I cooked a lot of chocolate truffles. I used more than four pounds chocolate. The truffles are three baskets As Jay invited me to his house, I am going to bring the truffles. And other truffles are as a token of gratitude for they working with me. Further, other truffles are for some of Japanese trainees, because they were taking care of me very much. Although I can cook black chocolate that is not too sweet, if I use dark chocolate which has high content rate of cacao, but I cannot cook white chocolate that is not too sweet. So, white chocolate truffles were so sweet…Actually, I wanted to put a lot of brandy and chocolate liquor, some people who I was going to give my handmade chocolate cannot drink alcohol, so, I put some, not a lot. I wonder if American people do not like the chocolate which is not so sweet. However, after bringing chocolate truffles to McGinn Office, Joseph sent me e-mail and asked that if the chocolate truffles were Mika’s handmade, could you tell me the recipe, because a few people asked him to ask me a recipe. It means American people like not so sweet chocolate. Actually, I don’t have an accurate recipe…I just melt some chocolate with heavy cream, remove from the heat, put some brandy and/or chocolate liquor, put it in a freezer, and make bowls, and courting with chocolate. Then, amount of chocolate, heavy cream and brandy are indeterminate…
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