Fred. Their explanation is always easy for me to understand, so I enjoy going to McGinn Office.
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