Friendship Heightsに住んでいるクリちゃんが、Block Partyに招待してくれたので、行ってきました。本多夫妻も行くはずでしたが、由紀さんの具合が悪くてキャンセル。大丈夫かな・・もうじき出産です。
彼女は、日本人ですが、アメリカ育ちなので、もちろん英語は堪能。その代り、日本語の読み書きはできないそうです。お子さんが2人。Daniel とSeth。とってもかわいいです。
Block Party は、クリちゃんのママお友達が大勢来てて、子どもたちも大勢いて、とても賑やかでした。楽しかったです。
Curi-chan who lives in Friendship Heights invited me to a Block Party, so I went to the party with my friend. Mr.and Mrs. Honda were also planning to go to the party, however, they couldn’t because Yuki-san didn’t feel good, I hope she would be fine soon, She is parturient. She is parturient.
Curi-chan took me to a Japanese supermarket, made my sell phone operational, taught me how to buy an air plane tichet, and so on when I came to US. She is an important friend who I became friends with first when I came to Washington DC. I call her whenever I have a trouble. For example, when I had to go to a dentist, I called her.
She is a Japanese, but she has grown up in US. So, of course, she can speak English very fluently. Instead of that, she can’t write and read Japanese. She has two children, they are Daniel and Seth. They are very cute.
Many Curi-chan’s friends and their children came to the Block Party, so the party was very fun.
2 件のコメント:
Not only are Daniel and Seth cute, but Kuri-chan herself is a cutie pie, isn't she?
Yes, of course. Kuri-chan is really cute and looks so young. I think she looks like about 20 years old!