Well, I do remember I paid $4,000 for a dentist, because I had a nerve extracted when I got a cavity. I came to know if I applied for a national insurance, 70% of my bill would be returned. Then, when I returned to Tokyo temporary, I applied for the national insurance about $2,000. BUT, ONLY $110 was returned to me... If I have a nerve extracted in Japan, it costs \16,500, and the 70% of it is \11,000... Oh, my god! The dentist treatment is really expensive in the US, so I swear I never go to a dentist in the US again!
I heard that there was a restaurant in NY, which was a branch of the restaurant we went in Rio and whose Brazilian BBQ was so tasty. Therefore, we went there. It cost $50 per person. I was very happy because they made Caipirinha just in front of me by using fresh lime. Compared with that in Rio, the restaurant was smaller, and not
so crowded than that in Rio. But the restaurant brought me back some memories. Although I requested the staff to serve me a little, they gave me a large cut of every meat. So I ate too much again... Anyway, recently, I have eaten a lot of meat almost every day!!!
The Empire State Building
When one goes to NY, everybody should go up the Empire State Building once. So did I..The 86th floor observatory, we can go outside. It costs $18. We can go up further to the upper floor, the 102th floor observatory, we cannot go outside and the additional fee is $15. The special ticket which made us go to the observatory very quickly were sold in front of the Empire State Building and it cost $50. We can buy time by money... We went to the observatory around 7:30pm, so we could see the sunset, and it was very very beautiful. And when we went to the 102th floor observatory, the sun went down and we could see a night view. I was very satisfied with that.
Sightseeing in NYC
今までは、NYに来て、ほぼ買い物しかしていなかったので、今回は買い物なしの、完全観光旅行。到着してからアートギャラリーを10か所ほど回りました。NYにはいっぱいギャラリーがあるのですね・・・。って言っても私、アートの才能がないので、どの作品がよいかなどはわかりませんけど(笑)。それからGrand zeroにも行きました。まだ新しいビルの工事中です。ここであの大惨劇が起きたのか?と思うほど、何事もなかったように淡々とビル工事が進んでいる感じです。震災後に初めて神戸に行ったときと同じく、なんとも言えない気分でした。写真は、Grand zeroの完成図。
So far, when I came to NY, all I had done is shopping. So, this time, I will do sightseeing, not shopping. After arriving at NY, I went to about 10 art galleries. I did not know there were so many art galleries in NY. However, I have no talent for art, so I do not know which art is best. I went to Grand zero. New building was still under construction. I cannot believe the tragedy really occurred here, and men were working as if nothing had happened. I was deeply concerned with this scene as well as when I went to Kobe first after 1995 Kobe earthquake.
Last trip??
I planned to go to NY from Friday thru Sunday. Now I am in NY and I am writing my blog (but not updating). (I have not updated my blog recently...) Despite the promise to to have dinner with my friends, there is no call for me. So I am waiting for their call and writing my blog with my starving... I have a plan to see another friend at 11:00 pm, so I cannot eat by 11:00pm. I do never have the courage to go out for dinner alone. I hope my friend would come and see me soon.
I planned to go to NY from Friday thru Sunday. Now I am in NY and I am writing my blog (but not updating). (I have not updated my blog recently...) Despite the promise to to have dinner with my friends, there is no call for me. So I am waiting for their call and writing my blog with my starving... I have a plan to see another friend at 11:00 pm, so I cannot eat by 11:00pm. I do never have the courage to go out for dinner alone. I hope my friend would come and see me soon.
I have only about one week left before I leave DC, so we had a cozy get together with some Japanese trainees. We went to Kotobuki which was a Japanese restaurant. The level (price and taste) is so so around Ballston. we ate a broiled head of Buri with salt, Shiokara of calamari, Sashimi and Sushi and so on. But the main purpose was Nihonshu. We were going to pay for Janice, and she loves manju of Kubota. One bottle of manju (720 ml) costs S125. If we buy this in Japan, we can buy $70 per one shou (one shou is 1800ml). In DC, it costs four times as in Japan! Unfortunately for Janice, and fortunately for us, the restaurant only had one manju, after drinking one mangu, we drank other sake. Because Janice was really strong for alcohol, it was expensive but it was very fun.
DCで、安くておいしいステーキのお店として、超人気のRoy’s stakeに行ってきました。ということで、また肉です(笑)。もちろん、フィレ肉を頼んだけれど、トリフソースってので頼みました。フィレ肉の上に結構でかいフォアグラが乗っていて、30-40ドルくらいかな。前菜で、クラムチャウダー、ほたてのソテー、サーモンなんかを食べましたけど、これがおいしい。DCではおいしいシーフードをなかなか食べられませんが、ここのシーフードはイケます。で、フィレ肉もおいしかったけど、 のが味は上かもしれません。でもフォアグラ乗ってたからな、また食べたいな・・。4人でワイン2本も飲んで、いっぱい頼みましたけど、1人80ドルくらいでした。日本より食事は安いと思います。
We went to Roy’s Steak which was the best tasty steak restaurant in DC and very famous restaurant. Well, I ate meat again ^^. Of course, I ordered fillet steak but this time it was a fillet with truffle sauce. The steak was served with a big foie gras and it cost $30-S40. And we ate clam chowder, saute of escallops, and salmon as appetizer, they were soooooo delicious. The seafood in this restaurant was really good.
Although the fillet was very delicious, meat of the Capital Grille might be more delicious than Roy’s steak. However, I like foie gras very much, so I do want to eat it again. We, four persons, drank two bottles of wine, and ate many dishes, but it cost about $80 a person. Restaurants in DC are cheaper than those in Tokyo.
The capital grille
As I told some of my friends that I have never eaten a steak dinner, they said it was too bad, and you should eat American steak. Then we went to have a steak dinner. The price is $42-S45 per one steak; it was a little expensive in DC. Since we ordered a bottle of wine and side dishes, we paid about $75 per person. My most favorite is fillet steak, so I ate it. It was very tasty. I thought American beef was good!
Home party
As Mr. J invited us to his house, we, several Japanese trainees went to Mr. J’s house. As I had imagined, it was a huge house. When I went inside of his house, it was like a model rooms of a resort villa. He and his wife showed us all rooms, and there were children rooms and bed room. For example, his bath room is as the same size as the same size as a Japanese six-mat room. The first floor was sooooo big living dining room. And a basement room was very large amusement place... There was one room in the basement, and he said this was a lumber room, but I did want to stay there. There was an electrical fence which was not visible, so dogs run around the very large garden. Mr. J’s wife is Mrs. K, and she is really nice cute lady. She told me about first meeting with Mr. J. She is also a very good cook, so the dinner was really delicious.
There was a major cherry blossom-viewing spot on the way from DC to J’s house, so we went there. When we arrived there, we were surprised. The cherry blossoms were much more beautiful than those along the Potomac. Further, it was not so crowded as Potomac. There were some avenues lined with a lot of cherry blossoms in a residential area. I think it is a special area for neighbors who live around there, because they can see and enjoy cherry blossoms without going to other places. After that, I visited another area, and it was very nice place because there was few people. But, unfortunately, I cannot remember its name...
Cherry blossoms
It is the cherry blossoms season. The place where everybody goes to see cherry blossom
is around the Washington Monument. There are so many people there. When I went and saw around there on last Saturday by car, it was quite beautiful. However, this time, we could not go there because of the so crowded people, I went there by train. It was a little late for enjoying cherry blossom, so some cherry blossoms had fallen and fresh green leaves were growing. It was a top season of cherry blossoms in Japan (But the season might pass away when I would update my blog...) As drinking alcohol open-air is banned in DC, there is no scene that many people spread a mat
and drink "Sake" with "Obento" like in Japan. Everybody walks slowly and enjoys seeing cherry blossoms. I feel it is more natural than Japan.
Chocolate truffles
I cooked a lot of chocolate truffles. I used more than four pounds chocolate. The truffles are three baskets As Jay invited me to his house, I am going to bring the truffles. And other truffles are as a token of gratitude for they working with me. Further, other truffles are for some of Japanese trainees, because they were taking care of me very much. Although I can cook black chocolate that is not too sweet, if I use dark chocolate which has high content rate of cacao, but I cannot cook white chocolate that is not too sweet. So, white chocolate truffles were so sweet…Actually, I wanted to put a lot of brandy and chocolate liquor, some people who I was going to give my handmade chocolate cannot drink alcohol, so, I put some, not a lot. I wonder if American people do not like the chocolate which is not so sweet. However, after bringing chocolate truffles to McGinn Office, Joseph sent me e-mail and asked that if the chocolate truffles were Mika’s handmade, could you tell me the recipe, because a few people asked him to ask me a recipe. It means American people like not so sweet chocolate. Actually, I don’t have an accurate recipe…I just melt some chocolate with heavy cream, remove from the heat, put some brandy and/or chocolate liquor, put it in a freezer, and make bowls, and courting with chocolate. Then, amount of chocolate, heavy cream and brandy are indeterminate…
Work?? or walk??
Let me explain my English pronunciation level. When I order, saying “Coffee please!” in Starbucks, they usually ask me “What do you want, ma'am?”, this is my level…I also cannot pronounce "work" and "walk" properly.. FYI, when a person in Starbucks cannot understand me, I always don’t get depressed about my pronunciation. Because I think “What should I do except ordering coffee in Starbucks?”, and “You should understand me!”
Regarding “work”, Jay asked me what was the most enjoyable thing in DC, before, then I answered “I love working (in the law firm)!”. Then he asked me again, “where do you walk? Around Sughrue??”. I thought it was strange question, so I realized he mishear my “work” for “walk”…That means I said to him “I love walking”.
Yesterday, my friend asked me “what did you do today?”, then I answered “I was working at my apartment.”, then my friend said “How did you walk here? Why?”. Then I answered “Because I didn’t finish my work yet.”. After a little while, I realized he misheard my “working” for “walking”… That means I said to my friend “I was walking at home.” I think it is too bad. I should correct my pronunciation…
Let me explain my English pronunciation level. When I order, saying “Coffee please!” in Starbucks, they usually ask me “What do you want, ma'am?”, this is my level…I also cannot pronounce "work" and "walk" properly.. FYI, when a person in Starbucks cannot understand me, I always don’t get depressed about my pronunciation. Because I think “What should I do except ordering coffee in Starbucks?”, and “You should understand me!”
Regarding “work”, Jay asked me what was the most enjoyable thing in DC, before, then I answered “I love working (in the law firm)!”. Then he asked me again, “where do you walk? Around Sughrue??”. I thought it was strange question, so I realized he mishear my “work” for “walk”…That means I said to him “I love walking”.
Yesterday, my friend asked me “what did you do today?”, then I answered “I was working at my apartment.”, then my friend said “How did you walk here? Why?”. Then I answered “Because I didn’t finish my work yet.”. After a little while, I realized he misheard my “working” for “walking”… That means I said to my friend “I was walking at home.” I think it is too bad. I should correct my pronunciation…
DC tour
さて、DCに来て10か月くらいになりますけど、私、今だにDC観光をまともにしていません。スミソニアンも1つしか見に行っていません。それはいけない、ということで、今日DC観光に行ってきました。ご想像通り、渡辺さんが連れて行ってくれました。今日は、カイトフェスティバルとかで、モールでは、大量の凧が上がっていました。小雨の中・・・。ワシントンモニュメントに登りたかったのですけど、朝7時半に行かないと整理券がゲットできないらしく、ちょっと難しいです。ネットでも予約できますが、6月まで一杯です。ホワイトハウスの中も観覧できるみたいですが、知り合いは、2ヶ月以上前に申込してまだ待っている状態みたいです。ということで、私は入れません・・。でもいろいろ見れて楽しかったです。National Cathedraは、ステンドガラスがとってもきれいでした。
I have been here in DC for ten months, but I have not done a sightseeing in DC yet. I visited the Smithsonian museums just once. As I thought it was no good, I went to do sightseeing in DC on Saturday. As you can easily image, Watanabe-san took my friend and me there for a sightseeing in DC. Today was the Kite Festival, so there were so many kites in the sky around the Mall. Unfortunately it was misting. I wanted to go up to the top of the Washington monument, but we couldn’t see the views from the top of the Wasington monument. This is because we could not get tickets due to our failure in getting there by 7:30 am. A ticket can be got thru an internet, but all the tickets are already booked by June! And we can also see an inside of the White House, but one of my friends is waiting for more than two months. So, I could not enter the White House.
However I did very enjoy doing sightseeing in DC today. Especially, the stained glasses in National Cathedra were very beautiful.
Apartments in the US were inconvenient, I thought, because there were no fans. However, recently I have got used to it, so I usually cook in the environment where there is a lot of smell of cooking food. So, if meat gets burned a little, or a toast burns brown, a fire alarm in my apartment rings with very loud noise. FYI, when the fire alarm rang first time, I was very surprised and went downstairs and asked what I should do. A super said I should let it be...
BTW, there is a fan in my apartment! There is a button of a fan on a microwave. It is difficult to find.... The fan is powerful and I can control a power level. There is also a light to light heaters. A microwave in the US has multiple functions.
Apartments in the US were inconvenient, I thought, because there were no fans. However, recently I have got used to it, so I usually cook in the environment where there is a lot of smell of cooking food. So, if meat gets burned a little, or a toast burns brown, a fire alarm in my apartment rings with very loud noise. FYI, when the fire alarm rang first time, I was very surprised and went downstairs and asked what I should do. A super said I should let it be...
BTW, there is a fan in my apartment! There is a button of a fan on a microwave. It is difficult to find.... The fan is powerful and I can control a power level. There is also a light to light heaters. A microwave in the US has multiple functions.
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