


I think most of Japanese women have a Luis Vuitton bag, but in US, many many American women have a Coach bag. That reminds me, Coach is a brand from America. I think that is why we can buy Coach goods at a reasonable price
Now that you mention it, many people in US overwhelmingly ride a Japanese car. It is nothing unusual that as far as I can look, there are only Japanese cars. Americans don’t ride an American car so much.

How are you?

アメリカ人は、知らない人でも会う人会う人、目が合えば、必ず、Hi!, Good morning!, How are you? などと声をかけます。私は、日本人なので、How are you?をどうしても、ご機嫌いかが?ととらえてしまって、ご機嫌と言われても・・・別に。。。とちょっと困ってしまいます。最初は、あれ、この人、知り合いだっけ、などと考え込んでしまってましたけど。でもやっぱりHow are you?と聞かれたとき、Good とかFineとか答えるわけですが、いまいちなんて答えていいかわかりません。で、よく考えたら、あたしからHow are you?って言えば、いいわけね、そしたら答え方もわかるわけね、と思ったんですけど、知らない人にHi!, How are you?とは、まだまだなかなか言えないです。

Americans always say to me “Hi!”, “Good morning!”, or “How are you?” whenever they see and catch my eyes even if they don’t know me. As I am a Japanese and I learned it in the school that if people say “How are you?”, I should answer them “Fine thank you, and you?” But I think there might be a better answer. Initially, when I was said "How are you?" by Americans, I wondered if he was my acquaintance. However I still don’t know how I answer when I was said “How are you?” Then, I considered it. If I say to American “How are you?”, I can hear the answer and I can know how to answer. But, it is hard for me to say “Hi, how are you” to strangers.


Lion King


Mr. Mandir who is a partner of Sughrue invited me to see the musical Lion King. Although I saw a musical in NY, I also enjoyed seeing a musical in DC. His wife, his two daughters, and his mother went to see the musical, too. Mrs. Mandir is very beautiful, and two daughters are also very beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Murata from Aisin Corp. went to see the musical, too. Mrs. Murata is pregnant and her due is October end, so she is large with a child. As they stay for three years in DC, they will return to Japan when the child will be two and half years old. As they stay for three years in DC, they will return to Japan when the child will be two and half years old.

How cute!


I went to the hospital to see Yuna with Mr. and Mrs. Kuratani. As she is newborn baby, she was so small and so cute She is a good daughter because she was born on Saturday and she doesn’t cry so much in the night.
I thought back about the time that my sister was born. She was really cutie. She grows up before I know it, and she is 23 years old now.
I wonder Yuna-chan will grow up before we know it. Well, at that time, how old am I??


Welcome to the world, Yuna(優菜)!


Mr. Honda’s baby was born at 3:00 am on Saturday, safely!
The baby is a girl. Her name is Runa. I knew about this at 11:00 am on Saturday, and am writing this blog. Although I am going to go to the hospital to see the baby later with Mr. and Mrs. Kuratani, I am so happy and I am very looking forward to it, so I can’t wait. I would like to see Runa, Yuki-san and Honda-san as soon as possible.


Big people

ところで、bskbやSuhgrueのアトーニのほとんどは細いです。これもまた不思議ですね。大きい人は、女の人の方が多い気がします。私は最近超暴飲暴食しているので、日本に帰ることには、写真のようになっているかも!?  ダイエットしなければ・・・

Well, there are so many big people in US. Although most Americans love exercise, I wonder why there are so many big people there. When I ask Japanese who live in US, they usually say they gain weight in Japan rather than in US. This is because, there are many delicious foods in Japan.
BTW, it is strange to me that most of attorneys in bskb and Sughrue are thin. I wonder that. I think many big people are women rather than men. I eat and drink immoderately these days, I might get very big when I leave US for Japan like the photos!??! I have to diet!!!

Summer Palm Dinner

パートナのAlan Kasperさんに誘ってもらって、ステーキ&ロブスターを食べに行きました。ステーキ&ロブスターのことを、Surf and turfといいます。

Mr. Alan Kasper who is a partner in Sughrue invited me for steak and lobster. The dish having a steak and a lobster is called surf and turf. When I went to the restaurant, I was surprised that there were many patent lawyers (including Japanese) and many Japanese trainees, a total of 40 people. I heard they have such a dinner to contact with people every half year.
The dinner has a huge crab cake as an appetizer, salad, a very big steak & lobster as a main dish and dessert. I was full only on appetizer. Every dish was very big, but a chocolate cake as a dessert was very very big! We shared the chocolate cake with 10 people, but we couldn’t eat all.
We can take the leftovers home in US. A takeout bag is called a doggy bag. I think it is very good system.

Completion of treatment


I completed my tooth treatment. In the end, I had my tooth capped in DC instead of Tokyo, because the doctor said I had better not to wait my treatment until my returning to Japan. But it is about $1000 below the original estimate, so it cost about four hundred thousand yen. Anyway, the treatment of a dentist is very expensive. Please be careful not to get cavities.

I can hear an announcement!


An announcement in a Metro train of DC is very difficult for foreigners to hear. When I just came to US, as I could not understand the announcement, I counted a number of stations and went to an objective station with a route map. It is often said that your hearing improve much better when you stay in US for three months.
How great I can hear the announcement recently! I can get off the train at any objective station even if I read a newspaper. I can hear an announcement of Metro recently! I want to believe my hearing has improved, but it might be just because I remembered the names of stations I often use... I wonder when my hearing truly improve.




Today is the last day for my mother and sister staying in US. Watanabe-san took us to Annapolis to see Navy War College, because my sister goes to Bouei University. BTW, speaking of Annapolis, it is famous for crab. We ate 24 boiled crabs in addition to oysters and fried crabs. We ate six crabs per each person! It was really delicious.

Bless you!

寛成くんのクシャミ写真をアップしますね。こちらでは、くしゃみをすると、”Bless you”と言います。言われた、くしゃみをした人は、”Thank you!”と返します。知らない人にもBless youと言ったりしますね。くしゃみをするのも忙しいのです。ねーちゃん、ひろくんがくしゃみをしたら、Bless you!と言いましょね。そんで、ひろくんにThanks!と言わせましょうね。

I am putting a photo on which Hironari-kun was sneezing on my blog. When people sneeze in US, other people say “Bless you”. The people who sneezed and was said bless you, should say “Thank you!”. Even if you don’t know the people who sneezed, we say bless you. It is busy to sneeze. Please say bless you to Hiro-kun, mamo. Then you make Hiro-kun say “Thank you!”.




I have been to NY after a 12-year absence and found there a price of hotdog changed from $1 to $2. I could find a 50-cent hotdog in NY 12 years ago. The prices have risen.
Although a pack of cigarette is $3.5 in DC, $8.5 in NY. It is very expensive. In a restaurant, a cup of coffee is $3, but a glass of beer (250cc) is $8 and house wine is $13. Alcohol and tobacco are very expensive in NY.



My first nephew's name is Hironari. We call him Hiro-kun. I am sure his name is very charming. When I will return to Japan temporarily in October,
I shall definitely go and see Hiro-kun. As many friends of mine had already got married, I have many chances to give baby gifts recently. Well, I have not got married and had a baby, yet.

New Yorker likes animal print?


I forgot to bring clothes, so I wore same long sleeved T-shirt of animal print in outward and return in NY. Many people came up to me and said “This T-shirt is very cute”, “Where did you buy it?”, “What brand is this?”. Further, I wore an orange blouse, someone came up to me and said “Where did you buy it?”. I usually have a black bag which made by HERMES, somebody came up to me and said “Where did you buy it?”. There are many such people in US.

New York

ニューヨークはマンハッタンの5番街と31StにあるWolcott(4 West 31st Street New York, USA 10001 電話番号 +1-212-2682900)というホテルに泊まりました。場所的にばっちりでしたけど、冷蔵庫がなかったり、朝ごはんがコーヒーとマフィンだけだったり(笑)

ニューヨークでは、1日目は、自由の女神を遠くから拝み、Young Frankensteinというミュージカルを見ました。2日目は、セントラルパークを散歩して、5番街でお買い物をし、ブルーノートに行ってジャズを聴きました。3日目は、メトロポリタン美術館に行って、ゴーギャンやゴッホやモネやクリムトの絵を見て、それからソーホに行って買い物三昧でした。とっても充実した3日間でした!
I went to New York from Thursday to Saturday with my mother and sister. We were going to go to NY by Amtrak, but we changed Amtrak to bus. Because, a round trip ticket of Amtrak was $200 per person, but a round trip ticket of bus was $50 per person. The bus was very cheap. But, to be honest, I got very tired of riding the bus. NY was more than 3 hours away by Amtrak. But it is less than 5 hours away by bus. My back was aching...
We stayed at Wolcott hotel (4 West 31st Street New York, USA 10001 tel: +1-212-2682900). The location was very good, but there wasn’t a refrigerator and the breakfast was coffee and only muffins… We can't complain, because the hotel was cheap. We paid $300 per one night.

We saw the Statue of Liberty from a distance, and went to see a musical whose title is Young Frankenstein on the first day. Then we took a walk in central park, went shopping at fifth avenue and went to listen to Jazz at Blue Note on the second day. Further, we went to Metropolitan museum and saw the picture which was painted by Gauguin, Gogh, Monet and Klimt and went shopping at SoHo and bought a lot of things on the third day. We had such productive three days.

My mother and sister come to DC.

夜は、私の大好きなエチオピアレストランに連れていきました。やっぱここが一番おいしい。名前は、Meaza (5700 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, Va, 703-820-2870)

My mother and sister came to Washington DC. The scheduled arrival time was 9:00 pm on Sunday. Transferred in NY. Watanabe san and I were going to pick them up at the airport. So, we waited at the baggage claim, we waited and waited but they didn’t come. Watanabe-san asked the staff about the arrival time, the airplane from NY was cancelled and they will stay at hotel in NY and they will arrive at DC at noon next day. Why didn't they call me….
My mother called me at 11:00, and she was a little upset because my cell phone number which I told her was wrong… I am so sorry.
On Monday, because I was too busy with my work, Watanabe- san picked them up at the airport alone. He is always always always kind to me. They came to my apartment safely. You never know what happens in the US.

In the evening, I took my mother and sister to an Ethiopian restaurant with Watanabe-san. The restaurant is wonderful. The name is Meaza. The address is 5700 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, Va, and phone number is 703-820-2870.
There is a very hot and spicy sauce in Ethiopia. I asked about the sauce, then I can buy the sauce in the restaurant!! We can’t buy thesauce in a supermarket, but there is a shop next to the restaurant, where I can buy the sauce. Of course, I bought the biggest one. I will eat everything with this sauce!



パーティでは、Wiiでテニスをやったり、カードゲームをしましたけど、いずれにしても、本多さん圧勝。ちなみに、Cape Mayでも本多さんは、子ども相手にも容赦なく、圧勝してましたけど・・・。

We had a party at Honda san's apartment in thanks for Janice and other Korean trainees who are nice to us. Although Youki-san is large with child, she made “Oden” and salad. I brought “Kakuni” and “Gomoku-gohan”. Well, the "gomoku-gohan" turned out to be a disaster.. Because the amount of rice was too much, so the pressure cooker didn’t work well. The pressure cooker was burned black and “Gomoku-gohan” smelled burnt. But, Mr. Honda told about that to everybody, then everybody chipped in for my new pressure cooker. Thank you so much.
We played Wii and card game, Mr. Honda won outright victory in every game. FYI, Mr. Honda won outright victory unrelentingly to a little boy in Cape May.
The pictures are that of everyone playing tennis, the other is Mr. Honda winning outright victory, and the other is Mr. Suzuki singing enthusiastically because of losing the game.



パートナのチッドさんにご招待されて、本多夫妻と3泊4日でCape Mayに行ってきました。Cape Mayはニュージャージにあるサマーリゾート地です。DCから車で5時間弱。由紀さんの赤ちゃんが産まれちゃうんじゃないかとすごく心配しましたが、無事帰ってくることができました!

Mr. Chid who is a partner at Sughrue invited Mr. and Mrs Honda and me to Cape May. So we went to Cape May on a three nights four day trip. Cape May is a resort in New Jersey. Cape May is within five hours drive from DC. I was very worried that Yuki-san’s baby was born, but we came back safely.
The house in Cape May was a huge gorgeous house. It is three-story building, and a big dining room, two bed rooms and a bath room on the first floor, one bed room and a very huge kitchen dining on the second floor. I didn’t see the third floor, but Mr. Chid’s family stayed there. All bed rooms have a shower, a bathroom, and closet and it is like a hotel.
The beach is several minutes walk from the house. We need four dollars for using the beach. The weather is very nice. The sea water is a little cold and when I bathed my foot in the sea water, it felt very cool and nice.
Three kids (including a twin) are very beautiful. I think the boy is very handsome and the twins are very beautiful because they are Indian.
The second day (Friday), we went to whale and dolphin watching. We took a cruise in the sea for around three hours. There were many dolphins around the cruiser, but we couldn’t see a whale. Anyway, it was really nice to drink beer on the cruiser.


I got a driver’s license!!!

本多さんとか多くの方が1回で受かってます。私も1回で受かってたら、明細書が2件は書けましたね・・・。ほんと長い道のりでした。これで私も車に乗ることができます。McGinn事務所は、うち又はWest Falls Churchの駅からタクシーでいかなければいけませんが、機会があれば、車で行きたいですね。

Finally, I got a driver’s license. It was a long and winding road... It was two weeks ago I went to DMV for the first time. Since then, I have been there six times in just two weeks!

Today’s road test was the third one. Before taking a road test, the instructor said that
if I would fail the test, I had to take a course. So I became more nerves. But, because of the practices I did yesterday, I could turn left safely. Most of the Japanese including Mr. Honda passed the test on the first try. It was really a long road. Now, I can drive a car. I have to take a cab to go to McGinn Office from Oakwood or West Falls Church Station.

Anyway, I owe my success of getting a driver's license to Mr. Watanabe. He attended me every day with his gentle smile, and he always cheered up me.


I can’t turn left!!





I went to DMV on Monday and Tuesday early morning to get a driver’s license. As I stayed awake with reading a driver’s manual almost through the night, I could pass the writing exam this time. So I could take a road test.

But, as I was very nervous, I made some (many) big mistakes!
I started a car without releasing an emergency brake.
I ignored through traffics when I turned left.
The instructor advised me twice to increase car speed, and pointed out the car was not going straight.
Therefore I failed the road test on Monday.

Then, the next day was Tuesday. I took a road test with desiring to pass a road test this time. I could release an emergency brake.
But, I ignored through traffics once again, and of course I failed the road test. I know intellectually I have to wait through traffics when I turn left, but I don’t know how to wait. The instructor told me to come to DMV again.
Mr. Watanabe did come with me two days. To get a driver's license in US, we drive to DMV by ourselves.

Mr. Watanabe attends me despite his work. Furthermore, he attended on my training of turning left for 30 minutes today. He will take me to DMV tomorrow.
When I said I was sorry to trouble him every day, he said “No problem. I enjoy it every day!” I am sure he is a god!


Friendship Heightsに住んでいるクリちゃんが、Block Partyに招待してくれたので、行ってきました。本多夫妻も行くはずでしたが、由紀さんの具合が悪くてキャンセル。大丈夫かな・・もうじき出産です。
彼女は、日本人ですが、アメリカ育ちなので、もちろん英語は堪能。その代り、日本語の読み書きはできないそうです。お子さんが2人。Daniel とSeth。とってもかわいいです。
Block Party は、クリちゃんのママお友達が大勢来てて、子どもたちも大勢いて、とても賑やかでした。楽しかったです。

Curi-chan who lives in Friendship Heights invited me to a Block Party, so I went to the party with my friend. Mr.and Mrs. Honda were also planning to go to the party, however, they couldn’t because Yuki-san didn’t feel good, I hope she would be fine soon, She is parturient. She is parturient.
Curi-chan took me to a Japanese supermarket, made my sell phone operational, taught me how to buy an air plane tichet, and so on when I came to US. She is an important friend who I became friends with first when I came to Washington DC. I call her whenever I have a trouble. For example, when I had to go to a dentist, I called her.
She is a Japanese, but she has grown up in US. So, of course, she can speak English very fluently. Instead of that, she can’t write and read Japanese. She has two children, they are Daniel and Seth. They are very cute.
Many Curi-chan’s friends and their children came to the Block Party, so the party was very fun.

Shopping mall

DCには、各地にショッピングモールがあります。巨大です。ショッピングモールは、多数のお店やでデパートからなります。隣の駅のBallstonにも小さいモールがあります。Ballstonには、本多さんやその他、とてもたくさんの日本人が住んでいます。日本でいうところの自由が丘?渋谷?みたいな感じかな・・・ひと駅違うだけですけど、私の住んでいるEast Falls Churchとは比べものにならないくらい便利。家賃は$300/monthくらいアップします。

DC has many shopping mall everywhere. They all are very huge. A shopping mall consists of many shops and department stors. Ballston which is located next to East Fall Church, has a small shopping mall. Mr. Honda and many other Japanese trainees live in Ballston. I think Ballston is like Jiyugaoka or Shibuya in Japan. Ballston is very convenient despite of the location. Ballston Station is next to East Falls Church Station the nearest one from my apartment. An average of apartment fee is about $300 higher than that in Oakwood.


Farewell BBQ



We had a BBQ again at BBQ space at Oakwood, because Mr. Akiyama from Sharp and Mr Yukawa from Sony will go back to Japan soon (Actually, we don’t care of the reason for BBQ.). A total of 9 people came to the BBQ in this time, I think if I was in Japan, I would not get to know these members. I immersed beef in soy-source instead of pork by mistake, but they ate them...

I will move to Ballston on September 27. The rental fee is $1645 per month. The apartment is one of the cheapest apartments in Ballston, but I like it. If I move to Ballston, would I not be able to have a BBQ any more??



We went to Japanese restaurant MAKOTO. Janice in Sughrue invited us. We need a reservation even for lunch. The restaurant was very small. Lunch menu has OBENTO ($16), NIGIRI, TIRASHI, grilled fish (these are all $10), so they were inexpensive. I was very surprised at the dishes. I thought OBENTO was equivalent to 3000 yen in Japan. The dish had much volume. I don’t care even if the dish is $20 or $30. And the dish was really good and purely Japanese style. We need a reservation for dinner, but the restaurant is fully booked for the next several months. we need to pay about $100 for dinner. I heard Makoto is the highest praised restaurant in Washington DC.
We celebrated Ms Jihyun for passing the Patent Bar and her birthday. She is a trainee from Korea.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 3

そして、私のI-94のDeparture Numberは、We can’t・・・と言われてしまったのですね・・・
それにしてもなんて不運な。皆さん、入国書類を書くときには、I-94のDeparture Numberが11桁あることをちゃんと確認しましょう(って、そんなこと知ってるのきっとあたしぐらいだわ。)

I went to the USCIS. It was the second time and I did have an appointment. Although, my appointment was at 8:30 am, I went there at 8:00 am. But, my ticket number was called at 9:00. I had an appointment...

Then a clerk said he couldn’t correct my Departure Number of I-94 Form. Oh, my god!
I-94 Form which I wrote at an Airport in Atlanta was an old version, so my I-94 Form doesn't match a current form. To make matters worse, he said I should go to the airport. I transferred to a domestic flight at Atlanta, so I thought I had to go to Atlanta!! But it was found that I could do it at Dares International Airport. My friend advised me to go there with an attorney because the procedure was so complicated. I hope someone would take me to Dares International Airport...

Anyway, I am really unlucky. Please confirm if Departure Number of I-94 Form is
11-digit when you write an immigration card. (Nobody but I knows about it.)