ボーナスが出ましたね^^。家入さん、ありがとうございます!!! さて、みんなは何に使うのかしら。私は、こっちでものすごい勢いでお金を使っているので、すでにボーナス分は使い果たしてる感じです(苦笑)。それにしても、旅行が安いです。お正月のシーズンは高いけれど、ハワイ4泊600ドル、カンクーン5泊400ドルなどなど。時間があったらいろんなところに行きたいですけど、スケジューリングが大変です。
We have already gotten a/our bonus! Ieiri-san, thank you very much!!! Well, what are you going to buy? Since I already spent so much money in the US, I have no bonus…. By the way, many trips are very cheap. Four nights in Hawai is about $600, and 5 nights in Cancun is about $400. If I have time, I would like to go everywhere, but it is difficult to schedule.
I suppose that as there are long holidays at year-end and new year week in Japan, many people will go abroad. In the US, although January 1st is a holiday, we will work on year-end and after January 2nd . However, Christmas is a holyday, different from Japan. We, most of Sughrue trainees, are going to go to Miami during Christmas week!
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