It was so fine on the last day in Miami. I can wear no-sleeve shirt. I think it was 25 degree. We played golf, went shopping, and felt easy in the café.
BTW, seafood was so nice in Miami as may be expected of closeness to the sea. We went to the restaurant which is the best in Miami. The sauté of scallop, the grill of a whitefish, and seafood pasta were really good. I went to many good restaurants and ate too much food in Miami, so I have to go on a diet when I return to DC.
Key West
マイアミビーチから車で4時間のところにあるKey Westというところに行ってきました。マイアミより南側です。結構遠かったです。でも海がとってもきれいで、そのうえ、ものすごく暑い。水着でいても汗だく、って感じで、やっと南国旅行って感じになりました。Key West では、船に乗って、シュノーケリングをしに行きました。船は、アルコール飲み放題です。3時の船で、1時間ほど沖に出たところで、シュノーケリングになったんですけど、あたしは寒くて、海に入るのやめちゃいました。みんなは元気に入ってましたけど。海はお魚いっぱいのようでした。
帰りに、日本料理レストランに行きました。Key West ってかなり田舎と思うんですけど、日本食、結構おいしかったです。
We went to Key West thru four-hour-drive from Miami Beach. Key West is located in the south of Miami. It was quite far... But the sea was really beautiful, and it was so hot! Although we put on bathing suit, it was sweltering. So we felt an exotic atmosphere of a southern area. We took a boat and were in
offing to do snorkeling in Key West. The ship was all-you-can-drink. We took a ship at 3:00 pm, and in the place one hour off the beach, we did snorkeling. But it was so cold, so I didn’t do snorkel. Although everyone did snorkeling, it was so cold for me do snorkeling. We stopped at a Japanese restaurant on the way to Miami. I thought Key West was quite local, but the Japanese food was good.
Asia De Cuba
We went to the restaurant, whose name was Asia De Cuba, where they served mixed food of Cuba and Asian food. Many people in Miami said the restaurant was really nice. The restaurant is a well-reputed restaurant, but it was a quite new. The food was excellent as they say, we were satisfied with the food even though the price was a little expensive. There is the same restaurant in NY, so I am going to go to the restaurant when I go to NY next time.
By the way, Yuna is so so soooo cute! She is getting prettier day by day.
December 25 and 26 are holidays in the US. Therefore, some of the Japanese trainees including me visited Miami. It took two hours and a little more from DC to Miami by air. We, 5 Japanese, Janice and a baby stayed in a big room which had two bedrooms and a kitchen. We asked the hotel to furnish us with one extra bed, and one person slept in a sofa.
I supposed Miami was so hot before visiting there, but in winter, Miami was not so hot. It was a little cold, so we need a jacket on a half sleeve shirt. It was too cold to play on the beach. We went to a Duck tour the first day. We rode an amphibious car and looked around the houses of movie stars. The host man was very funny and in fact he was a skinhead.
December 25 and 26 are holidays in the US. Therefore, some of the Japanese trainees including me visited Miami. It took two hours and a little more from DC to Miami by air. We, 5 Japanese, Janice and a baby stayed in a big room which had two bedrooms and a kitchen. We asked the hotel to furnish us with one extra bed, and one person slept in a sofa.
I supposed Miami was so hot before visiting there, but in winter, Miami was not so hot. It was a little cold, so we need a jacket on a half sleeve shirt. It was too cold to play on the beach. We went to a Duck tour the first day. We rode an amphibious car and looked around the houses of movie stars. The host man was very funny and in fact he was a skinhead.
Woodbury Common
I went to Woodbury Common again. If the fifh Ave. is on sale, I can’t imagine how cheap the prices of the outlet are!?
I was going to take the 7 pm bus in Manhattan to return to DC, so I have to return to Manhattan by 6:00 pm. There is a direct bus to Woodbury Common from Port Authority bus terminal in Manhattan. It takes one hour and fifteen minutes one way, and it costs $20. It was snowing at Woodbury Common and the ground was covered with snow…
Therefore there were few people at the outlet. The price was amazing, because the outlet price was further 75% discount. I can’t calculate the price!!! I decided that I will come to Woodbury Common in December and will buy a year’s worth of clothes every year.
I got up late on Sunday, so I arrived at the outlet after 11:00 am. But I bought too many clothes and shoes that I could carry before 3:00pm (But many clothes and shoes were really cheap…) I did not need to have the concern that I have to return to the Manhattan by 6:00 pm, because I finished shopping early. I really like shopping.
I went to Woodbury Common again. If the fifh Ave. is on sale, I can’t imagine how cheap the prices of the outlet are!?
I was going to take the 7 pm bus in Manhattan to return to DC, so I have to return to Manhattan by 6:00 pm. There is a direct bus to Woodbury Common from Port Authority bus terminal in Manhattan. It takes one hour and fifteen minutes one way, and it costs $20. It was snowing at Woodbury Common and the ground was covered with snow…
Therefore there were few people at the outlet. The price was amazing, because the outlet price was further 75% discount. I can’t calculate the price!!! I decided that I will come to Woodbury Common in December and will buy a year’s worth of clothes every year.
I got up late on Sunday, so I arrived at the outlet after 11:00 am. But I bought too many clothes and shoes that I could carry before 3:00pm (But many clothes and shoes were really cheap…) I did not need to have the concern that I have to return to the Manhattan by 6:00 pm, because I finished shopping early. I really like shopping.
Sale on 5th Ave
Speaking of the fifth Ave.in NY, it is the street of brand-name goods. To my surprise, most of the high class brand-name shops discounted their goods. I suppose the brand-name shops like those in Japan never discount their goods. A Although at Louis Vuitton their goods were not on sale, most of the shops such as GUCCI and Emilio Pucci discounted them by 50%. But there was not an advertising which showed a sale at shop-front. A salesclerk told me that most of the shops started the sale after Thanksgiving, and they began an actual sale at the beginning of December. I recommend a person who favor the high class brand-name goods would go to NY in December.
Speaking of the fifth Ave.in NY, it is the street of brand-name goods. To my surprise, most of the high class brand-name shops discounted their goods. I suppose the brand-name shops like those in Japan never discount their goods. A Although at Louis Vuitton their goods were not on sale, most of the shops such as GUCCI and Emilio Pucci discounted them by 50%. But there was not an advertising which showed a sale at shop-front. A salesclerk told me that most of the shops started the sale after Thanksgiving, and they began an actual sale at the beginning of December. I recommend a person who favor the high class brand-name goods would go to NY in December.
Soooooo….. cold!!!
ロックフェラーセンターのクリスマスツリーがどうしても見たかったので、土日にNYCい行くことにしました。一人旅♪ しかもお金がないのでバス。25ドルで4時間でNYにつきます。朝7時45分のバスをチョイスしましたが、日本人トレイニーの人達がいました。みんな結構バスでNYに行くのです。
チェックイン後、ほとんど凍死覚悟でツリーを見に行きました。ホテルはロックフェラーセンタから2,3分のところに取ったので、まだよかったですけど。ちなみに、1泊160ドル。激安だけど、朝食も着いてたし、きれいなホテルで気に入りました。The hotel at the times square、おススメです。
Since I do want to see the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center, I went to NY on the weekend. I went on a trip alone and went by bus, because I have no money… The bus costs $25 per person and it takes four hours to Manhattan. Although I took a bus which leaves Roslyn at 7:45 am, some of Japanese trainees also took the same bus. Many Japanese go to NY by bus.
Then, when I arrived at NYC, it was so so soooooooo cold!!! It felt 10 degrees colder than DC. Of course, it was snowing and windy. Although I went to see the Christmas tree, I checked in the hotel first. I could not go out of the hotel because it was so cold…
After check in, I was determined to almost die of cold, I went to see the Christmas Tree. It was good for me that the hotel was located in a couple of minutes walk from the Rockefeller Center. By the way, I stayed in the hotel at the times square. It costs $160 per one night. It was including the breakfast, so I think it is cheap and I recommend the hotel.
Since an illumination of the Christmas tree was changed to LED from this year, I thought it lacked a little punch. I update the pictures which I took at day and night. The actual Christmas tree of the night was more beautiful than the night picture. There is a skate rink in the Rockefeller Center, and I heard a guy made a marriage proposal to a woman there. Man in every country think about the situation of the marriage proposal.
I met my friend in Manhattan and went shopping with her. You know, it is the best to go shopping with girl friends.
I got a new camera!!
I received a long-sought new digital camera yesterday! Since I will go to a McGinn's Christmas party today, I will take many pictures. Although the instructions were written in English and Espanol, we can select a menu in Japanese. So, I choose Japanese. Actually, I have to choose an English menu to improve my English, but I am not good at machines. Therefore, despite a menu in Japanese, I can’t use it very well. I update my blog with a trial photo today. It is a curtain holder of poodle which I bought in Japan. It is unnecessary for me, but so cute! Whenever I take a shower in the morning, I remove it from a curtain. The curtain holder of poodle relieves me. I believe a single life needs healings.
ボーナスが出ましたね^^。家入さん、ありがとうございます!!! さて、みんなは何に使うのかしら。私は、こっちでものすごい勢いでお金を使っているので、すでにボーナス分は使い果たしてる感じです(苦笑)。それにしても、旅行が安いです。お正月のシーズンは高いけれど、ハワイ4泊600ドル、カンクーン5泊400ドルなどなど。時間があったらいろんなところに行きたいですけど、スケジューリングが大変です。
We have already gotten a/our bonus! Ieiri-san, thank you very much!!! Well, what are you going to buy? Since I already spent so much money in the US, I have no bonus…. By the way, many trips are very cheap. Four nights in Hawai is about $600, and 5 nights in Cancun is about $400. If I have time, I would like to go everywhere, but it is difficult to schedule.
I suppose that as there are long holidays at year-end and new year week in Japan, many people will go abroad. In the US, although January 1st is a holiday, we will work on year-end and after January 2nd . However, Christmas is a holyday, different from Japan. We, most of Sughrue trainees, are going to go to Miami during Christmas week!
We have already gotten a/our bonus! Ieiri-san, thank you very much!!! Well, what are you going to buy? Since I already spent so much money in the US, I have no bonus…. By the way, many trips are very cheap. Four nights in Hawai is about $600, and 5 nights in Cancun is about $400. If I have time, I would like to go everywhere, but it is difficult to schedule.
I suppose that as there are long holidays at year-end and new year week in Japan, many people will go abroad. In the US, although January 1st is a holiday, we will work on year-end and after January 2nd . However, Christmas is a holyday, different from Japan. We, most of Sughrue trainees, are going to go to Miami during Christmas week!
Nabe party
I It is a year-end season, so we had a "Nabe" party. I made “Mizu-taki”. It was the first "Nabe" in this year. By the way, meats in the US, I think, have much, much scum. It really surprised me. Therefore, I boiled chicken before "Nabe." I am sure that a person who never cooks will be surprised at such scum because, there is much scum when I cook “Nimono”. I think people imagined this condition means the meat is bad. I don’t know the reason, but it might be caused by the water.
My friend brought us cheese dip as an appetizer, and it was really good. We drank a bottle of wine which I bought in Napa valley in San Fransisco during my trip to the West Coast. Although It cost about 40-50 dollars including shipping charge, it was really good, too.
I It is a year-end season, so we had a "Nabe" party. I made “Mizu-taki”. It was the first "Nabe" in this year. By the way, meats in the US, I think, have much, much scum. It really surprised me. Therefore, I boiled chicken before "Nabe." I am sure that a person who never cooks will be surprised at such scum because, there is much scum when I cook “Nimono”. I think people imagined this condition means the meat is bad. I don’t know the reason, but it might be caused by the water.
My friend brought us cheese dip as an appetizer, and it was really good. We drank a bottle of wine which I bought in Napa valley in San Fransisco during my trip to the West Coast. Although It cost about 40-50 dollars including shipping charge, it was really good, too.
久しぶりに英会話に行きました。前回まで使用していた教材を使わなくなったので、今回、先生(彼の名前はモーマンといいます。)は、私のブログをいくつかコピーしてきて、文法を訂正してくれました。時制とか、動詞句とか、進行形にしてはいけない(forget, miss)とか、セミコロンの使い方とかを教えてもらいました。レベル的には、中学とか高校レベルの指摘なんですが、あたしにはとっても勉強になっています。結構いいなぁと思いました。日本に帰ってもせっせと英語でブログを書いて、英会話の先生に文法を見てもらおうかなぁと思いました。さて、英会話ですけど、なんと日本から戻ってきて昨日が初レッスンでした。10回分のレッスンしか買っていませんが、月に1回ペースでしかレッスンを受けれてないので、まだまだ終わらない感じ。もっとまじめに通わなくては・・・
ちなみに、英会話の先生に修正された箇所は、太文字にしてみました。昨日は、Grandmother, Anti-thief tag!!!, American footballを訂正してもらいました。
Yesterday was the first English lesson I've taken in a longtime. As we no longer use the text book we were using, my teacher whose name is Moorman copied some parts of the text in my blog, and he corrected the grammar of the text. He taught me many things such as tense, verb phase, some verb (forget, miss) where I can’t use progressive form, how to use the semicolon. The level was around junior high school or high school, but they were good lessons for me. I think this lesson like this is really good to improve my English, specifically grammar. So, when I return to Japan, I will update my blog in English diligently, then I am going to have my teacher check my blog.
BTW, yesterday was the first lesson since I returned to the US in October…I bought only 10 lessons, but I can’t find time to finish all my lessons… I have to take an English lesson seriously.
Note that, I changed the points which Moorman corrected with bold font. Yesterday, I had Moorman corrected “Grandmother”, “Anti-thief tag!!!”, “American football”.
ちなみに、英会話の先生に修正された箇所は、太文字にしてみました。昨日は、Grandmother, Anti-thief tag!!!, American footballを訂正してもらいました。
Yesterday was the first English lesson I've taken in a longtime. As we no longer use the text book we were using, my teacher whose name is Moorman copied some parts of the text in my blog, and he corrected the grammar of the text. He taught me many things such as tense, verb phase, some verb (forget, miss) where I can’t use progressive form, how to use the semicolon. The level was around junior high school or high school, but they were good lessons for me. I think this lesson like this is really good to improve my English, specifically grammar. So, when I return to Japan, I will update my blog in English diligently, then I am going to have my teacher check my blog.
BTW, yesterday was the first lesson since I returned to the US in October…I bought only 10 lessons, but I can’t find time to finish all my lessons… I have to take an English lesson seriously.
Note that, I changed the points which Moorman corrected with bold font. Yesterday, I had Moorman corrected “Grandmother”, “Anti-thief tag!!!”, “American football”.
19 C
To my surprise, the temperature in DC is 19 degrees Celsiustoday. It is very warm today, I sweat slightly if I wear a coat. I don’t know why it is so warm… I heard Japan had mild winter this year, but the temperature in Tokyo is 5 degrees Celsius today. I set my laptop so as to show the temperatures of DC and Tokyo in the desktop. It was so hot in my room in Sughrue, when I was working during the day. But it will rain from tonight to the weekend in DC. As I feel pain more when it rains, I hate rain.
To my surprise, the temperature in DC is 19 degrees Celsiustoday. It is very warm today, I sweat slightly if I wear a coat. I don’t know why it is so warm… I heard Japan had mild winter this year, but the temperature in Tokyo is 5 degrees Celsius today. I set my laptop so as to show the temperatures of DC and Tokyo in the desktop. It was so hot in my room in Sughrue, when I was working during the day. But it will rain from tonight to the weekend in DC. As I feel pain more when it rains, I hate rain.
Celsius and Fahrenheit
A temperature is shown in “Celsius” in Japan, but a temperature is shown in “Fahrenheit” in US. This is quite difficult to calculate. Fahrenheit=( Celsius-32)*5/9. But it is too difficult to calculate Celsius without calculator. When it is 40 F, it is 4.4 C. When it is 80 F, it is 26.7 C. I am setting my room temperature to Fahrenheit 80.
Recently, it is a little warm in DC, so it is Fahrenheit 47 F (8 C) today.
I decide my clothes by watching a weather report on TV, but I can’t understand the temperature which is shown in Fahrenheit. So, I go out to my balcony and I check the temperature of that day.
A temperature is shown in “Celsius” in Japan, but a temperature is shown in “Fahrenheit” in US. This is quite difficult to calculate. Fahrenheit=( Celsius-32)*5/9. But it is too difficult to calculate Celsius without calculator. When it is 40 F, it is 4.4 C. When it is 80 F, it is 26.7 C. I am setting my room temperature to Fahrenheit 80.
Recently, it is a little warm in DC, so it is Fahrenheit 47 F (8 C) today.
I decide my clothes by watching a weather report on TV, but I can’t understand the temperature which is shown in Fahrenheit. So, I go out to my balcony and I check the temperature of that day.
Phillip Morris
アメリカ人はタバコを吸わないと思っていたら、DCでは結構みんなタバコ吸っています。で、友達のタバコの箱に、Quit Assistという冊子が挟まってました。表紙にIf you decide to quit smoking...と書いてあります。中を読んでみると、タバコを止める方法はいっぱいある、フィリップモリスのサイトにアクセスすれば、禁煙を成功するチャンスが大きくなるでしょう、などとたくさん書いてあるわけです。フィリップモリスはタバコの会社なので不思議な感じです。タバコを売っているのに、禁煙を推奨している・・・。
When I was in Japan, I thought that people in US do not smoke. But, actually, many people smoke in DC.
A It showed “If you decide to quit smoking...” on the cover. When I read the booklet,
a lot of descriptions were there such as “there are many ways to quit smoke..." and “a free information resource that may help you increase your chance for success. It is a little funny, because Phillip Morris is a company which sells cigarettes. Although they do so, they, on the other side, recommend quitting smoking...
When I was in Japan, I thought that people in US do not smoke. But, actually, many people smoke in DC.
A It showed “If you decide to quit smoking...” on the cover. When I read the booklet,
a lot of descriptions were there such as “there are many ways to quit smoke..." and “a free information resource that may help you increase your chance for success. It is a little funny, because Phillip Morris is a company which sells cigarettes. Although they do so, they, on the other side, recommend quitting smoking...
Shoes repair
There is a shoes-repair shop on the first floor of the building where Sughrue is, so it is very convenient. My boots being too tight, I had them stretched. It cost $7. The boots being still tight, I had them stretched once again. It was free. But they are still tight...
I had heals of other boots repaired today. They were fixed within 5 minutes and it cost $15. I suppose there is no difference between in Japan and in US regarding shoes repair.
There is a shoes-repair shop on the first floor of the building where Sughrue is, so it is very convenient. My boots being too tight, I had them stretched. It cost $7. The boots being still tight, I had them stretched once again. It was free. But they are still tight...
I had heals of other boots repaired today. They were fixed within 5 minutes and it cost $15. I suppose there is no difference between in Japan and in US regarding shoes repair.
Digital camera
I decided to buy a new digital camera. When I compared the price of Amazon.com of US with the price of Kakaku.com of Japan, I found that the price in Japan was a little cheaper than that of US.
I bought a digital camera which has 10 million pixels and 5× optical zoom, a memory of 8G and extra battery. Total cost was about 23000 yen. I don’t know whether the price is reasonable or not. I also don't know the reason why Amazon.com sent me a bill in Japanese yen… It is a Japanese maker, but the instruction may be written in English, so I will never read the instruction, even in Japanese…
I decided to buy a new digital camera. When I compared the price of Amazon.com of US with the price of Kakaku.com of Japan, I found that the price in Japan was a little cheaper than that of US.
I bought a digital camera which has 10 million pixels and 5× optical zoom, a memory of 8G and extra battery. Total cost was about 23000 yen. I don’t know whether the price is reasonable or not. I also don't know the reason why Amazon.com sent me a bill in Japanese yen… It is a Japanese maker, but the instruction may be written in English, so I will never read the instruction, even in Japanese…
TV program
そういえば、料理の鉄人や、ミリオネアのUS版がテレビでやってます。Iron Chefというわけですけど、鉄人も挑戦者も外人なんで、なんだか不思議な気がします。お料理や、賞金ゲット番組は、全世界共通なんですねぇ。と思っていたら、ミリオネアって、輸入番組だったんですね。元はイギリスの番組みたいです。アメリカ版のミリオネアは賞金も億単位みたいだし、ライフラインも微妙に違ってるみたいですけど。
I found the TV programs such as “Ryouri no Tetsujin” and “Quiz Millionaire ” were
on TV in America. “Ryouri no Tetsujin” is named “Iron Chef”in America. As both of an Iron Chef and a challenger are foreigners, of course, I feel uncanny… Although I thought a cooking (good dishes) and TV programs obtaining money were common all over the world, the TV program of “Milionaire” seems to have been imported from other country. An original “Millionaire” came from England. An original “Millionaire” came from England. BTW, a prize money seems to be million dollars and “a life lines” are a little different from that in Japan in “Millionaire” in US.
I found the TV programs such as “Ryouri no Tetsujin” and “Quiz Millionaire ” were
on TV in America. “Ryouri no Tetsujin” is named “Iron Chef”in America. As both of an Iron Chef and a challenger are foreigners, of course, I feel uncanny… Although I thought a cooking (good dishes) and TV programs obtaining money were common all over the world, the TV program of “Milionaire” seems to have been imported from other country. An original “Millionaire” came from England. An original “Millionaire” came from England. BTW, a prize money seems to be million dollars and “a life lines” are a little different from that in Japan in “Millionaire” in US.
Christmas party
シュグルとオブロンのクリスマスパーティをはしごしました! 両方とも弁護士と弁護士の家族とお友達と、その他従業員達が集合で、何百人もいて、誰がどこにいるかわかりませんでしたけど・・・。パーティなので、弁護士なんかはタキシード来てましたね。最初、お酒、前菜、お食事なんかが7時頃からあって、その後9時過ぎからdancing timeになって、みんな踊っていました。やっぱり、ダンスになると、黒人はなんてかっこよいのでしょう♪やっぱサマになります。そんな姿を見ちゃうと、やっぱり黒人の彼(夫)がいいわねぇ、などと、女性陣で語り合いました(笑)。
I went from the party of Sughrue to the party of Oblon. There were many attorneys, their family, and their friends, and other employees at both of the parties, and I didn’t know who came to the party, because there were hundreds of people. Some of attorneys wore a tuxedo, as it was a party. Firstly, we drank, and ate appetizer and main dish from 7:00 pm, and then everybody started dancing at 9:00 pm. The party continued over 1:00 am. Well, how cool black people are, when they were dancing! The black people can dance very well. We, girls, talked about black boy people who can dance so cool and we wished they would be our boyfriend or husband at least at that time.
I went from the party of Sughrue to the party of Oblon. There were many attorneys, their family, and their friends, and other employees at both of the parties, and I didn’t know who came to the party, because there were hundreds of people. Some of attorneys wore a tuxedo, as it was a party. Firstly, we drank, and ate appetizer and main dish from 7:00 pm, and then everybody started dancing at 9:00 pm. The party continued over 1:00 am. Well, how cool black people are, when they were dancing! The black people can dance very well. We, girls, talked about black boy people who can dance so cool and we wished they would be our boyfriend or husband at least at that time.
Anti-thief tag!!!
シュグルのクリスマスパーティは正装と聞いていたので、思い切ってドレスを買ってみました(笑)。純白の超ロングドレスですの。今回のパーティ以外で、着る機会はきっとないでしょう・・・。で、またタグです。盗難防止用のタグです。家で試着したら、ドレスにタグが付いてたんです。アメリカでタグ付きだったのは、これで3度目。なんで出口で盗難防止装置が作動しないのよって思いますけど。毎度毎度で申し訳ないのですけど、渡辺さんにもう一回お店に連れて行ってもらいました。もー、信じられない。I am sorry about thatなどと言われましたけど、反省してくださいっ!
Since I heard everybody gets dressed up for the Sughrue Christmas party, I went ahead and bought a dress. It is a long, long, very white dress. I think I never would wear this dress other than for the Sughrue party… Then, I found a tag!! It was a anti-thief tag. When I tried it on in my room, I found the tag. This was the third time that a tag was left in my clothes which I bought in US. I don’t know the reason why an anti-thief system didn’t work. I was very sorry, but I had Watanabe-san take me to the store again. I can’t believe it! The girl in the store said she was sorry about that; however I am still angry!! Please don’t do that again.
Since I heard everybody gets dressed up for the Sughrue Christmas party, I went ahead and bought a dress. It is a long, long, very white dress. I think I never would wear this dress other than for the Sughrue party… Then, I found a tag!! It was a anti-thief tag. When I tried it on in my room, I found the tag. This was the third time that a tag was left in my clothes which I bought in US. I don’t know the reason why an anti-thief system didn’t work. I was very sorry, but I had Watanabe-san take me to the store again. I can’t believe it! The girl in the store said she was sorry about that; however I am still angry!! Please don’t do that again.
American football
The attorneys at Sughrue took us to a football game; they were 15 people in total. It had been planned three months earlier and we gathered in a parking lot at 10:00 am although the game wouldn't start until 1:00 pm. Then we were going to drink much beer and barbeque before the game. For a change, however, it was raining in DC. It was too too cold! We thought they were not going to have the barbeque, but every American likes to barbeque… They set up a big tent, then made many hotdogs and hamburgers. But, it was unimaginably cold. We were almost dying by 11:00am.
We were prohibited from using umbrellas at the stadium. So we wore hooded rain coats or ski suits. I really wanted ski suits… As I didn’t know the rule of American football, I watched the game asking the rule along with the moves.. My lips were totally blue. By the way, it was such bad weather, but the stadium was almost full. Every American likes American football, I think. The tickets were not so expensive, but I heard the tickets for Super Bowl cost more than two or three thousand dollars!!!
The attorneys at Sughrue took us to a football game; they were 15 people in total. It had been planned three months earlier and we gathered in a parking lot at 10:00 am although the game wouldn't start until 1:00 pm. Then we were going to drink much beer and barbeque before the game. For a change, however, it was raining in DC. It was too too cold! We thought they were not going to have the barbeque, but every American likes to barbeque… They set up a big tent, then made many hotdogs and hamburgers. But, it was unimaginably cold. We were almost dying by 11:00am.
We were prohibited from using umbrellas at the stadium. So we wore hooded rain coats or ski suits. I really wanted ski suits… As I didn’t know the rule of American football, I watched the game asking the rule along with the moves.. My lips were totally blue. By the way, it was such bad weather, but the stadium was almost full. Every American likes American football, I think. The tickets were not so expensive, but I heard the tickets for Super Bowl cost more than two or three thousand dollars!!!
As my two grandfathers had died when I was a child, I have only grandmothers. Both of them are fine, but they are over eighty. So they sometimes forget what they are doing. It seems that it is a little difficult for them to travel. Honestly, I want my grandmother to come to DC and cook my meals, but I can’t make her travel for as long as 14 hours. When I was in Tokyo, my grandmother often came to my apartment with many vegetables on her back from Gifu and cooked many dishes. When I talked with my mother over the telephone about my grandmother, I realized how much I miss her. I wish my grandmother could see my blog, but she does not have a laptop...
As my two grandfathers had died when I was a child, I have only grandmothers. Both of them are fine, but they are over eighty. So they sometimes forget what they are doing. It seems that it is a little difficult for them to travel. Honestly, I want my grandmother to come to DC and cook my meals, but I can’t make her travel for as long as 14 hours. When I was in Tokyo, my grandmother often came to my apartment with many vegetables on her back from Gifu and cooked many dishes. When I talked with my mother over the telephone about my grandmother, I realized how much I miss her. I wish my grandmother could see my blog, but she does not have a laptop...
A huge Christmas tree is decorated on the first floor of the building of Sughrue. As well as in Japan, in America, the whole city has Christmas atmosphere. In America, unlike in Japan, there are not long holydays at year end and new year, but most of the people get some holydays at Christmas week. I saw every attorneys of Sughrue took a picture in front of the Christmas tree. I suppose it is used in Christmas cards.
Although Hiro-kun is growing bigger and bigger, Yuna-chan is also growing bigger and bigger as well. When she was born, she was a very small baby, but now, Yuna-chan is too big to imagine that she was in her mother. As she is a good daughter, when they are out, she rarely cries. When we went to wineries, she was also very quiet. She seems to smile often recently. As Hiro-kun did, a little later, she must be smiling because the time when she copies everyone will come. I am looking forward to waiting for that time.
My sister’s baby, Hiro-kun seems to be getting bigger and bigger. I think babies are wonders, because they are getting big with only mothers’ breast milk. Hiro-kun is more than 7 kg now, so my sister became to have a crick in the back. Although babies are very cute, but I think I can’t carry a baby on my hip, if a baby is more than 5 kg… I watch TV about exercise DVD every day, so I had better to buy one and exercise every day.
I am looking forward to seeing Hiro-kun very much at the time when I return to Japan.
Thanksgiving sale
The Thanksgiving sale starts at 0:00 am when Thanksgiving Day is over. This is too good chance to miss. Then we went to an outlet mall in Leesburg. There was a big traffic before 2 km from the outlet. It took one hour to arrive at the outlet. There were many many cars in the parking lot at the outlet. Major brands, such as COACH, did a restriction admission, and we and we had to wait for more than three hours, therefore we couldn’t enter the shops. So, I just went to unoccupied shops. Then, I could buy little. We went home at 5:00 in the morning.
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