アメリカでつくづく大事だな、と思うことは、face to faceです。電話だとだめ、メールでもまだ足りない。やっぱり、顔を見て話すと全然理解の度合いが違います。特に、私は、英語が全然ダメなので、難しい話は、必ず会って話さないとだめです。たまに、事務所に来るの大変だろうから、電話でもいいよ、などと言われますが、私は必ず会いに行きます。今日もパートナーと複雑な案件の相談をメールでしていて、やっぱり話会った方がいい、face to faceで、と言われました。そのとおりです。審査段階で、審査官とたまにface to faceでインタビュしますけど、理解度が全然違います。やっぱり、プライベートも含めて、大切な事は、たとえ日本人同士で会っても、会って話さないとだめですね。でも最近は、TVショッピング慣れして、何か注文したりキャンセルしたりする電話は、得意になってきました!! 断ったりする場合は、顔を合わせない方がいい場合もありますね(苦笑)。
After I came to the US, I found one of the most important things is "face-to-face". I cannot communicate on the phone very well, and e-mail is not enough to understand each other. When I see someone and talk with him or her, I found the differences of understanding. Especially, I cannot speak English well, so I have to meet and talk, if it is a difficult task. Sometimes attorneys say to me “We can talk about this using telephone, because I think you do not have enough time to come to my office.” However, I certainly go to see the attorney. I talked with a partner about complicated work using with e-mail today, then he said we had better to talk face-to-face. I positively agree with him. In the prosecution, we sometimes talk with an examiner face-to-face, the examiner can understand very well rather than non-interview. I think if we talk an important thing including private, we should talk with face-to-face. BUT, I became expert at ordering something or canceling something by using telephone, because I get used to TV shopping!! In some cases such as saying no, we do not need to see each other, I think.
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