There is no so-called cafe in US. But there is so many Starbucks. There are many cafes in Japan. And most of cafes offer “morning set” in the morning. Normally, morning set includes a toast, salad and boiled egg with a cup of coffee, and it is offered cheaper price than usual.
Well, speaking of a distinctive café is Nagoya. Nagoya has a café which offers a morning set until closing time, nonetheless its name is a “morning” set, and a café which offers “Udon” with coffee as "a morning set", so I think Nagoya is very interesting area.
When all is said and done, the most well-known cafe in Nagoya is café Mountain (http://park7.wakwak.com/~nymidi/mountain/). I have never been to there. I don’t want to eat “Matcha-spa” or “Oshiruko-spa” (they are very sweet spaghetti.)… But, I‘d like to eat very hot spicy pilaf.
S.TEEM (http://www.s-teem.co.jp/)
It’s been a while since I have gone to see a masseur and received acupuncture. S.TEEM sports massage is the massage where the masseur whom I trust in for more than 15 years is. As far as I know, he is the most skillful person who can do a massage and an acupuncture in Japan (I think, in the world). Although I have experiences that I was given massage and acupuncture from tens of people, the effect of him is completely different from other people. If I feel pain on my back and I think it will become hard to walk, sometimes it is too late for remedy. But he ( Motoda-san) always remedies my back pain. Instead, I have to receive his massage and acupuncture two hours every day, for more than a week. One time is 50 minutes and 5000 yen, so if I go to there for one week, I have to pay more than 70000 yen, but I think it is very cheap, if considering about being hospitalized.
Motoda-san is always on an extended business trip accompanying with the Olympic athletes in each Olympic. Further, if there are some competitions, he goes out for a long time. Therefore, when only the opportunity which he is in Tokyo comes, I can aggravate lower back pain.
I am in trouble, because I have to return to Washington DC soon, but it is fine with me that Motoda-san is in Tokyo now.
He is such an important person that when I found a job after graduating from University, I decided to stay in Tokyo because of him.
Anyway, if you have shoulder discomfort or back pain, or want to relax etc, and if you have a time, please receive his massage. It is so nice.
The place(http://www.s-teem.co.jp/) is 10 minutes walk from Tamachi station of JR.
It’s been a while since I have gone to see a masseur and received acupuncture. S.TEEM sports massage is the massage where the masseur whom I trust in for more than 15 years is. As far as I know, he is the most skillful person who can do a massage and an acupuncture in Japan (I think, in the world). Although I have experiences that I was given massage and acupuncture from tens of people, the effect of him is completely different from other people. If I feel pain on my back and I think it will become hard to walk, sometimes it is too late for remedy. But he ( Motoda-san) always remedies my back pain. Instead, I have to receive his massage and acupuncture two hours every day, for more than a week. One time is 50 minutes and 5000 yen, so if I go to there for one week, I have to pay more than 70000 yen, but I think it is very cheap, if considering about being hospitalized.
Motoda-san is always on an extended business trip accompanying with the Olympic athletes in each Olympic. Further, if there are some competitions, he goes out for a long time. Therefore, when only the opportunity which he is in Tokyo comes, I can aggravate lower back pain.
I am in trouble, because I have to return to Washington DC soon, but it is fine with me that Motoda-san is in Tokyo now.
He is such an important person that when I found a job after graduating from University, I decided to stay in Tokyo because of him.
Anyway, if you have shoulder discomfort or back pain, or want to relax etc, and if you have a time, please receive his massage. It is so nice.
The place(http://www.s-teem.co.jp/) is 10 minutes walk from Tamachi station of JR.
P.S. I love you
It’s been a while since I have seen a movies which has Japanese subtitle. Because the movie whose name is “P.S. I love you” was advertised in TV, I went to the theater. The story is the following. There is very close husband and wife and the husband died. The wife is getting to bounce back by 10 letters from her husband who has already passed away.
When I watch TV in US, although I let it show English subtitle, I can’t follow the speed. Then, I usually do nothing but image the story by his or her expression, but it is very easy to my understanding to read Japanese subtitle. Anyway, fee for one adult is 1800 yen. I think the movie is very expensive.
It’s been a while since I have seen a movies which has Japanese subtitle. Because the movie whose name is “P.S. I love you” was advertised in TV, I went to the theater. The story is the following. There is very close husband and wife and the husband died. The wife is getting to bounce back by 10 letters from her husband who has already passed away.
When I watch TV in US, although I let it show English subtitle, I can’t follow the speed. Then, I usually do nothing but image the story by his or her expression, but it is very easy to my understanding to read Japanese subtitle. Anyway, fee for one adult is 1800 yen. I think the movie is very expensive.
Indian restaurant
I lived in Jiyuugaoka in Meguro ward, and I could go to Shibuya within 10 minutes, so I often went to Shibuya. There was an Indian restaurant which I went to more than 10 years ago and I went there after a long interval. To my surprise, the restaurant existed there. This restaurant (http://www.rajmahal.gr.jp/) is always crowded. If I ask to make it very hot and spicy, they cook really hot and spicy curry, so I love the restaurant. My friend who went with me couldn’t eat the curry because it was too hot, so we had to order another curry which was not hot.
Café in Shibuya
There are many many people in Shibuya on weekend. Therefore, of course, cafes are packed with people. There is a cafe which I have been to for more than ten years. The cafe locates in the middle of Shibuya, but it is always almost empty. The cafe has many kinds of cakes and if I order hot coffee or hot tea, I can drink the second one at no charge, so I think the cafe is very nice. I went there in about three years, the cafe was still there. I took a comfort in knowing that.
My friend
I am staying in my friend’s house this week. As her house is detached house and she lives with her son, the house is very spacy and so comfortable. There is liquor store in front of her house, so I can drink much. If I return to Japan next spring, I wish to stay at her house for a while.
I found her son calls me ”Mika”, so I am very happy.
She has a rabbit, and its name is Tutu. Tutu is so cute. If my friend goes to upstairs, Tutu sits and waits at the bottom of the stairs. But Tutu does droppings outside his toilet, so if I am not careful, I will tread Tutu’s droppings.. But Tutu makes me feel comfort very much.
My sister’s husband’s mother
By the way, my sister’s husband’s mother reads my blog. I am very happy that she reads my blog, but she seems to enjoy my blog. And she gave me an allowance! It was in dollars. I was so happy, and I am so pleased about her feeling, and I will take good care of it. My sister’s husband’s mother always sends some vegetables or Kuri-gohan to my sister, so she is very warm-hearted person. I think I would not usually become close to my sister's husband's parents, but they are very lovely people that I feel close to them. If I lived close to their house, I would go to their house. I decided I would try hard to update my blog.
By the way, my sister’s husband’s mother reads my blog. I am very happy that she reads my blog, but she seems to enjoy my blog. And she gave me an allowance! It was in dollars. I was so happy, and I am so pleased about her feeling, and I will take good care of it. My sister’s husband’s mother always sends some vegetables or Kuri-gohan to my sister, so she is very warm-hearted person. I think I would not usually become close to my sister's husband's parents, but they are very lovely people that I feel close to them. If I lived close to their house, I would go to their house. I decided I would try hard to update my blog.
I went to my sister’s apartment on Monday bringing pasta which I bought in Italy to see her baby, Hiro-kun. Recently, Hiro-kun is in the time when he emulates what we do, so if I smile, he smiles, too. This is very very cute. Hiro-kun is so cute!!
If nobody holds Hiro-kun, he begins to cry. Therefore, my sister always holds him. It is not so easy. I am sure that I will get back pain if I do so because Hiro-kun is no less than 6 kg although he is just three month old.

I went to my friend’s house to see her baby, Tomoki. He is the second baby for her. As he is just one month old, he is very small and very very cute. Although his elder sister is only four years old, she knew she was a elder sister very well. Although his elder sister is only four years old, she knows she is an elder sister very well. Tomo-kun was sleeping in a bed which swung automatically. When Tomo-kun began to cry, she went to his bed and she swung his bed. I was very impressed to see that, because she behaved as an elder sister very well in spite of her age. My friend bought her own house, and it was really nice. I thought if she were my mother (she is really gentle and the house is really cute), I could be gentler...
Well, speaking of Nagoya, it is Misonikomi Udon and Hitumabusi. As I met my friends on Saturday, and we drank until Sunday morning , I had a big hangover or rather I was still terribly drunk. So my friend and I went to eat Misonikomi Udon for Sunday lunch. Speaking of Misonikomi Udon, it is Yamamotoya. As we have to wait for one hour at Yamamotoya which is at Takashimaya department store at Nagoya station, we went to Sakae. It’s been a while since I ate Misonikomi Udon. I chose one which as Shijimi in it. It was about 2500 yen. It was really good, but it was a little expensive. I thought if I say I had eaten a noodle at $25 a bowl, Americans won't believe it.
I was born in Nagoya and I had been in Nagoya until 18 years old, so I went back to my parents’ house for three-day weekend to see my friend’s and my sister’s babies.
On Saturday, I met my friends in Nagoya after a long absence.
As I have just returned to Japan from Washington DC, they took me to the restaurant which offered Maguro shabushabu. I did shabushabu Maguro which had plenty of fat, it was non-fatty surprisingly, so I could eat many slices. As Washington has no Maguro shabushabu (specifically, no slice), it was so tasty!
Hot spring
As I have a long sleep every day after returning to Japan on Thursday, I am very fine. My colleagues in Hibiki had a welcome-back party at Hokkaidou (Izakaya). On Saturday, I met with my friends at my friend’s restaurant in Shibuya and had dinner. I ate boiled bitter gourd and Kuri-okowa, they were really nice!
Then next day, I went to Hakone to go to hot spring, since I came all the way back to Japan. I soaked in hot spring for a long long time. I can soak in the bath tab in my apartment in Washington DC, because I moved to a new apartment, but hot spring in Japan is special for me.
I would like to introduce my boss.
I will return to Japan from October 1 to 28 temporarily. So far, I was writing about my life in DC, but I will write about Japan and Hibiki while I am in Tokyo. I went to Posz Law Group in Reston (http://www.poszlaw.com/), and I introduced about Hibiki. Then I post it on my blog. I will eat much Japanese food while I am in Tokyo. I am really looking forward to it.
Hibiki IP Law Firm was founded in 2001. So, our law firm has been in business for only 8 years.
I joined Hibiki in 2004, so this is the fifth year from I joined Hibiki. When I joined Hibiki, it had less than 10 employees, but after I joined Hibiki, work increased more and more, and then Hibiki has about 50 employees now, which is a medium-sized law firm in Japan.
When all is said and done, a characteristic of Hibiki is Mr. Ieiri, I think. So, I would like to introduce my boss to you.
First of all, he is young. When I decided to join Hibiki, he was only 36 years old. Most of law firms in Japan, a chairman is very old, but Mr. Ieiri is not old. One of the reasons why I joined Hibiki was that Mr. Ieiri was very young.
Secondly, he is a decisive person. Mr. Ieiri always makes a decision very quickly. And as far as I know, he has never made an error in decision. I think this is why he has such charisma. It is not exaggeration that most of employees are attached to his charisma.
Thirdly, he is really considerate to his employees. I have many stories in order to explain that he is really considerate to employees.
For example, I have a back problem for a long time. When I couldn’t work because of pain, I was transported by ambulance to the hospital in 2005. At that time, he said to me to forget all about work and just put my treatment first in everything.
In our law firm, we have a system that when we pass the patent attorney exam, Mr. Ieiri buys for us an Aeron Chair. As far as I know, an Aeron Chair is one of the most low impact chairs for our back. Mr. Ieiri said to me before I passed the patent attorney exam that I had better use an Aeron Chair. But I always said as I haven’t had not passed the exam, I couldn’t get him to buy the Aeron Chair.
Then, when I went to the Office after leaving the hospital, an Aeron Chair was put on my seat. It was Mr. Ieiri’s. He bought a new Aeron Chair for him, and he gave me his previous chair. He thought that nobody complained about that because it was used by Mr. Ieiri and I didn’t need to mind the chair because it was not new. It was very helpful for me.
Further, after my being discharged from the hospital, I couldn’t go to office because of back pain, so he permitted working at home quickly. When I came back to the office, he bought a couch in order to lie down on the couch whenever I felt pain. After it was decided to go to Washington DC, when he knew that I couldn’t sit on an economy seat because of pain, he bought me a business class ticket readily.
In addition, he is very responsible, caring, and tactful person. His personal character becomes evident in his replies of e-mail. For example, when I have 10 questions which would like to ask him, I ask him only three questions because he is very busy. However, whenever I ask him some questions, he answers not only some questions, but also other questions about which I don't ask him. I think he thinks why I have questions, and he assumes other questions.
As previously mentions, when I had a job interview, as Hibiki was very small law firm, so I was not going to enter Hibiki. But, after repeating to exchange e-mail with him, I was very impressed with his considerate and clear responses and I decided to work with him.
Furthermore, he works very quickly. Although he is quick to reach his decision, he is also very quick at other every works. For example, when I send e-mail, he always replies first though he is very busy.
I would like to close by saying that I really wanted to come to US because I am very interested in American people and I would like to make it possible to speak English. But as you know, I can’t speak English well, actually I can’t read and write English well. So I don’t know why he let me go to Sughrue as a trainee. But he never makes a bad decision, and I trust in him completely. So I will definitely learn something which is informative and useful for our clients and Hibiki during my training in US.
I will return to Japan from October 1 to 28 temporarily. So far, I was writing about my life in DC, but I will write about Japan and Hibiki while I am in Tokyo. I went to Posz Law Group in Reston (http://www.poszlaw.com/), and I introduced about Hibiki. Then I post it on my blog. I will eat much Japanese food while I am in Tokyo. I am really looking forward to it.
Hibiki IP Law Firm was founded in 2001. So, our law firm has been in business for only 8 years.
I joined Hibiki in 2004, so this is the fifth year from I joined Hibiki. When I joined Hibiki, it had less than 10 employees, but after I joined Hibiki, work increased more and more, and then Hibiki has about 50 employees now, which is a medium-sized law firm in Japan.
When all is said and done, a characteristic of Hibiki is Mr. Ieiri, I think. So, I would like to introduce my boss to you.
First of all, he is young. When I decided to join Hibiki, he was only 36 years old. Most of law firms in Japan, a chairman is very old, but Mr. Ieiri is not old. One of the reasons why I joined Hibiki was that Mr. Ieiri was very young.
Secondly, he is a decisive person. Mr. Ieiri always makes a decision very quickly. And as far as I know, he has never made an error in decision. I think this is why he has such charisma. It is not exaggeration that most of employees are attached to his charisma.
Thirdly, he is really considerate to his employees. I have many stories in order to explain that he is really considerate to employees.
For example, I have a back problem for a long time. When I couldn’t work because of pain, I was transported by ambulance to the hospital in 2005. At that time, he said to me to forget all about work and just put my treatment first in everything.
In our law firm, we have a system that when we pass the patent attorney exam, Mr. Ieiri buys for us an Aeron Chair. As far as I know, an Aeron Chair is one of the most low impact chairs for our back. Mr. Ieiri said to me before I passed the patent attorney exam that I had better use an Aeron Chair. But I always said as I haven’t had not passed the exam, I couldn’t get him to buy the Aeron Chair.
Then, when I went to the Office after leaving the hospital, an Aeron Chair was put on my seat. It was Mr. Ieiri’s. He bought a new Aeron Chair for him, and he gave me his previous chair. He thought that nobody complained about that because it was used by Mr. Ieiri and I didn’t need to mind the chair because it was not new. It was very helpful for me.
Further, after my being discharged from the hospital, I couldn’t go to office because of back pain, so he permitted working at home quickly. When I came back to the office, he bought a couch in order to lie down on the couch whenever I felt pain. After it was decided to go to Washington DC, when he knew that I couldn’t sit on an economy seat because of pain, he bought me a business class ticket readily.
In addition, he is very responsible, caring, and tactful person. His personal character becomes evident in his replies of e-mail. For example, when I have 10 questions which would like to ask him, I ask him only three questions because he is very busy. However, whenever I ask him some questions, he answers not only some questions, but also other questions about which I don't ask him. I think he thinks why I have questions, and he assumes other questions.
As previously mentions, when I had a job interview, as Hibiki was very small law firm, so I was not going to enter Hibiki. But, after repeating to exchange e-mail with him, I was very impressed with his considerate and clear responses and I decided to work with him.
Furthermore, he works very quickly. Although he is quick to reach his decision, he is also very quick at other every works. For example, when I send e-mail, he always replies first though he is very busy.
I would like to close by saying that I really wanted to come to US because I am very interested in American people and I would like to make it possible to speak English. But as you know, I can’t speak English well, actually I can’t read and write English well. So I don’t know why he let me go to Sughrue as a trainee. But he never makes a bad decision, and I trust in him completely. So I will definitely learn something which is informative and useful for our clients and Hibiki during my training in US.
Moving house
I moved to Ballston Square in Ballston from Oakwood on September 29. Many friends helped my moving. Particularly, W-san and K-san came to my apartment in Oakwood at 9:30 am and helped me to pack. Since there were seven helpers, we could start to put my bags in the truck at 1: 00 pm, then we finished taking the bags into my new apartment at 3:30 pm. As it rained hard only during driving the truck, we didn’t get wet with rain.
We went to the Ethiopian restaurant to have dinner at night. Thank you everyone for
helping me, thank you so much!
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