
Ethiopian food


We went to eat Ethiopian food for dinner. Aslan who is a staf of BSKB took us to the restaurant. I was wondering if Ethiopian food would be good?!, but it was really delicious. We ate spicy raw beef or spicy sauteed fish wrapping with stamed bread by hand. It was very spicy!! And the best dish that I have ever eaten in US before. I honestly recommend you this restaurant if you would come to Washington DC. As you can image easily without my explanation, I ate too much again. I eat too much every day in US.

3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


mika さんのコメント...

おいしかったよ~ 絶対お薦めだわ。東京や横浜にもあるかしら。探さなくては。

匿名 さんのコメント...
