


私、レストランで水を差しながらwaterて言っても通じなかったりします。スターバックスで、coffeeと5回くらい言わないと通じなかったりします。Budweiserと注文して、Red wineかと聞かれたことがあります。飛行機の中で、寒かったのでone more blanketと言ったらCoca-Colaを持ってこられたことがあります。日本では、英会話の先生のLarryに、発音をいつも注意されてました。 まだまだいっぱいありますけど、とにかく私の発音がなってないのはよくよく自覚してます。。。


After the dinner with Miku, we went home by taxi. The driver was from Cambodia. I talked with him a lot after Miku and Mr. and Mrs Honda got off the taxi. Then he (his name is Jhon) said that your pronunciation was very good. It was amazing!!

When I order water with my pointing at a glass of water, sometimes a waiter could not understand me. When I order coffee at Starbucks, I usually repeat coffee as many as five times. Once I ordered Budweiser, the waiter asked me “Red wine?”. In the airplane, as I was cold, I requested a Flight Attendant to bring one more blanket. Then she took Coca-Cola to me. Larry who was my English teacher always told me to pay much more attention to my pronunciation. I have a lot of episodes and I fully understand my pronunciation is not good.

Because of the taxi driver, Jhon from Cambodia, I became fond of Cambodia. Anyway, I have to study English.

Dinner with Miku


Miku (Mr. Mehta) took Mr. and Mrs. Honda and me to a dinner. As I said I’d like to go to Ethiopian restaurant, Miku took us to an Ethiopia restaurant. Yuki-san (Mrs. Honda)’s is very large with child. she is very slim built, so I heard her doctor told her to eat much more. Ethiopia food is very good, I know. There is a hot spicy sauce in Ethiopia restaurant, and I love the sauce. Ethiopia beer was also good. You know, Miku is so kind in US as well as Japan. He always try to understand my strange English. Miku said when we come back to Japan, he will treat us to homemade dish. I look forward to eating his homemade dish.

Get a driver’s license: 3

Driver’s Manualを読まなくては・・・(←一応、読んだけど)。それにしても交通ルールがわかりません。私、日本でも仮免前効果測定に4回ほど落ちてますし、鮫洲の試験も1回落ちてます。。日本でもできないものは、アメリカでもできませんね。

I went to DMV this morning again, I hoped it was third time lucky. The submitted documents were perfect this time, so I could take a driver’s license exam.
First, an applicant take a written exam. It consist of 10 questions of traffic signs (all question are to be answered correctly) and 25 questions of traffic rules (more than 80% are to be answered correctly). An applicant does so standing up in front of a computer. Without reaching an acceptance criterion, the exam is automatically finished.
When I solved about 15 questions, I mistook 6 questions and the exam was finished.
I have to read a driver’s manual. Honestly, I cannot understand the traffic rules.
In Japan, I failed “Koukasokutei”(the written exam before leaner’s permit ) four times and also failed the exam in Samezu Drivers License Center one time. You know, the thing that I can’t in Japan can’t be done in US either.

New office (temporary)


When I went to the office this morning, my office was changed. The office is Mr. HB's office. He is a person in the highest position in charge of ***. In Sughrue, if they have been working for 7 years, they are given for four months vacation and Mr. BH is during the vacation. So I can’t exchange greetings to him yet. Anyway, four months! What a long vacation! If I am given four months vacation, what will I do??



It is very dark in Metro station in DC. I was a little surprised when I first rode Metro. I think you cannot imagine from my photo, but it is just like that after the last train left. Metro service opens at 5:00 am on Monday through Friday, and at 7:00 am on weekend. Metro runs still at midnight on Sunday through Thursday and surprisingly, it finishes at 3:00 am on Friday and Saturday. But after midnight, the train comes every thirty minutes, so if I sleep in the station or sleep in the train, I’ll get in trouble. I hope Tokyu Toyoko-line also runs until 3:00 am, then it is very convenient for me.

Get a driver’s license: 2


I went to DMV to get a driver’s license with Mr. Watanabe this morning. However, I couldn’t get a driver’s license because of lack of document. I brought a rental agreement to prove my address, but my address wasn't in the rental agreement! How sloppy it is in US. The copy is slipshod. I think the address is the most important part of the agreement. I will go to DMV tomorrow morning again.




There is Proactive for pimple care products. There are a lot of TV advertisement in Japan. I think Proactive is a perfect product for pimple care. If you use Proactive when you have got a pimple, the pimple is gone. But Proactive is very strong, so my skin is dried out.
BTW, Proactive is made in US, so of course they sell Proactive in US. And it is very cheap. In Japan, the set is about $100, but, it is $19.95 in US because it is during campaign (as far as I know, it is on campaign every day…) I shouldn’t have bought everything I need in Japan.

Get a driver’s license: 1

今日、免許を取りに行こうと思ってましたが、DMV(Virginia Department of Motor Vhicles: http://www.dmv.state.va.us/index.asp )のHPで、過去問ができません。メンテ中みたいです。過去問を解かずに試験を受けに行っても、受かる自信がないので、今日は行くことができません。残念。

I was going to get a driver’s license, but I can’t take sample exam in HP of DMV DMV(Virginia Department of Motor Vhicles: http://www.dmv.state.va.us/index.asp ). I guess, the server is in the maintenance. If I go to take a exam without solving sample exam, I have no confidence to pass the exam. So, I can’t go today. What a pity!
We have to obtain a driver's license within two months since we live here in Virginia. Seven weeks has passed since I came here. I have many thing to have to do, so the time has passed like a dart. When I realize I may be cherishing the memory of American life in Japan.


Skeet shooting


I went skeet-shooting. How great it was in US, I fired live ammunition! I went skeet-shooting. How great it was in US, I fired live ammunition! The shotgun is too heavy for me to bring up, because I am a woman.
I loaded two shots and fired at flying targets, but it was very difficult. When I shot, I was shocked in my shoulder. During my shot, an attendant was beside and supported me. I fired 50 shots and hit a target only five times. Both Mr.Yamada and Mr.Honda
hit 10 times. I hear we would be happy when we could hit a target 20 times. It was very exciting and I would like to do it once again.. At the shooting range, there were many Japanese. I would like to be friends with many people.

Table and chairs


I bought a table and chairs. The table was $30 and the chair was $20 each. As it is cool in the morning and the evening, I usually have breakfast at the table recently. When I come home, I usually drink a beer at the table. During my thinking of nothing for a while, I forget I am now in America. I will go skeet-shooting on Tuesday, and go to a seminar from Wednesday thru Thursday. Furthermore, I will get a driver's license on Friday. I am very busy this week.




I went to a zoo. What I was looking for are giant pandas. They were very cute! They were sleeping with so funny looks. Around ten years have passed since I visited a zoo last. I thought an occasional visit to a zoo was good.


ついにゴルフ場デビューをしました。 Sughrue のジャニスに連れていってもらいました。本多さんと3人でコースを回りました。コースは、9ホールのみのハーフラウンドでした。とても暑かった。スコアは、数えることなんてできませんでした(苦笑)。1ホールにつき、10打くらい打ったかな・・・。打ちっぱなしに行かなくては。

At last, I played golf at golf course. Ms. Janice of Sughrue took me there and Mr. Honda joined us. The golf course has a half links (just 9 holes). It was really hot. I hit about ten times a hole and I could not count my score. I have to train golf at a driving range.



I can get a driver’s license without SSN. It is a means that most people don’t know. The means is that I have only to go to Japanese embassy and get an abstract certification. In order to obtain an abstract certification, firstly you send copies of passport and driver’s license by FAX. It is a temporary application. After that, I go to Japanese embassy to get the abstract certification.


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 2

The appointment was needed to go to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. I can make a reservation at INFOPASS of HP. Unfortunately, I could only make a reservation two weeks later. Mr. Honda helped me to make a reservation. Mr. Honda helps me almost every day and he definitely asks me whether I have troubles.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 1

If you get off Dunn-Loring, you can see the pink building on the left, it is US. Citizenship and Immigration Services. I was inspected my bag at the entrance. As I had a digital camera, I have to come back again because the digital camera are not allowed to bring in.


免許を取得するのに、ソーシャルセキュリティナンバーが必要と聞いて、申請に行ってきました。Sughrue から歩いて5分の場所に、SNNを申請するところがあります。9時にオープンするので、9時前から並んで整理券を受け取り、申込書を書いて、順番を待ちます。本多さんが、朝早くから付き添ってくれました。番号を呼ばれたのはなんと11時半。2時間半も待たされました。さらには、書類不備で、出直し。入国のときの書類(I-97)には、11桁の番号が付されていますが、私のには10桁。なんと不運な。書類を訂正してもらうために、移民局(http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis)に行かなければなりません。

I heard in order to get a driver’s license, I need social security number, so I went to apply SSN. There is a place where I can apply SSN by five-minutes walk from Sughrue. The place opens at 9:00 am, so we waited before 9:00, and received a numbered ticket, wrote an application and waited my turn. Mr. Honda escorted me early in the morning. To my surprise, I was called my number at 11:30 am. I waited for two and a half hours. Unfortunately, I should come back because my document was imperfect. I had a bad day. I have to go to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis).

Golf club

BSKBのアトーニのPaul D. Pylaさんにゴルフクラブ一式を頂きました!ピクニックに行ったとき、彼がレフティで、僕は最近新しいゴルフクラブを買ったんだー、とみんなに話しているのを目ざとく聞いて、じゃー、あなたは、古いゴルフクラブが余っているのね、私、ゴルフ始めたばっかりで、クラブがないの。あなた、古いクラブあるのね、ってな具合で話をしました。そのときは、クラブをあげるよ、って言われなかったので、ちっ、残念、と思ってました。

が、次の日、なんと、ポールがゴルフクラブを数本持って、研修の部屋に来てくれて、このアイアンはとても古いんだけど、このドライバは買って5,6年だから、買ったら30ドルくらいで(そんな高いものではないけれど)ちょっとは使えるかも、いる?と話をしてくれました。きゃ~、あたしほしーー、I am happy!なんとかなんとかと言いつつ超喜んでました。じゃ、クラブ持ってくるね、って言われて、はーい、って答えました。




I accepted a set of golf club by Mr. Paul D. Pyla who is an attorney of BSKB! When we went to the picnic, I heard that he said to everyone “ I has just bought this new golf club sets.” Therefore, I offered him to give his old club to me. At first, I gave up that someone who was a lefty gave me a used golf club, because a lefty is not common, but I am very lucky. I bought a golf bag today. It was $ 150. Finally, I got my golf set for $150. I will practice golf hard.


More than $4500 dollars for a bad tooth


I think one of the big no-no things which I came to US is that I go to a dentist, but I went to a dentist on Monday. Because, I had a bad toothache for about a week and when I see my tooth, there was a big hole of cavity that I could easily see. Incidentally, I have much painkillers, therefore I thought I would endure until October when I go back to Japan temporally, but I have enough pain of sciatica.

日本大使館のHPに乗っている日本人歯科医(畑山先生)のところに行きました。歯医者は、麻酔とか色々薬を使って怖いので。診察してもらった結果、神経治療が必要と判断され、別のドクター(Dr. Hsu)を紹介されました(診察代180ドル)。Dr. Hsuの神経治療は、日本語はなし。神経根の治療中、先生の言うことがわからず、辞書を引きました。。。とてもよい先生でした。治療代は、今日と来週の治療で1595ドル。

I went to a Japanese dentist (Dr Hatakeyama) in HP of Japanese Embassy. Because I was afraid dentists use anesthesia and many other medicines. Result of examination, she determined I needed a care of a nerve of root and she introduced me to another doctor (Dr. Hsu) (the consultation fee is $180). You know Dr. Hsu didn’t speak Japanese. During the care of the nerve of root, I couldn’t understand him, so I used my electronic dictionary. He is a very good doctor, I think. The consultation fee is $1595.



Actually, I need a cover to protect my tooth, but depending on my gums, other treatment is needed, therefore I need $2500 for the consultation fee. I don’t want to pay so much money, so I will postpone the other treatment till October when I go back to Japan.

One bad tooth treatment costs about $5000… I swear even if I drink, I will brush my teeth before going to bed.

First day

昨日は、Sughrue事務所初出勤でした。Sughrue事務所は地下鉄のオレンジライン、Foggy Bottom-GWUを下車して徒歩5分くらいのところにあるビルの6階~8階にあります。オフィスはとてもきれいです。BSKBもそうでしたが、アトーニには、それぞれ個室が用意されています。なんと全てのトレニーにも個室が用意されます。日本人のトレニーは現在私を入れて5人のようです。今オフィスを拡張中で、トレニー部屋がなく、かつ現在不在のアトーニがいるため、一時的に彼のお部屋を使わせて頂けることになりました。アトーニの部屋は広い!響事務所in Japanは、忙しいようです。私も張り切って?!お仕事します。

Yesterday was the first day with Sughrue Office. Sughure Law Firm is in the sixth to eighth floor of the building which is 5 minutes walk from Foggy Bottom-GWU which is on ORANGE LINE. The office is very beautiful. Like BSKB, each attorney has their individual rooms. To my surprise, each trainee is also available for one room. I think there are 5 Japanese trainees including me in Sughrue. The office is expanding now, so there is shortage of a trainee’s room and there is an attorney who is absent. Therefore I can use an attorney’s room tempolarily! I am very lucky. The attorney’s room is so big. Seems like Hibiki Law Firm is very busy. I will work hard, too!


I became an aunt!!!




My elder sister bore a baby yesterday. The baby is a boy. He is the first grandchild in Hori family. He is really cute.

Including me, most of people think that they want to be filial to their parents, but I have heard that all children finish filial devotion to their parents until they become five years old. It means that the filial devotion to parents will finish just because parents can spend a time with children who are so cute. Whenever I see a baby, I always remember the words.

Most of children would like to be filial to their parents, but most of parents might think that the children don't have to be filial.


Final reception


The summer training program at bskb finished today.. We had mock trial in a court in the morning, and all classes were completed. As a final reception at night, we had a party on a ship with everyone dressed up. Four weeks had passed away very quickly. The most of all participants will be back to Japan, and I am left alone. The training at Sughrue is going to start next week.

July 10th


July 10th, it was a wonderful day because I had a barbeque with many friends for lunch and went to dinner. Thank you, everyone!!!

Rum tasting


I went a rum tasting with bskb’s staff. Rum is made from sugar cane. I drank 11 kinds of rum with shots.
Rum has very sweet smell. I used rum when I made a chocolate cake in Japan, but I drank rum for the first time in US. I found that vintage rum tasted like scotch or bourbon. I bought my best choice and the second, that coasted $65. I am thinking of drinking rum instead of wine (every day).


Niagara Falls


Finally, I went to Niagara Falls!! As STP was off on July 6tha dn 7th, I went to Niagara Falls with Minagawa san and Takahara san. Niagara Falls has America Falls on the American side and Canada Falls on the Canadian side. Canada Falls is bigger than America Falls, and appeals strongly.
I took a ship which went round the water pocket and went to see reverse side of Niagara Falls. Each tour gave me a capa but I was soaked to the skin in the tour which goes to see reverse side of the America Falls. It was really vigorous!
Niagara Falls is illuminated at night, so the color of the Niagara Falls changes various colors. There is fireworks everyday in peak season, it was very beautiful.




Usually, there is a disposer attached to a sink in an apartment in US. Small raw garbage can be disposed of by the disposer. However, I destroyed my disposer today because I put in peach a stone in the disposer...What a dilemma!
So I asked superintendent to fix my disposer. A repair guy struggles with it now, but my disposer cannot be fixed easily. He seems to change the disposer with a new one. I think over what I did...


July 4th (Independence day)


As July 4th is Independence Day, our seminar was off. Our seminar is off on Monday as well, so we have four-day holidays. During the holidays, most of participants of our seminar will go to New York. I will visit the Niagara Falls stay there overnight with Mr.Minagawa. On Independence day, my friends and I had a barbecue and went to see fireworks somewhere. Although there were many fireworks in US, to our sorrow, we could not enjoy fireworks because we went there too late...



STP(Summer Training Program)でピクニックに行きました。また英会話にいけませんでした。。。ゴルフ練習場とかバッティング場とかがあっていろいろ遊べました。ゴルフはなかなか当たんない。今回はBSKBの人にレッスンしてもらいました。それからカニを食べました。名物みたいです(ってカニの写真がないじゃん!)。カニは小さいですけど、おいしかったです。

I went to picnic with everyone who attend STP. I couldn’t go to Englishschool …There were golf driving range and batting place etc, we enjoyed them. I can’timprove golf.This time, I was taught by people who is member of BSKB. Then we ate crabs.I heard the crabs were specialty. Although the crabs were small, it was verytasty.


Korean food

韓国料理を食べにいきました。チゲ鍋の専門店です。辛さが5段階あって、もちろん、あたしは、一番辛いspice spice. むちゃくちゃ辛かったけど、むちゃくちゃおいしかったです。前にエチオピア料理がNO.1と書きましたが、チゲ鍋はそれ以上かも?!

I went to eat Korean food. The restaurant was special store of Chige nabe. There were 5 levels of spicyness. Of course, I selected most spicy one. It was really hot but really good!!! I said Ethiopian food was best in US, but Chige nabe was equal or tastier.




I went to a driving range. I played golf in 5 years. Rental club was free. The golf in US is very cheap. It was $17 per 160 balls. It is 20 yen per ball in driving range in Toritudai. There is a golf course, and it is $16 on weekday and $18 on weekend. To my surprise, it is $6 in 2nd Nine. I think I will be a good golf player if I live in US.


Ethiopian food


We went to eat Ethiopian food for dinner. Aslan who is a staf of BSKB took us to the restaurant. I was wondering if Ethiopian food would be good?!, but it was really delicious. We ate spicy raw beef or spicy sauteed fish wrapping with stamed bread by hand. It was very spicy!! And the best dish that I have ever eaten in US before. I honestly recommend you this restaurant if you would come to Washington DC. As you can image easily without my explanation, I ate too much again. I eat too much every day in US.