パーティでは、Wiiでテニスをやったり、カードゲームをしましたけど、いずれにしても、本多さん圧勝。ちなみに、Cape Mayでも本多さんは、子ども相手にも容赦なく、圧勝してましたけど・・・。
We had a party at Honda san's apartment in thanks for Janice and other Korean trainees who are nice to us. Although Youki-san is large with child, she made “Oden” and salad. I brought “Kakuni” and “Gomoku-gohan”. Well, the "gomoku-gohan" turned out to be a disaster.. Because the amount of rice was too much, so the pressure cooker didn’t work well. The pressure cooker was burned black and “Gomoku-gohan” smelled burnt. But, Mr. Honda told about that to everybody, then everybody chipped in for my new pressure cooker. Thank you so much.
We played Wii and card game, Mr. Honda won outright victory in every game. FYI, Mr. Honda won outright victory unrelentingly to a little boy in Cape May.
The pictures are that of everyone playing tennis, the other is Mr. Honda winning outright victory, and the other is Mr. Suzuki singing enthusiastically because of losing the game.
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