I have been living in the US for nine months, so I am now able to send English text easily from my cell phone. I exchange text with my friend very often every day because of convenience, as well as I was in Japan. But, I realized that my texts have many typos… I also sometimes make typo when I use my cell phone in Japan. Although the language is different, it is the same that I make typo... Incidentally, my American friends also sometimes make typos. Native can read it easily, if text includes typo, but it takes a little trouble for me to read the text including typo. BTW, I get friendlier with an English text, it was a little hard for me to text in Japanese when I returned to Tokyo last October. I suppose I have difficulty texting in Japanese when I return to Japan.
SughrueのアトーニにCAFCツアーに連れて行ってもらいました。JudgeのRichard Linnにお話しをお伺いして、3つあるコートルームのうちの中くらいの大きさの部屋に案内して頂きました。なんと裁判官席に座るのOKということで、座らせてもらいました!裁判官のお仕事は、読むか書くだそうです。1月12~20件の案件を処理するらしく、1件について読まなくてはいけない資料は膨大な量だそうです。裁判は通常3人で行われますが、裁判が始める前に彼らは決して話をしないそうです。裁判が終わって初めて意見交換するそうです。余計な先入観を持たないように。で、意見は、最も若い裁判官から発表するそうです。一番偉い人が先に意見を言ってしまうと、反対意見は言いにくいですものね。
An attorney of Sughrue took us (trainees) to the CAFC tour. We met Judge Richard Linn and talked to him, then he led us to a court room which is a middle size of the three court rooms in CAFC. The judge allowed us to sit on the judge’s chair, so we could sit on the chair! I felt as if I were a judge! The work of judge is reading and writing, he explained his work to us. The CAFC handles 12 to 20 cases in a month, and he should read many many documents for one case. A trial is usually handled by three judges, but they never talk to each other before starting a trial. Then they have the first discussion after trial in order not to have preconceptions. And the youngest judge should show his opinion first. The reason is that if the senior judge shows his opinion first, the youngest judge cannot show his opposite opinion.
A big farewell party
Many trainees will return to Japan in March, April and May. A big farewell party for nine people who will return to Japan this spring was held on March 25th. I realized there are such many Japanese in DC. More than 30 Japanese gathered to the restaurant to have dinner. Half of them are trainees, but others are attorneys or technical person working at a law firm in DC and so on. Training period are various, some of them are two years, or some of them are six months. City where they return is also various. For example, a person who came from Tokyo will return to other city. Most of people as well as me will look for their apartment after returning to Japan. I have given many trainees a send-off so far, but finally, I am given a send-off by other people.
Well, when I return to Japan, will everyone in Hibiki have a BIG welcome party for me???
Many trainees will return to Japan in March, April and May. A big farewell party for nine people who will return to Japan this spring was held on March 25th. I realized there are such many Japanese in DC. More than 30 Japanese gathered to the restaurant to have dinner. Half of them are trainees, but others are attorneys or technical person working at a law firm in DC and so on. Training period are various, some of them are two years, or some of them are six months. City where they return is also various. For example, a person who came from Tokyo will return to other city. Most of people as well as me will look for their apartment after returning to Japan. I have given many trainees a send-off so far, but finally, I am given a send-off by other people.
Well, when I return to Japan, will everyone in Hibiki have a BIG welcome party for me???
Customs duty
I should prepare moving to Tokyo. BTW, I was sooo surprised that if I bring back leather shoes to Japan, I have to pay customs duties. But the customs duty of one leather shoes is one of a higher price of 30% of an estimated price or 4300yen.… Therefore, if I buy shoes for $10, I still have to pay 4300yen… However, I might not be able to buy shoes with 4300yen in Japan, so I am very troubled… Help me…
Thank-you dinner
Well, a lot of people have taken care of me during my stay in DC. For example,
Watanabe-san... Therefore, I decided to invite a lot of my friends who have taken care of me in DC, and served them a thank-you dinner. I cooked dishes for about 15 people. Watanabe-san took me to the supermarket, and I bought a lot of food. It cost more than $500… I bought one big bottle of Sake, four cases of beer, six bottles of wine, 12 pounds of beef and 8 pounds of pork, etc…. The main dish of the thank-you dinner was meat! Therefore I bought really a lot of meat. I am allowed to buy such amount of meat only in the US, because if I bought same amount of meat in Tokyo, it would be sooooo expensive.. I cooked a large amount of roast beef, beef stew, sparerib of BBQ and Hitumabusi (Nagoya food). I had been preparing demiglace sauce for beef stew for one week, and I cooked six or seven hours each Saturday and Sunday.. I found I really like to cook… I found I really liked to cook... Although I failed in cooking a roast beef on Saturday (it seemed a roast pork… too cooked), I could cook a roast beef much much
better on Sunday. I am very happy if they could feel my gratitude even a little.
St. Patrick's Day
3月17日は、St. Patrick's Day(聖パトリックの日)でした。アイルランドの祝日で、アイルランドにキリスト教を広めた聖人聖パトリックの命日だそうです。この日は、みんな何か緑の色のものを身につけるんだよ、と教えられてて、一生懸命緑の服を探して、打ち合わせに行きました(笑)。って、緑の生地のひょう柄なんですけど・・・。Fredももちろん緑のネクタイ。電車の中にいる人たちも、みんな緑の首飾りや、緑のタイや、緑のシャツ。日本でもパレードなんかをやってるみたいですけど、私、知りませんでした。気を付けてみるとみんな緑色で、ちょっとおもしろかったです。
March 17th was St. Patrick’s Day. The day is a holiday for Ireland and it is a day when St Patrick passed away. Some attorney told me everybody wear something green in this day. So, I looked for a green clothes, and wore something green and went to a meeting. I don’t have a green wear except a green blouse having leopard-print pattern…Of course, Fred wore a green tie. Everybody in the train wore a green necklace, a green tie or green shirt. I saw it on the internet a parade was held on that day in Japan, but I didn’t know about St. Patrick’s Day. When I watched people carefully, I found that the most of people wore something green, ans it was very interesting.
One more culture gap. In Korea, my image is that everyone eats from one Nabe by using ones own chopsticks or spoon. I have been to Korea several times, and my image was almost correct. But we use Tori-bashi which is a separate pair of chopsticks to take the food from one plate to another, especially when it is the first time to meet. However, I thought Korean people are open to use own chopsticks when they eat same Nabe, it was a culture gap. Then some Korean told to me she doesn’t like to use own chopsticks or own spoon when she eats same dish with other people. It was very interesting that even Korean people sometimes don’t like using their own spoon when they eat one dish with other people.
One more culture gap. In Korea, my image is that everyone eats from one Nabe by using ones own chopsticks or spoon. I have been to Korea several times, and my image was almost correct. But we use Tori-bashi which is a separate pair of chopsticks to take the food from one plate to another, especially when it is the first time to meet. However, I thought Korean people are open to use own chopsticks when they eat same Nabe, it was a culture gap. Then some Korean told to me she doesn’t like to use own chopsticks or own spoon when she eats same dish with other people. It was very interesting that even Korean people sometimes don’t like using their own spoon when they eat one dish with other people.
In TV or movies, working women in America wear a suit smartly, but they are wearing sneakers between their home and their office, and change the sneakers into heels in their office. I think my image is almost correct in NY, but is not correct in Sughrue, they hardly wear suits. However, last time, I talked with some attorney, he said he couldn’t understand why women wear sneakers with suit in the train. I agree because women in Japan never wear sneakers with suits. It was very interesting that some American think it is strange. I thought it was a culture gap, but, even American people sometimes think it is strange…
In TV or movies, working women in America wear a suit smartly, but they are wearing sneakers between their home and their office, and change the sneakers into heels in their office. I think my image is almost correct in NY, but is not correct in Sughrue, they hardly wear suits. However, last time, I talked with some attorney, he said he couldn’t understand why women wear sneakers with suit in the train. I agree because women in Japan never wear sneakers with suits. It was very interesting that some American think it is strange. I thought it was a culture gap, but, even American people sometimes think it is strange…
Praia do Lebion
DC行きの飛行機は、夜の10時半だったので、午後はビーチで過ごしました。海に入って波にもまれ、疲れてはチェアに座ってビールを飲み、eye candyを楽しむ(笑)。時間は矢のように過ぎて言ったけれど、リオ旅行はとてもとても楽しい旅行でした。名古屋からとてもとても遠いけれど母親や父親を是非リオに連れてきたいと思いました。ブラジルは日本とちょうど地球の裏側にあて、入国するにはビザが必要で、いろんな意味で遠い国だなと思っていました。でも、今回の旅行でたくさんのブラジル人に出会い、ブラジル人の優しさに触れ、ブラジルは遠くないって思えました。たくさんの人が機会を作って、ブラジルに、リオに行くことを、強く強くお勧めします。
As our airplane was 10:30pm, we spent time on the beach in the afternoon. I enjoyed the sea, I drank beer with sitting on a chair when I felt tired, and I enjoyed eye candy^^. Although time just flew by, the Rio trip was really fun. I want to take my parents to Rio, although Rio is very far from Nagoya. I thought Brazil was a faraway country in a lot of ways, because Brazil was located other side of the world from Japan and we need visa if we go to Brazil. However I could think Brazil was not a faraway country, as I met many Brazilian people, and felt the kindness of Brazilian. I strongly recommend and I hope many Japanese make a time and go to Brazil and Rio.
Last day
Well, finally we did hang gliding on the last day of our trip. It was very fine. There were a lot of hang gliders in the air. The driver who flew with me has 27 years carries and he does six flies every day. He is a super-veteran. We went to the cliff where we fly by his car. The view from the top of the cliff was really nice, but I felt very scary. We dashed down the cliff and got down on the beach after several minutes flying. Roni who was one of drivers told us the fear would be changed with pleasure in an eye’s blink and it was true. Before flying, I felt weak at the knees, but I could see the amazing view during flying. I wanted to fly many times. I am very sorry that I cannot show you the view during my flying. Glaucee recommended us to skydive, if I come to Rio next time. I am not comfortable with high place, but I want to try!
Although we arrived at the hotel after 10:00pm from Grande island, Glaucee took us to the market. There were about 100 stall at the market. There are a lot of shanty towns in Rio. One of them is the most largest one in the world, but we could not go there because it was not safe. The people at the shanty town sell many things such as hand-made necklaces, earrings, ornaments and pictures. They were all beautiful and reasonable, and we could discount them. Brazil is well known for stone as well as coffee, chocolate and oranges. Most of stone are yielded in Brazil. Many kinds of stones were various prices. If you are a girl, you must be interested in them, so I enjoyed shopping at the market.
Although we arrived at the hotel after 10:00pm from Grande island, Glaucee took us to the market. There were about 100 stall at the market. There are a lot of shanty towns in Rio. One of them is the most largest one in the world, but we could not go there because it was not safe. The people at the shanty town sell many things such as hand-made necklaces, earrings, ornaments and pictures. They were all beautiful and reasonable, and we could discount them. Brazil is well known for stone as well as coffee, chocolate and oranges. Most of stone are yielded in Brazil. Many kinds of stones were various prices. If you are a girl, you must be interested in them, so I enjoyed shopping at the market.
Ilha Grande
Glaucee was going to pick us up at 6:00 am at the hotel, but we got up with her phone...
Because of that, we missed the ferry which took us to the island, then we went to the island by a small ship. After we arrived at the island, we changed the boat, then we went to the spot where we did snorkel. I did snorkel for the first time in decades. There were many fishes in the sea. I could see many fish although the sea was a little thick because the previous day was raining.
BTW, I saw the coconut palm which was the second highest in the world. It was
really high.. Then, we missed the ferry again because we went to a souvenir shop after eating seafood...
We arrived at our hotel around 10:00pm, but the trip was really fun.
Ilha de Paqueta
ガイドブックなんかを見ると、パケタ島というのがあって、リオから船で1時間くらいで行けるらしい。私たちも行ってみたいと、Glauceeに相談すると、Glauceeが幼い頃はそれはきれいな島だったそうですが、今は環境汚染がすすんでしまって、残念ながら進めできない。行くなら、Ilha Grandeがよい、ということで、ツアーを組んでもらいました。ツアーの内容は下記でR$500。
Hotel Pick Up ( 6am)
Drive by Rio-Santos Road to Mangaratiba
Boat Trip from Mangaratiba to Ilha Grande
Snorkel Adventure on a Private Boat at Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon)
Tracking on the Island to Lopes Mendes Beach
Lunch at Local Seafood Restaurant at Canto Beach
Time to walk around the Village
Boat Trip back to Main Land
Drop off at the hotel ( Around 9pm)
My guide book says there is Ilha de Paqueta, and we can go there about one hour by ship. Then we consulted Glausee about going there. She said Ilha de Paqueta was beautiful island, but unfortunately she could not recommend to go to there because of pollution. If we were to go somewhere, she recommended Ilha Grande, and she proposed the following tour. It costs R$500.
Hotel Pick Up ( 6am)
Drive by Rio-Santos Road to Mangaratiba
Boat Trip from Mangaratiba to Ilha Grande
Snorkel Adventure on a Private Boat at Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon)
Tracking on the Island to Lopes Mendes Beach
Lunch at Local Seafood Restaurant at Canto Beach
Time to walk around the Village
Boat Trip back to Main Land
Drop off at the hotel ( Around 9pm)
Hotel Pick Up ( 6am)
Drive by Rio-Santos Road to Mangaratiba
Boat Trip from Mangaratiba to Ilha Grande
Snorkel Adventure on a Private Boat at Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon)
Tracking on the Island to Lopes Mendes Beach
Lunch at Local Seafood Restaurant at Canto Beach
Time to walk around the Village
Boat Trip back to Main Land
Drop off at the hotel ( Around 9pm)
My guide book says there is Ilha de Paqueta, and we can go there about one hour by ship. Then we consulted Glausee about going there. She said Ilha de Paqueta was beautiful island, but unfortunately she could not recommend to go to there because of pollution. If we were to go somewhere, she recommended Ilha Grande, and she proposed the following tour. It costs R$500.
Hotel Pick Up ( 6am)
Drive by Rio-Santos Road to Mangaratiba
Boat Trip from Mangaratiba to Ilha Grande
Snorkel Adventure on a Private Boat at Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon)
Tracking on the Island to Lopes Mendes Beach
Lunch at Local Seafood Restaurant at Canto Beach
Time to walk around the Village
Boat Trip back to Main Land
Drop off at the hotel ( Around 9pm)
ハンググライダがダメになったので、ビーチに連れていってもらいました。私はこの日、リオ旅行で初めて海に入りました。初めての大西洋♪ 一番驚いたのは、その波の強さ。ものすごい勢いなんです。腰くらいまで浸かってるだけで、波に足を取られます。波も高い。サーファーにはとってもよい環境かも。リオ滞在中、毎日35度くらいだったので、海はとっても気持ちがよかったです。ハワイなんかと比べると若干濁ってる感じもしますが、海はとてもきれい。ビーチでのんびり過ごすだけで、リオに来る価値ありです。パラソルやチェアは、1つ150円くらいでレンタルできます。私たちは、ブラジル人のきれいなおねちゃんやお兄さんの抜群のスタイルをにやにや眺めて過ごしました(笑)。どころで、目の保養のことを、eye candyというんだそうです。ビーチには、eye candyがいっぱい!!!
She took us to the beach because we couldn’t do a hang-gliding. It was the first time during the Rio trip that I entered the sea. It was the first time for me to enter the Atlantic ocean! To my surprise, the wave was really strong. It was really forceful. If I soaked until my waist, I was swept out to the waves. TThe waves were very high. and I thought it was very good environment for surfers. It was 35C every day during our stay in Rio, I feel very comfortable in the sea. The sea was a little thicker than Hawaii, I felt, but it was still very clear. It is worth coming to Rio only spending much time on the beach. We could rent a parasol and chair with about 150 yen. We spent time on the beach with watching the distinguished style of Brazilian people. By the way, Brazilian speak of “Me no Hoyou” as eye candy. There are many eye candies on the beach in Rio!!!
The goal of the tour was a hang gliding, but he said only one person could do on this day. There was three of us, and of course we have made a reservation, but we couldn’t. We could not understand, but it was a kind of Brazilian way.. Then we decided we would try it the last day of our stay. Because of canceling that day, originally, the hang gliding fee was R$240, but he included it with photos (R$60), and the video during the hang-gliding was originally R$120, but he made it R$80. On the day we did hang-gliding, the air was clean and the green looked really sharp because it rained the previous day, then it was the best day for hang gliding. It is all for the best.
The goal of the tour was a hang gliding, but he said only one person could do on this day. There was three of us, and of course we have made a reservation, but we couldn’t. We could not understand, but it was a kind of Brazilian way.. Then we decided we would try it the last day of our stay. Because of canceling that day, originally, the hang gliding fee was R$240, but he included it with photos (R$60), and the video during the hang-gliding was originally R$120, but he made it R$80. On the day we did hang-gliding, the air was clean and the green looked really sharp because it rained the previous day, then it was the best day for hang gliding. It is all for the best.
Maracana Stadium
We made a field trip to the soccer stadium. Speaking of Brazil, it is a soccer! The stadium was really huge, and we hear the stadium can hold more than 14000 people or more than 21000 people, I am not sure... We hear the soccer game is usually held in this season, but this week had no game because of the carnival. So, we thought we could not see a soccer game. However we went to the stadium, we found the soccer game would be held this night at 10:00 pm. The ticket cost only R$20, it was less than 1000 yen. It was very cheap.
Then we went to see the soccer game at the night. It had a huge wave of heat. 14000 people sang and barracked for the team in a covey. It was so powerful. When someone gets a goal, I cannot tell you such an enthusiasm. I hardly saw a soccer game in Japan, and even when J League was started, I went to see games only several times. But it was really fun. When you go to Brazil, you should go to see a soccer game!
Fifth day
Hotel Pick Up
Ride over Paineiras Road for a waterfall experience (bring swimsuit and towel)
Visit to Maracana Stadium
Lunch at Balada Mix in Barra da Tijuca
Hang Gliding over Sao Conrado
Sunset at Pepino Beach
Drop off at the Hotel
When we went to Corcovado, we saw many helicopters and hang gliders in the sky. Then we wanted to see Rio from above the city. As Glaucee’s friend can hang-glide, we decided to try the hang gliding. Glaucee proposed the following tour.
The tour fee was US$80 because Patricia and her friends negotiated it with her.
Hotel Pick Up
Ride over Paineiras Road for a waterfall experience (bring swimsuit and towel)
Visit to Maracana Stadium
Lunch at Balada Mix in Barra da Tijuca
Hang Gliding over Sao Conrado
Sunset at Pepino Beach
Drop off at the Hotel
Physical therapist, Cristina
Cris who is a Patoricia’d friend is a physical therapist. Rerefered to Japan, she is like a massager, a chiropractor or a bone-cracker. When she heard about my back being bad, she offered she would examine my back. The next day of the carnival, she opened her clinic for myself only, waited for me with her friend who could speak English and gave me her treatment with free. She treated me for about one hour. I felt I eased up my pain, but I felt all my pain was completely away from my body because of her kindness.
I think overall Brazilian people are very kind. I met Cris and spent with her only several days in Rio and she can hardly speak English. But as she was so kind to me, I was impressed with her kindness.
Cris who is a Patoricia’d friend is a physical therapist. Rerefered to Japan, she is like a massager, a chiropractor or a bone-cracker. When she heard about my back being bad, she offered she would examine my back. The next day of the carnival, she opened her clinic for myself only, waited for me with her friend who could speak English and gave me her treatment with free. She treated me for about one hour. I felt I eased up my pain, but I felt all my pain was completely away from my body because of her kindness.
I think overall Brazilian people are very kind. I met Cris and spent with her only several days in Rio and she can hardly speak English. But as she was so kind to me, I was impressed with her kindness.
Fourth day
We spent with Patricia and her friends on the last day of the carnival. We ate BBQ, drank Caipirinha, and danced. Another typical drink in Brazil is Asai juice which is made of Asai which is a local specialty in Brazil. It is a juice but it is very thick, so we eat it with spoon. It is dark purple and very tasty. We drank (ate) this Asai juice a lot during our stay in Rio. There are many juice shops in downtown, we can drink various kinds of fresh-squeezed juice with cheap price. I feel exotic atmosphere of a southern land.
パウロにカーニバルのチケットを取ってもらって、見に行ってきました。チケットはUS$250。Sambosromoという、セントラル駅近くの特設会場で、7万人の観客を前に、Grupo Especialと呼ばれる A級チーム14チームがパレードを競い合い、チャンピオンを決定するのです。なんとカーニバルパレードは、夜の9時過ぎに始まって、朝の6時まで続きます。パレードは、とにかく凄い迫力。チケットはちょっと高いかなと思いましたが、全然そんなことない。写真ではとてもとても伝えられない、それはもうすごい迫力でした。1チーム、大きなチームだと4000人の踊り子さん達が、80分間かけて、両サイドに観客席が設けられた1kmくらいの通路を通過します。みんなとてもとてもカラフルな美しい衣装でサンバステップを踏んでいました。とにかくものすごい迫力。観客もみんな歌って踊っています。1チームのパレードが終わると、掃除の人達が通路をお掃除のために通過しますけど、お掃除の人もこれまたとっても上手なサンバステップを踏みだしたりして観客が大喜び。リオのカーニバルの様子を日本ではあまり放送しないと思いますが、もっと放送すべきと思いました。パレードの優勝者は、カーニバルが終わった後(2009年度は2月28日に)チャンピオンパレードを行います。
We went to see Sambosromo as Paulo booked the tickets of the Carnival. The tickets cost US$250.
Fourteen teams which were A-class and called Grupo Especial vied with each other in front of seventy thousand audience at a special site near Central station. It is called Sanbosromo and the judges choose a champion. To my surprise, the carnival parade started at 9:00pm and continued until 6:00am!
The parade was really powerful and amazing. I thought the ticket was a little expensive, but it was not true. Although I cannot tell you the punch of the carnival with photos, the carnival was really powerful. One team having four thousand dancers passed the walkway which was about one kilometer. On each side of it, there were a lot of audiences, and the parade continued for eighty minutes. When the parade of one team was finished, the people who cleaned up the walkway passed it. They were also good at samba and they were dancing with cleaning up the walkway. Therefore, the audiences were greatly pleased with their dance. In Japan, although the carnival in Rio is seldom broadcasted, I am sure we should broadcast the carnival in Rio. The winner of the carnival will have a champion parade after the carnival (February 28th, 2009).
If you drink in Brazil, you should drink Caipirinha. On the first day, we drank Caipirinha for the first time, it was so tasty that we continued drinking Caipirinha until we returned to DC. Caipirinha includes a lot of fruits such as typically lime. First of all, they mash a lot of limes, and put some sugar in and cachaca which is alcohol. Cachaca is a sprit which is made from sugar cane and contains forty percent alcohol. It is easy to drink because it includes some sugar, but it is hard drink. Caipirinha can be made by using various kinds of fruits such as lemon, pineapple, kiwi and marawja which is orangey and a little sour. I like non-sugar Caipirinha. I bought one bottle of cachaca in airport in Rio, then I can feel Rio in my apartment :) :).
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