
Soooooo….. cold!!!

ロックフェラーセンターのクリスマスツリーがどうしても見たかったので、土日にNYCい行くことにしました。一人旅♪ しかもお金がないのでバス。25ドルで4時間でNYにつきます。朝7時45分のバスをチョイスしましたが、日本人トレイニーの人達がいました。みんな結構バスでNYに行くのです。
チェックイン後、ほとんど凍死覚悟でツリーを見に行きました。ホテルはロックフェラーセンタから2,3分のところに取ったので、まだよかったですけど。ちなみに、1泊160ドル。激安だけど、朝食も着いてたし、きれいなホテルで気に入りました。The hotel at the times square、おススメです。

Since I do want to see the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center, I went to NY on the weekend. I went on a trip alone and went by bus, because I have no money… The bus costs $25 per person and it takes four hours to Manhattan. Although I took a bus which leaves Roslyn at 7:45 am, some of Japanese trainees also took the same bus. Many Japanese go to NY by bus.
Then, when I arrived at NYC, it was so so soooooooo cold!!! It felt 10 degrees colder than DC. Of course, it was snowing and windy. Although I went to see the Christmas tree, I checked in the hotel first. I could not go out of the hotel because it was so cold…
After check in, I was determined to almost die of cold, I went to see the Christmas Tree. It was good for me that the hotel was located in a couple of minutes walk from the Rockefeller Center. By the way, I stayed in the hotel at the times square. It costs $160 per one night. It was including the breakfast, so I think it is cheap and I recommend the hotel.
Since an illumination of the Christmas tree was changed to LED from this year, I thought it lacked a little punch. I update the pictures which I took at day and night. The actual Christmas tree of the night was more beautiful than the night picture. There is a skate rink in the Rockefeller Center, and I heard a guy made a marriage proposal to a woman there. Man in every country think about the situation of the marriage proposal.
I met my friend in Manhattan and went shopping with her. You know, it is the best to go shopping with girl friends.

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