シュグルのクリスマスパーティは正装と聞いていたので、思い切ってドレスを買ってみました(笑)。純白の超ロングドレスですの。今回のパーティ以外で、着る機会はきっとないでしょう・・・。で、またタグです。盗難防止用のタグです。家で試着したら、ドレスにタグが付いてたんです。アメリカでタグ付きだったのは、これで3度目。なんで出口で盗難防止装置が作動しないのよって思いますけど。毎度毎度で申し訳ないのですけど、渡辺さんにもう一回お店に連れて行ってもらいました。もー、信じられない。I am sorry about thatなどと言われましたけど、反省してくださいっ!
Since I heard everybody gets dressed up for the Sughrue Christmas party, I went ahead and bought a dress. It is a long, long, very white dress. I think I never would wear this dress other than for the Sughrue party… Then, I found a tag!! It was a anti-thief tag. When I tried it on in my room, I found the tag. This was the third time that a tag was left in my clothes which I bought in US. I don’t know the reason why an anti-thief system didn’t work. I was very sorry, but I had Watanabe-san take me to the store again. I can’t believe it! The girl in the store said she was sorry about that; however I am still angry!! Please don’t do that again.
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