ニューヨークはマンハッタンの5番街と31StにあるWolcott(4 West 31st Street New York, USA 10001 電話番号 +1-212-2682900)というホテルに泊まりました。場所的にばっちりでしたけど、冷蔵庫がなかったり、朝ごはんがコーヒーとマフィンだけだったり(笑)
ニューヨークでは、1日目は、自由の女神を遠くから拝み、Young Frankensteinというミュージカルを見ました。2日目は、セントラルパークを散歩して、5番街でお買い物をし、ブルーノートに行ってジャズを聴きました。3日目は、メトロポリタン美術館に行って、ゴーギャンやゴッホやモネやクリムトの絵を見て、それからソーホに行って買い物三昧でした。とっても充実した3日間でした!
I went to New York from Thursday to Saturday with my mother and sister. We were going to go to NY by Amtrak, but we changed Amtrak to bus. Because, a round trip ticket of Amtrak was $200 per person, but a round trip ticket of bus was $50 per person. The bus was very cheap. But, to be honest, I got very tired of riding the bus. NY was more than 3 hours away by Amtrak. But it is less than 5 hours away by bus. My back was aching...
We stayed at Wolcott hotel (4 West 31st Street New York, USA 10001 tel: +1-212-2682900). The location was very good, but there wasn’t a refrigerator and the breakfast was coffee and only muffins… We can't complain, because the hotel was cheap. We paid $300 per one night.
We saw the Statue of Liberty from a distance, and went to see a musical whose title is Young Frankenstein on the first day. Then we took a walk in central park, went shopping at fifth avenue and went to listen to Jazz at Blue Note on the second day. Further, we went to Metropolitan museum and saw the picture which was painted by Gauguin, Gogh, Monet and Klimt and went shopping at SoHo and bought a lot of things on the third day. We had such productive three days.
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