私、レストランで水を差しながらwaterて言っても通じなかったりします。スターバックスで、coffeeと5回くらい言わないと通じなかったりします。Budweiserと注文して、Red wineかと聞かれたことがあります。飛行機の中で、寒かったのでone more blanketと言ったらCoca-Colaを持ってこられたことがあります。日本では、英会話の先生のLarryに、発音をいつも注意されてました。 まだまだいっぱいありますけど、とにかく私の発音がなってないのはよくよく自覚してます。。。
After the dinner with Miku, we went home by taxi. The driver was from Cambodia. I talked with him a lot after Miku and Mr. and Mrs Honda got off the taxi. Then he (his name is Jhon) said that your pronunciation was very good. It was amazing!!
When I order water with my pointing at a glass of water, sometimes a waiter could not understand me. When I order coffee at Starbucks, I usually repeat coffee as many as five times. Once I ordered Budweiser, the waiter asked me “Red wine?”. In the airplane, as I was cold, I requested a Flight Attendant to bring one more blanket. Then she took Coca-Cola to me. Larry who was my English teacher always told me to pay much more attention to my pronunciation. I have a lot of episodes and I fully understand my pronunciation is not good.
Because of the taxi driver, Jhon from Cambodia, I became fond of Cambodia. Anyway, I have to study English.
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