DC行きの飛行機は、夜の10時半だったので、午後はビーチで過ごしました。海に入って波にもまれ、疲れてはチェアに座ってビールを飲み、eye candyを楽しむ(笑)。時間は矢のように過ぎて言ったけれど、リオ旅行はとてもとても楽しい旅行でした。名古屋からとてもとても遠いけれど母親や父親を是非リオに連れてきたいと思いました。ブラジルは日本とちょうど地球の裏側にあて、入国するにはビザが必要で、いろんな意味で遠い国だなと思っていました。でも、今回の旅行でたくさんのブラジル人に出会い、ブラジル人の優しさに触れ、ブラジルは遠くないって思えました。たくさんの人が機会を作って、ブラジルに、リオに行くことを、強く強くお勧めします。
As our airplane was 10:30pm, we spent time on the beach in the afternoon. I enjoyed the sea, I drank beer with sitting on a chair when I felt tired, and I enjoyed eye candy^^. Although time just flew by, the Rio trip was really fun. I want to take my parents to Rio, although Rio is very far from Nagoya. I thought Brazil was a faraway country in a lot of ways, because Brazil was located other side of the world from Japan and we need visa if we go to Brazil. However I could think Brazil was not a faraway country, as I met many Brazilian people, and felt the kindness of Brazilian. I strongly recommend and I hope many Japanese make a time and go to Brazil and Rio.
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