そして、私のI-94のDeparture Numberは、We can’t・・・と言われてしまったのですね・・・
それにしてもなんて不運な。皆さん、入国書類を書くときには、I-94のDeparture Numberが11桁あることをちゃんと確認しましょう(って、そんなこと知ってるのきっとあたしぐらいだわ。)
I went to the USCIS. It was the second time and I did have an appointment. Although, my appointment was at 8:30 am, I went there at 8:00 am. But, my ticket number was called at 9:00. I had an appointment...
Then a clerk said he couldn’t correct my Departure Number of I-94 Form. Oh, my god!
I-94 Form which I wrote at an Airport in Atlanta was an old version, so my I-94 Form doesn't match a current form. To make matters worse, he said I should go to the airport. I transferred to a domestic flight at Atlanta, so I thought I had to go to Atlanta!! But it was found that I could do it at Dares International Airport. My friend advised me to go there with an attorney because the procedure was so complicated. I hope someone would take me to Dares International Airport...
Anyway, I am really unlucky. Please confirm if Departure Number of I-94 Form is
11-digit when you write an immigration card. (Nobody but I knows about it.)
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