We made a field trip to the soccer stadium. Speaking of Brazil, it is a soccer! The stadium was really huge, and we hear the stadium can hold more than 14000 people or more than 21000 people, I am not sure... We hear the soccer game is usually held in this season, but this week had no game because of the carnival. So, we thought we could not see a soccer game. However we went to the stadium, we found the soccer game would be held this night at 10:00 pm. The ticket cost only R$20, it was less than 1000 yen. It was very cheap.
Then we went to see the soccer game at the night. It had a huge wave of heat. 14000 people sang and barracked for the team in a covey. It was so powerful. When someone gets a goal, I cannot tell you such an enthusiasm. I hardly saw a soccer game in Japan, and even when J League was started, I went to see games only several times. But it was really fun. When you go to Brazil, you should go to see a soccer game!
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