願いは叶う、私はこの言葉好きなんです。誰でもいろんな願いがあると思うけど。そうですね、あと背が10センチ低かったら(笑)とか、八頭身に生まれたかった、とかそういう物理的なお願いはちょっと無理ですけど。綺麗になりたい、社長になりたい、金持ちになりたい、なんて願いはいつかは叶う日が来ますよね。努力すれば。私は、いっぱい願いがあります。願いを叶えるために、毎日じゃなくてもいろいろ努力することが好きです。いっぱい願いを持ってると、それだけ叶う確率も高くなる(笑)。願わないと何もしないので、当然何も変わりません。今日より明日、明日より明後日、なにかちょっとでも成長していたいと思います。10年前には弁理士になるなんて思ってもみなかったし、5年前にはアメリカに住むなんて思ってもみなかった。いつか××したい、って思うのってとても大切だなと思うんです。だって願いは叶うものだから。アメリカって、Dreams come trueの国、って感じします。年収が億単位の弁護士もたくさんいます。でも、日本にいても、夢も願いもいつか叶う日が来るので、いっぱいお願いごとをして、その実現に向けて毎日がんばりましょ♪
“Wishes come true”, I like these words. I think everybody has many wishes. Well, some kinds of physical wishes, such as I wish I were ten more centimeters taller, I wish I were eight-head figure, are difficult to come true. However, some kinds of wishes such as I wish I were an enchantress person, I wish I had an own company, I wish I were rich like that, come true someday, if you make efforts. I have many wishes, and I like to make efforts to achieve the wishes, even if not every day. The more you have wishes, the higher probability the wishes come true. If you have no wish, nothing changes, so you never mature as a person, I think. I hope I mature as a person day by day. I never imagined I would become a patent attorney ten years ago, I never imagined I would live in the US five years ago. I think it is very important for you to think “I hope to do something someday.”, because wishes always come true someday. I have the feeling that America is a country in which dreams come true. For example, many lawyers’ annual incomes are millions of dollar. Even if we live in Japan, wishes come true someday, so we should have many wishes and make efforts for dreams/wishes to come true!
Five Guys
Five Guysのハンバーガーは、日本に帰る前に一度は食べるべきだというアメリカ人のお勧めのハンバーガーショップです。DCにも5件ほどあるということです。ということで、N社のSさんのFarewell Partyの一次会は、Five Guysというハンバーガーショップでした。私、カメラの充電が切れちゃって写真とれず、残念。
(2300 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201, tel: 703-812-8440)
Everybody recommends me to go to "Five Guys" and eat a hamburger before returning to Japan. I heard there are five "Five Guys" in DC. Therefore, we had a Farewell Party for Mr. and Mrs. S of N-company there.
As the rechargeable battery of my digital camera ran out, I couldn’t take pictures of my friends and a huge hamburger... Basically, a hamburger includes two beef pates and free toppings such as many kinds of sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, tomato, lettuce, pickles, mushroom. It was a huge hamburger. We have to wait a little after our order, because they are made-to-order.
One hamburger costs about five dollars, so it was very reasonable. I had not eaten a hamburger for 15 years, but it was really delicious.
(2300 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201, tel: 703-812-8440)
(2300 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201, tel: 703-812-8440)
Everybody recommends me to go to "Five Guys" and eat a hamburger before returning to Japan. I heard there are five "Five Guys" in DC. Therefore, we had a Farewell Party for Mr. and Mrs. S of N-company there.
As the rechargeable battery of my digital camera ran out, I couldn’t take pictures of my friends and a huge hamburger... Basically, a hamburger includes two beef pates and free toppings such as many kinds of sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, tomato, lettuce, pickles, mushroom. It was a huge hamburger. We have to wait a little after our order, because they are made-to-order.
One hamburger costs about five dollars, so it was very reasonable. I had not eaten a hamburger for 15 years, but it was really delicious.
(2300 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201, tel: 703-812-8440)
Emergency room again
日本だったら、すぐに病院行くんですけど、アメリカにいても、ちょっとおかしいと思ったら病院に行かなければいけませんね。次のトレイニーの人も面倒くさがらずに病院に行きましょ~。ちなみに、私の行っているArlington hospital center (1701 N. George Mason Drive Arlington, VA 22205, tel:703-558-6167)は、うちからタクシーで7ドルくらいで、超近いし、ドクターもみんな親切です。
Well, it is obviously strange that I have a high fever of about 102.2F for ten days. So, I bestirred myself and went to an emergency room at Arlington hospital center. When I told the doctor about my symptoms, she said she didn’t understand because I don’t have any cold symptoms and I just have a high fever for ten days, so you should be checked. Well, I didn’t have flu…
They took from me about ten bottles of my blood, and performed urinalysis, then the doctor said I have a urinary tract infection. I don’t know about this disease. I heard that some kind of bad bacteria entered to my body, and gives me a high fever. So I should take antibiotics to recover the infection. The doctor said this kind of infection was very common to women. But I don’t know such a disease and I have ever had the infection.
Then, they gave me a prescription of med. When I went home, me temperature was over 103F, but after I took antipyretics, me fever went down to under 100F. I recommend antipyretics of US. It works very strongly.
When I was in Japan, I went to the hospital quickly. But even if you are in the US, you should go to the hospital quickly when you feel something strange. I hope the next trainee will go to the hospital soon without thinking it is troublesome. FYI, it takes five minutes (seven dollars) by taxi to Arlington hospital center (1701 N. George Mason Drive Arlington, VA 22205, tel:703-558-6167) where I usually go to. It is very near, and all doctors are very kind.
日本だったら、すぐに病院行くんですけど、アメリカにいても、ちょっとおかしいと思ったら病院に行かなければいけませんね。次のトレイニーの人も面倒くさがらずに病院に行きましょ~。ちなみに、私の行っているArlington hospital center (1701 N. George Mason Drive Arlington, VA 22205, tel:703-558-6167)は、うちからタクシーで7ドルくらいで、超近いし、ドクターもみんな親切です。
Well, it is obviously strange that I have a high fever of about 102.2F for ten days. So, I bestirred myself and went to an emergency room at Arlington hospital center. When I told the doctor about my symptoms, she said she didn’t understand because I don’t have any cold symptoms and I just have a high fever for ten days, so you should be checked. Well, I didn’t have flu…
They took from me about ten bottles of my blood, and performed urinalysis, then the doctor said I have a urinary tract infection. I don’t know about this disease. I heard that some kind of bad bacteria entered to my body, and gives me a high fever. So I should take antibiotics to recover the infection. The doctor said this kind of infection was very common to women. But I don’t know such a disease and I have ever had the infection.
Then, they gave me a prescription of med. When I went home, me temperature was over 103F, but after I took antipyretics, me fever went down to under 100F. I recommend antipyretics of US. It works very strongly.
When I was in Japan, I went to the hospital quickly. But even if you are in the US, you should go to the hospital quickly when you feel something strange. I hope the next trainee will go to the hospital soon without thinking it is troublesome. FYI, it takes five minutes (seven dollars) by taxi to Arlington hospital center (1701 N. George Mason Drive Arlington, VA 22205, tel:703-558-6167) where I usually go to. It is very near, and all doctors are very kind.
さて、先週の土曜日に40度から始まったインフルエンザは木曜日には熱も下がり、パーティもやって、月曜から仕事全開と思ってた矢先、土曜日の夜(girl’s partyの後)、あれれ、なんだか寒気が・・・で、38.8度。どうしよう。みんなに移してしまったかもしれません。インフルエンザって抗体ができるから二度とからからないと思ってましたけど、インフルエンザじゃなくて、ただの風邪だったのかな・・・。次の日、朝起きても38.5度。うーん、しんどい。
思えば、私、先週の水曜あたりから仕事しねばと思い、インフルなんて大嫌いと思い、熱を測って熱があるのもムカつく、と思い、アイスクリーム食べた後に熱計ってたんですよね・・・そうすると、36.0度とかなんです(笑)。先週の木曜日は朝の5時まで仕事してたし、金曜日は次の日、Girl’s Partyだと思うと楽しみで一睡もできず(笑)。木、金、土と3日間ほとんど寝てなかったので、単なる疲れかな・・・はぁ。家でも仕事できますけど、ミーティングに行かれないと、進まない仕事もいっぱいあって、ちょっと困ってます・・。ちなみに、さっきアイス食べて熱を測ったら35.8度でした。平熱じゃん(笑)。
Well I had flu last Saturday and my body temperature was 40C(104F) then. After that, it went down to the normal on Thursday, and I could have a girl's party. Just when I was about to re-start my work next Monday, I found I was something wrong... Yes, I felt cold. I took my body temperature, and it was 38.8C(101.8F). "Oh my god, what should I do? Everyone might have caught my flu..." I believed that I never have a flu once I had a flu because of an antibody of flu. Maybe I didn’t have the flu but a cold. Next day, my temperature was 38.5C (101.3F). I feel bad. In respect, I should have worked from Wednesday, I thought I hate the flu, and when I take a temperature, my high fever made me feel so bad. I took my body temperature after eating ice-cream, then my fever was always 36.0C (96.8F). That made me happy. I worked until 5 am on Thursday, and I could not sleep at all on Friday because I was very looking forward to having a girl’s part. That is I didn’t sleep for about three days. I think I was just tired. Although I can work in my apartment, but I can't do some of work until having a meeting. So I am in trouble. For your information, Just before, I took my body temperature after eating ices-cream, and it was 35.8C (96.4F). I am in very good condition!
思えば、私、先週の水曜あたりから仕事しねばと思い、インフルなんて大嫌いと思い、熱を測って熱があるのもムカつく、と思い、アイスクリーム食べた後に熱計ってたんですよね・・・そうすると、36.0度とかなんです(笑)。先週の木曜日は朝の5時まで仕事してたし、金曜日は次の日、Girl’s Partyだと思うと楽しみで一睡もできず(笑)。木、金、土と3日間ほとんど寝てなかったので、単なる疲れかな・・・はぁ。家でも仕事できますけど、ミーティングに行かれないと、進まない仕事もいっぱいあって、ちょっと困ってます・・。ちなみに、さっきアイス食べて熱を測ったら35.8度でした。平熱じゃん(笑)。
Well I had flu last Saturday and my body temperature was 40C(104F) then. After that, it went down to the normal on Thursday, and I could have a girl's party. Just when I was about to re-start my work next Monday, I found I was something wrong... Yes, I felt cold. I took my body temperature, and it was 38.8C(101.8F). "Oh my god, what should I do? Everyone might have caught my flu..." I believed that I never have a flu once I had a flu because of an antibody of flu. Maybe I didn’t have the flu but a cold. Next day, my temperature was 38.5C (101.3F). I feel bad. In respect, I should have worked from Wednesday, I thought I hate the flu, and when I take a temperature, my high fever made me feel so bad. I took my body temperature after eating ice-cream, then my fever was always 36.0C (96.8F). That made me happy. I worked until 5 am on Thursday, and I could not sleep at all on Friday because I was very looking forward to having a girl’s part. That is I didn’t sleep for about three days. I think I was just tired. Although I can work in my apartment, but I can't do some of work until having a meeting. So I am in trouble. For your information, Just before, I took my body temperature after eating ices-cream, and it was 35.8C (96.4F). I am in very good condition!
Girl’s Party
アメリカ人の友達から、以前girl’s partyをしていたと聞きました。girl’s party! なんて楽しそうなのかしら。要するに女ばっか集まって、食べて飲んでおしゃべりするわけですけど(笑)。さっそく、やりましょ、ということになって、去年から計画して、24日に実現しました。メンバーは、DCに来ているトレイニーの奥様たち、私のようなトレイニー、DCの法律事務所で働いている人、などなど、アメリカ人、韓国人、日本人、総勢8人集まりました。みんなでone dish,one drink持参ということで、うちでやりました。色とりどりのお料理といっぱいのお酒に囲まれて真昼間からお酒のみながら女だけでおしゃべりするって、男の人には理解できないかもしれないけど、相当楽しかったです。一部の旦那方には、Girl’s Partyってなんだよ、などと突っ込みを頂きましたけど(笑)。また、1か月後くらいにやろうと思います。そういえば、私の壮行会も女だけでしたものね。日本に帰ってもGirl’s Partyやりたいなって思います。
I heard from American friend that she used to have a girl’s party. Girl’s party sounds great!!. In short, only girls get together, and eat, drink and have a lot of chat. The sooner, the better, I planned it last year, finally we had the girl's party on January 24th. The members are wives of trainees who work in DC, trainees like me, a person who works in a law firm in DC and so on, and there were Americans, Koreans and Japanese, eight people all together. Everybody brought one dish and one drink and came to my apartment. I enjoyed very very much because we drank from noon, ate delicious dishes and had a lot of chats. I think it is difficult for men to understand how fun the girl's party is… Some of men asked me what was the girl’s party, what were you going to do??. I will have a next girl’s party next month. Now I remember, there were only girls except my boss in my send-off party. When I return to Japan, I wish to hold a girl's party.
Let’s go to Brazil!!!
ところが、パトリシアから友達がDCからブラジルに来るよってメールが来ました。で、その友達は私の友達でもあって、ちょうど会う機会があって、聞いてみたら、リオのカーニバルに合わせてブラジルに行くらしい。あー、あたしも行く。思い立ったら吉日、フライトとホテルを探しました。フライトは、直行便だと1500ドルくらいしてちょっと高い。ホテルは、カーニバル時期だから6泊で8000ドルとか意味不明な金額。やっぱりだめかも。と思ってたら、デルタからアトランタで乗り替えだけれども1000ドルくらいのフライトが見つかって、友達(夫婦)が、うちの部屋に泊まればいいよ、と言ってくれて、私のブラジル行きが現実に。ところで、ブラジルに行くにはビザがいるんです。知ってました?土曜日にビザを申請しました。間に合うといんだけど。ということで、私、2月の末にブラジルに行きますの♪ 日本からだと20時間とか30万とかかかりますけど、DCからだととても近いです。がんばって仕事調整しますっ。
It was a long time ago, when I first thought of going to Brazil. But I have no money and time, so I thought maybe I could not go to Brazil. My friend, Patricia, lives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. So, I want to see her.
However, I heard from her that her friend (also my friend) will be coming to Brazil by e-mail. I met the friends (Mr. and Mrs S) and asked them. Then they said they would go to Rio de Janeiro in time for the Carnival of Rio. So, I decided to go to Rio with them! Then I looked for the flight for Rio, and the hotel in Rio. A direct flight for Rio costs $1500, so it is a little expensive for me. And the hotel is so expensive, for example, 6 nights cost $8000. So, I was about to give up. At that time, I found a delta flight, it was not direct flight, but it cost $1000. Further my friends offered me to stay with them. So, to go to Rio became a reality! BTW, we need VISA to go to Brazil. So, I applied VISA on Saturday. I hope I would receive my VISA before trip. If I go to Brazil from Tokyo, it takes more than 20 hours, and about $3000, but from DC, it costs very reasonable. I will work hard and make time to go to Rio.
ところが、パトリシアから友達がDCからブラジルに来るよってメールが来ました。で、その友達は私の友達でもあって、ちょうど会う機会があって、聞いてみたら、リオのカーニバルに合わせてブラジルに行くらしい。あー、あたしも行く。思い立ったら吉日、フライトとホテルを探しました。フライトは、直行便だと1500ドルくらいしてちょっと高い。ホテルは、カーニバル時期だから6泊で8000ドルとか意味不明な金額。やっぱりだめかも。と思ってたら、デルタからアトランタで乗り替えだけれども1000ドルくらいのフライトが見つかって、友達(夫婦)が、うちの部屋に泊まればいいよ、と言ってくれて、私のブラジル行きが現実に。ところで、ブラジルに行くにはビザがいるんです。知ってました?土曜日にビザを申請しました。間に合うといんだけど。ということで、私、2月の末にブラジルに行きますの♪ 日本からだと20時間とか30万とかかかりますけど、DCからだととても近いです。がんばって仕事調整しますっ。
It was a long time ago, when I first thought of going to Brazil. But I have no money and time, so I thought maybe I could not go to Brazil. My friend, Patricia, lives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. So, I want to see her.
However, I heard from her that her friend (also my friend) will be coming to Brazil by e-mail. I met the friends (Mr. and Mrs S) and asked them. Then they said they would go to Rio de Janeiro in time for the Carnival of Rio. So, I decided to go to Rio with them! Then I looked for the flight for Rio, and the hotel in Rio. A direct flight for Rio costs $1500, so it is a little expensive for me. And the hotel is so expensive, for example, 6 nights cost $8000. So, I was about to give up. At that time, I found a delta flight, it was not direct flight, but it cost $1000. Further my friends offered me to stay with them. So, to go to Rio became a reality! BTW, we need VISA to go to Brazil. So, I applied VISA on Saturday. I hope I would receive my VISA before trip. If I go to Brazil from Tokyo, it takes more than 20 hours, and about $3000, but from DC, it costs very reasonable. I will work hard and make time to go to Rio.
さて、待ちに待った(?)病院からの請求が届きました。レントゲン代が200ドル、CT代が700ドル、緊急病棟使用代が200ドル、って感じです。ところが、請求書には、Insurance has been billed と書いてあり、Balance Dueが$0となってます。あれれ、私が先に払って、それを保険会社が払うのでは、と思ってましたが、病院が直接保険会社に請求するみたいです。AIUに電話したら、所定の用紙があるのですけど、それを病院に渡してこないといけなかったみたいで、(医者にいろいろ書いてもらう欄があります。)それを、AIUに送って下さいって言われました。ひと先ず、お金払わなくてよいみたいで、よかったです^^。
The long-waited bill was delivered to me, X-ray $200, CT scan $700, emergency room care $200 and so on. However, to my surprise, the billing statement said “Insurance has been billed” and the Balance Due was $0. I imagined that I paid it to the hospital first and then my insurances company refunded it to me. But the hospital charged it to my insurance company directly. When I called AIU (my insurance company), she said I have to send some paper to AIU. AIU specifies the paper which the doctor should complete. As I don’t need to pay my money to the hospital, I feel very lucky!
The long-waited bill was delivered to me, X-ray $200, CT scan $700, emergency room care $200 and so on. However, to my surprise, the billing statement said “Insurance has been billed” and the Balance Due was $0. I imagined that I paid it to the hospital first and then my insurances company refunded it to me. But the hospital charged it to my insurance company directly. When I called AIU (my insurance company), she said I have to send some paper to AIU. AIU specifies the paper which the doctor should complete. As I don’t need to pay my money to the hospital, I feel very lucky!
January 20 was the day of an inauguration of Mr. Obama. There were many many people in Washington DC. I was watching TV at my apartment. An inauguration ceremony is held every four years, and it is very crowded with so many people in DC.
But I heard that it was special and extremely crowded this year. This is because the U.S.A. has an African-American President for the first time in its history. Most of American told me they watched TV in their house. If I had not caught flu, I would have gone to see the parade.
January 20 was the day of an inauguration of Mr. Obama. There were many many people in Washington DC. I was watching TV at my apartment. An inauguration ceremony is held every four years, and it is very crowded with so many people in DC.
But I heard that it was special and extremely crowded this year. This is because the U.S.A. has an African-American President for the first time in its history. Most of American told me they watched TV in their house. If I had not caught flu, I would have gone to see the parade.
12 hours!
There are many black people in Washington DC. I heard Washington DC has working conditions for black people, because DC has many government agencies. BTW, every black woman has a very attractive hairstyle. Most of black women, even children, braid their hair, very finely. I wonder who braids their hair and how to braid their hair. So I always ask them who braid their hair. The girl of who I took pictures told me her friend had braided her hair for 12 hours!! I heard a hairdresser can braid their hair, but most of them have their hair braided by their mother or friends. Then I wonder how to wash their hair. She said she never washes her hair. I heard the black people usually wash their hair once a week, but most women who have their hair braided, put SEABREEZE on their hair Then, three months later, she has her hair braided by her friend again. I think the fancy hair style is very hard work.
Frozen pear
Well, it was really cold on January 16, and I heard the minimum temperature was fourteen degrees below zero. Even daytime, it was ten degrees below zero. It was VERY COLD. I felt as if I were in a freezer. Without a pair of gloves, I felt my hands chill. Everybody tied a muffler around one’s head.
BTW, the other day when Watanabe-san and I had a New Year party with my friends, Watanabe-san took me to the supermarket. He said that it was not fair for me to pay all everytime, and he bought many thing for the party. I don’t want anything and am very happy for everybody just to come to my apartment, but Watanabe-san is really kind. He bought some beer, some bottle of wine, and huge six Asian pears in a box. The pears cost $18. My refrigerator was full, so I left the pears out of it. Then, this morning, when I was going to eat a pear, I was very surprised to find the pear was frozen!!! A whole pear was frozen. That’s true because the temperature was fourteen degrees below zero. As the pear was very tasty, I regret that.
Well, it was really cold on January 16, and I heard the minimum temperature was fourteen degrees below zero. Even daytime, it was ten degrees below zero. It was VERY COLD. I felt as if I were in a freezer. Without a pair of gloves, I felt my hands chill. Everybody tied a muffler around one’s head.
BTW, the other day when Watanabe-san and I had a New Year party with my friends, Watanabe-san took me to the supermarket. He said that it was not fair for me to pay all everytime, and he bought many thing for the party. I don’t want anything and am very happy for everybody just to come to my apartment, but Watanabe-san is really kind. He bought some beer, some bottle of wine, and huge six Asian pears in a box. The pears cost $18. My refrigerator was full, so I left the pears out of it. Then, this morning, when I was going to eat a pear, I was very surprised to find the pear was frozen!!! A whole pear was frozen. That’s true because the temperature was fourteen degrees below zero. As the pear was very tasty, I regret that.
We are on a four-day holiday from January 17th in Sughrue. I accepted much work and I was going to work hard. However, I got the chills after noon on January17th, so I wore many clothes, but still chills. I thought something was wrong with me, so I took a temperature, my fever was over 100.5F. I thought I had a cold, then I took a cold med. I sometimes run a fever, because my tonsils are swollen, but I have not had a normal could for about a decade. I still got the chill, then I took a temperature. My fever was over 102F. One hour later, my fever became 104F. So, I thought I might have the flu, and I have to take flu med. But I don't know where I can buy the flu med, or should I go to an emergency room at a hospital??
I called my friend, she taught me “NyQuil” is good med. But, as it was a four-day holiday, most of my friends were out, so nobody could buy med for me. So, I was in trouble. But I have Watanabe-san. Every time Watanabe-san helps me. He bought med for me. I took NyQuil, I was surprised to find my fever decreased under 100F within three hours. When I take the med, my temperature goes down 101F, then I sleep and when get up, my temperature goes up 103F, repeated that. But this morning, my temperature was 100F when I got up. I think I passed the crisis. Med of US works very strong.
BTW, Watanabe-san brought me med twice, some fruits, some food, a humidifier, Okayu (porridge), tea, and water every day. He sent me e-mail to cheer up me. Thank you very much. I could not live in the US without Watanabe-san…
And many friends sent me texts or e-mails to cheer up me, thank you.
So, I was going to write many blog, but I couldn’t…
We are on a four-day holiday from January 17th in Sughrue. I accepted much work and I was going to work hard. However, I got the chills after noon on January17th, so I wore many clothes, but still chills. I thought something was wrong with me, so I took a temperature, my fever was over 100.5F. I thought I had a cold, then I took a cold med. I sometimes run a fever, because my tonsils are swollen, but I have not had a normal could for about a decade. I still got the chill, then I took a temperature. My fever was over 102F. One hour later, my fever became 104F. So, I thought I might have the flu, and I have to take flu med. But I don't know where I can buy the flu med, or should I go to an emergency room at a hospital??
I called my friend, she taught me “NyQuil” is good med. But, as it was a four-day holiday, most of my friends were out, so nobody could buy med for me. So, I was in trouble. But I have Watanabe-san. Every time Watanabe-san helps me. He bought med for me. I took NyQuil, I was surprised to find my fever decreased under 100F within three hours. When I take the med, my temperature goes down 101F, then I sleep and when get up, my temperature goes up 103F, repeated that. But this morning, my temperature was 100F when I got up. I think I passed the crisis. Med of US works very strong.
BTW, Watanabe-san brought me med twice, some fruits, some food, a humidifier, Okayu (porridge), tea, and water every day. He sent me e-mail to cheer up me. Thank you very much. I could not live in the US without Watanabe-san…
And many friends sent me texts or e-mails to cheer up me, thank you.
So, I was going to write many blog, but I couldn’t…
I felt something wrong and it seemed I developed cystitis. I do not think men can understand, but most of (or some of) women sometimes have cystitis, when they are tired. I heard when I am tired or something, my body tolerance becomes weak, and some kind of bacteria grow proliferously.
I prepared to go to USPTO this morning, and went to the PTO, then when I returned to my office, I had to do some work, so I had no time to go to pharmacy. However, when I went home, I have a little stomach ache...Then I went to pharmacy. “Boukouen” is listed as "cystitis" on my dictionary, but a pharmacist at the pharmacy said it was spelled incorrectly Then I bought “CYSTEX”. But I think CYSTEX is the name of medicine, not correct spelling…
I felt something wrong and it seemed I developed cystitis. I do not think men can understand, but most of (or some of) women sometimes have cystitis, when they are tired. I heard when I am tired or something, my body tolerance becomes weak, and some kind of bacteria grow proliferously.
I prepared to go to USPTO this morning, and went to the PTO, then when I returned to my office, I had to do some work, so I had no time to go to pharmacy. However, when I went home, I have a little stomach ache...Then I went to pharmacy. “Boukouen” is listed as "cystitis" on my dictionary, but a pharmacist at the pharmacy said it was spelled incorrectly Then I bought “CYSTEX”. But I think CYSTEX is the name of medicine, not correct spelling…
A stronger yen
Yen application has become high against the US dollar. Since I spent most of cash (dollars), I decided I to buy dollars and checked the price of dollar every day. Now, one dollar is almost 88 yen. I bought dollars yesterday. When I bought dollars last time, one dollar was about 105 yen, then I bought one dollar as 90.5 yen yesterday. If you buy 1000000 yen now, you can get $1500 more than last year. Once, yen was very high against dollar about 15 years ago. I remember one dollar was about 80 yen, and one of my friends deposited $. I thought dollar did not become cheap, but one dollar became more than 120 yen before I knew what was happening. So, I think depositing dollars is worth doing. Well, why don’t you deposit dollars?
Yen application has become high against the US dollar. Since I spent most of cash (dollars), I decided I to buy dollars and checked the price of dollar every day. Now, one dollar is almost 88 yen. I bought dollars yesterday. When I bought dollars last time, one dollar was about 105 yen, then I bought one dollar as 90.5 yen yesterday. If you buy 1000000 yen now, you can get $1500 more than last year. Once, yen was very high against dollar about 15 years ago. I remember one dollar was about 80 yen, and one of my friends deposited $. I thought dollar did not become cheap, but one dollar became more than 120 yen before I knew what was happening. So, I think depositing dollars is worth doing. Well, why don’t you deposit dollars?
Most of the apartments in US are different from those in Japan, and have a dishwasher, a microwave, a refrigerator, and a wash machine as a default. As I had never used a dishwasher in Japan, I have never used a dishwasher of my apartment in the US until today, I dared to use the dish washer today. I bought dish detergents, set the dish detergent to the dishwasher, and turned it on, that's all. How easy!
But, as to my apartment, the bill of an utility is separated from a rent, so if I use dish washer many times, the bill of an utility becomes higher… Some of my friends live in Ballston, and their rent is $200 higher than mine. But it includes an utility bill. So, I am sure my apartment is more expensive than others...
Most of the apartments in US are different from those in Japan, and have a dishwasher, a microwave, a refrigerator, and a wash machine as a default. As I had never used a dishwasher in Japan, I have never used a dishwasher of my apartment in the US until today, I dared to use the dish washer today. I bought dish detergents, set the dish detergent to the dishwasher, and turned it on, that's all. How easy!
But, as to my apartment, the bill of an utility is separated from a rent, so if I use dish washer many times, the bill of an utility becomes higher… Some of my friends live in Ballston, and their rent is $200 higher than mine. But it includes an utility bill. So, I am sure my apartment is more expensive than others...
Examiner’s annual income
昨日、ハワードとUSPTOに行ってきました。OAの面接審査です。審査はすこぶる順調に終わって、審査官と雑談。審査官は、経験9年のベテラン審査官。審査官には、junior examiner, primary examiner, supervisorの3種類があって、スーパーバイザになると、なんと20人から40人の審査官のチェックをするそうです。これはハワードの娘さんに聞いた話ですけど。彼女も審査官です。で、今日の審査官の話によると、審査官になって、5、6年すると、primary examinerになれるらしいのですけど、なんと年収170000ドルだそうです。日本の審査官より高いですよね。でもこちらのアトーニはもっと全然もらってますけど・・・。
I went to the USPTO with Howard to interview an examiner yesterday. As the interview was finished very smoothly, we had a chat with the examiner. He has about 9 years experience as an examiner and is a specialist. There are 3 kinds of examiners, a Junior Examiner, a Primary Examiner, and A Supervisor. If one becomes a Supervisor, he or she has to supervise about 20-40 examiners. I have heard it from a daughter of Howard. She is also an examiner. The examiner who we met today told me one can become a Primary Examiner after working about 6 years as an examiner, and one’s annual income is 170 thousand dollars!! It is much higher than that of an examiner in Japan. Furthermore, the attorneys in US can earn much more income.
I went to the USPTO with Howard to interview an examiner yesterday. As the interview was finished very smoothly, we had a chat with the examiner. He has about 9 years experience as an examiner and is a specialist. There are 3 kinds of examiners, a Junior Examiner, a Primary Examiner, and A Supervisor. If one becomes a Supervisor, he or she has to supervise about 20-40 examiners. I have heard it from a daughter of Howard. She is also an examiner. The examiner who we met today told me one can become a Primary Examiner after working about 6 years as an examiner, and one’s annual income is 170 thousand dollars!! It is much higher than that of an examiner in Japan. Furthermore, the attorneys in US can earn much more income.
アイルランドのGUINNESS STOREHOUSEで、変わったギネスを買ってきました。1本飲んでみたんですけど、すっごく濃いビールでした。これまたアイルランドで飲んでたGUINNESSの生ビールとは、全然違うけど、こっちで売ってる6本$10のギネスビールよりは、はるかにおいしいです。
GUINNESS Beer sold in the US is not tasty, I am sure.
After returning from Ireland, I miss Ireland and I sometimes buy and drink GUINNESS beer. But the taste is completely different. My American friend who has lived in Ireland does not drink GUINNESS beer in the US, because he also feels the difference.
I bought some special GUINNESS at the GUINNESS STOREHOUSE in Ireland.
I drank one bottle and felt it had so rich taste. It is also different from the draft GUINNESS beer which I drank in Ireland, but it is much tastier than the Guinness beer sold in the US $10 per six bottles.
アイルランドのGUINNESS STOREHOUSEで、変わったギネスを買ってきました。1本飲んでみたんですけど、すっごく濃いビールでした。これまたアイルランドで飲んでたGUINNESSの生ビールとは、全然違うけど、こっちで売ってる6本$10のギネスビールよりは、はるかにおいしいです。
GUINNESS Beer sold in the US is not tasty, I am sure.
After returning from Ireland, I miss Ireland and I sometimes buy and drink GUINNESS beer. But the taste is completely different. My American friend who has lived in Ireland does not drink GUINNESS beer in the US, because he also feels the difference.
I bought some special GUINNESS at the GUINNESS STOREHOUSE in Ireland.
I drank one bottle and felt it had so rich taste. It is also different from the draft GUINNESS beer which I drank in Ireland, but it is much tastier than the Guinness beer sold in the US $10 per six bottles.
Ladies first
In the US every men treat women as “ladies first”. I found it I had “ladies first” five times from morning such as when I go down in an elevator in my apartment, when I take an escalator of the Metro, when I take an elevator of Sughrue building (twice) and when I enter Starbucks.
Every man always makes me go first with saying “Please.”. I imagine when I return to Tokyo, I will miss “ladies first”…
Our law firm’s next trainee is Mr. I, I think he might acquire a perfect “ladies first”! I look forward to that.
In the US every men treat women as “ladies first”. I found it I had “ladies first” five times from morning such as when I go down in an elevator in my apartment, when I take an escalator of the Metro, when I take an elevator of Sughrue building (twice) and when I enter Starbucks.
Every man always makes me go first with saying “Please.”. I imagine when I return to Tokyo, I will miss “ladies first”…
Our law firm’s next trainee is Mr. I, I think he might acquire a perfect “ladies first”! I look forward to that.
Rewrite my English
Mr. Moorman rewrote some of my English in my Blog and taught me at English class. I will update my Blog with the English rewritten by him. It is quite different from my English.
When I read his English, I thought “Yes, I wanted to write like this.” You know, if natives read my English, they might feel it strange... Well, I have been updating my Blog in English since last June, actually, I have been writing some English sentences (about one paragraph) since last January with being corrected by my friends. So I have been writing English sentences for one year. Two friends of mine check my English. Although they are very busy, when I send them my English sentences, they send back their revised English to me very quickly. I really appreciate their co-operation. I sometimes wonder if my English could have become improved.
But I am going to continue writing English until I can fully express what I think in English. It needs my friends’ assistance and I hope they continue to help me.
Mr. Moorman rewrote some of my English in my Blog and taught me at English class. I will update my Blog with the English rewritten by him. It is quite different from my English.
When I read his English, I thought “Yes, I wanted to write like this.” You know, if natives read my English, they might feel it strange... Well, I have been updating my Blog in English since last June, actually, I have been writing some English sentences (about one paragraph) since last January with being corrected by my friends. So I have been writing English sentences for one year. Two friends of mine check my English. Although they are very busy, when I send them my English sentences, they send back their revised English to me very quickly. I really appreciate their co-operation. I sometimes wonder if my English could have become improved.
But I am going to continue writing English until I can fully express what I think in English. It needs my friends’ assistance and I hope they continue to help me.
I am sometimes called “Ma’am!” in the US, for example, when I forget to receive the change, the clerk of the shop calls me that. For a while after I came to the US, I thought they were saying "Man!" I thought "Man" means “Hold up!” or something. My friend told me it is “Ma’am” and not “Man”, and Ma’am is abbreviation of Madam. I am embarrassed... FYI, they usually use Ma’am to elders. I thought they generally use “Man” for women, meaning people. You know Ma’am is very different from Man… But I sometimes hear "Ma'am" and "Man" as same pronunciation...
I am sometimes called “Ma’am!” in the US, for example, when I forget to receive the change, the clerk of the shop calls me that. For a while after I came to the US, I thought they were saying "Man!" I thought "Man" means “Hold up!” or something. My friend told me it is “Ma’am” and not “Man”, and Ma’am is abbreviation of Madam. I am embarrassed... FYI, they usually use Ma’am to elders. I thought they generally use “Man” for women, meaning people. You know Ma’am is very different from Man… But I sometimes hear "Ma'am" and "Man" as same pronunciation...
They like my coat!
今日、お昼に銀行に行くために、外にでました。で、出たとたん、あなたのコートかわいいっ!って言われました。アメリカに来て、ものすごいよく、洋服や靴を知らない人に褒められますけど、結構嬉しいです。で、歩いていたらまた言われました。で、また言われました。という感じで、歩いている間中、ものすごく頻繁に、I love your coar!!とか言われました。私は、NYであまりの寒さでつい衝動買いしてしまった毛皮のジャケットを着てたわけですけど、ここのブランドから宣伝料でも取ろうかしら・・・。残念ながら?全員女の人でしたねぇ。
I went out of the Sughrue building to go to the bank at noon today. As soon as I went out, a lady who I don’t know said to me “Your coat is so nice!”. Since I came to the US, I am very often praised about my shoes or clothes from someone who I don’t know. Of course, I like it. Then, I was walking to go to the bank, another lady said to me “I love your coat!”. And, another lady said to me as well. Like that, I continued to be praised from ladies who I don’t know until I came back to Sughrue. Since I wore a fur jacket which I bought in NY on impulse because it was so cold in NY, I think I can get ad fees from the brand of the fur jacket. Unfortunately (?!), all who praised me were women.
It has been raining three days since Monday. But it is better than snowing. It seems Japan is a little warmer than DC.
I hear that it is a little warmer in Japan than in DC.
Well, I have been to Seven-Eleven to take out my money in the rain. I can take out my money deposited in the City Bank in Japan without any service charge in the US. I bought $s in Japan and deposited them in the City Bank in Japan. So I can always take out my money in the US and transfer it to the Bank of America or City Bank of US.
BTW, thru ATM, the maximum limit which we can take out per one action is predetermined, for example, $400 at Seven-Eleven. But if you go to City Bank of US, you can take out $1,000 per one action. And also the maximum limit which we can take out per one day is predetermined, for example, $1,000 at City Bank. I persuaded a clerk of City Bank, and made her to set my maximum limit to $3,000. So I usually withdraw $3,000 and transfer them to other banks. As I can take out only $400 per one action, I have to take more than 7 actions to obtain $3,000...Further, $20 bills are flew out from ATM and $20 bill is inconvenient for me. I hate this system.
It has been raining three days since Monday. But it is better than snowing. It seems Japan is a little warmer than DC.
I hear that it is a little warmer in Japan than in DC.
Well, I have been to Seven-Eleven to take out my money in the rain. I can take out my money deposited in the City Bank in Japan without any service charge in the US. I bought $s in Japan and deposited them in the City Bank in Japan. So I can always take out my money in the US and transfer it to the Bank of America or City Bank of US.
BTW, thru ATM, the maximum limit which we can take out per one action is predetermined, for example, $400 at Seven-Eleven. But if you go to City Bank of US, you can take out $1,000 per one action. And also the maximum limit which we can take out per one day is predetermined, for example, $1,000 at City Bank. I persuaded a clerk of City Bank, and made her to set my maximum limit to $3,000. So I usually withdraw $3,000 and transfer them to other banks. As I can take out only $400 per one action, I have to take more than 7 actions to obtain $3,000...Further, $20 bills are flew out from ATM and $20 bill is inconvenient for me. I hate this system.
Since I hit my head very hard, I hoped that when I get up in the morning next day, I become to speak English very fluently. However, it did not happen... As one says, one has to learn English in a step-by-step fashion.
I sometimes watch CNN, but I can’t understand it very well, even though my TV shows English subtitle. I can understand the kind of news that the son of John Travolta died, but I can’t understand the kind of news of economy well.
I heard that some of big companies will put off sending the next training person. The companies become lame-duck, or the training fee is one of the easiest cost reduction, I think. I am so happy to be sent to DC to train in such difficult times.
[Since I had rattled my brain so hard, I hoped that when I got up in the morning the next day I would now speak English very fluently, Als, that didn’t happen… As is often said, one has to learn English step by step.
I sometimes watch CNN but I can’t understand the news very well even though mt TV has English subtitles. I can understand the popular news, such as the death of John Trsvolta’s son, but I can’t understand economic news very well. I’ve heard that some big companies will put off sending the next trainee. The companies have become ???, or the training fee is one of the easiest expenses to cut, I think. I am so happy to have been sent to DC for training during such difficult times. ]
Since I hit my head very hard, I hoped that when I get up in the morning next day, I become to speak English very fluently. However, it did not happen... As one says, one has to learn English in a step-by-step fashion.
I sometimes watch CNN, but I can’t understand it very well, even though my TV shows English subtitle. I can understand the kind of news that the son of John Travolta died, but I can’t understand the kind of news of economy well.
I heard that some of big companies will put off sending the next training person. The companies become lame-duck, or the training fee is one of the easiest cost reduction, I think. I am so happy to be sent to DC to train in such difficult times.
[Since I had rattled my brain so hard, I hoped that when I got up in the morning the next day I would now speak English very fluently, Als, that didn’t happen… As is often said, one has to learn English step by step.
I sometimes watch CNN but I can’t understand the news very well even though mt TV has English subtitles. I can understand the popular news, such as the death of John Trsvolta’s son, but I can’t understand economic news very well. I’ve heard that some big companies will put off sending the next trainee. The companies have become ???, or the training fee is one of the easiest expenses to cut, I think. I am so happy to have been sent to DC for training during such difficult times. ]
Emergency room
I did big no-no thing again in the US…I went to an emergency hospital.
On the night of January 2nd, I went out with my friend. And I slipped on the stairs and fell, then I smacked back of head with the concrete stairs. I felt too much pain, so I could not get up. So my friend clutched me and I was transported to the sofa. But my headache was not relieved absolutely. So, my friend thought it was too bad, he took me to an emergency hospital. However, the emergency hospital was very crowded and I felt too cold. Then I just took common tests and went home. The next day, my headache was also not relieved absolutely and back of my head was not swollen although I hit it very hard. So, I supposed that something happened in the inside of head. Then I went to the emergency hospital again. In the US, if we go to the hospital, we need to make an appointment. If we don't have an appointment, we have to go to the emergency hospital.
[I had another big mistake in the US: I went to the emergency room at a hospital. In the evening on January 2nd, I went out with my friend. I slipped on some stairs, fell, and smacked the back of my head on the concrete steps. I had a lot of pain and could’t get up. My friend helped me up and moved me to a sofa. However, the pain in my head remained strong so my friend thought my condition was serious enough to go to a hospital. The emergency room was very crowded and cold. I received a routine check-up and went home. The next day me headache had not lessened but the back of my head was not swollen from the hard blow. I imagined that the swelling could be inside my head and decided to return to the hospital. In the US you need an appointment to see a doctor, so without an appointment you need to go to the emergency room at a hospital. ]
I arrived at the hospital 11:30 am, and the check was finished at 3:00 pm. The doctor in charge was a very gentle woman. I had taken an X-ray and a CT scan of my head. My results of the check were normal. The doctor told me that the back of head is one of the most sensitive parts, and I was really lucky. Well, to slip and fall is not too often, but I have to be careful
BTW, the payment will be sent to me at a later date. How much do I have to pay? I think it is expensive, because I paid $4000 to the dentist… But I have insurance, so the insurance company will pay the payment.
[I arrived at the hospital at 11:30 am and the examination wasn’t finished until 3:00 pm. The doctor in charge was a very kind woman. I had an X-ray taken as well as a CT scan of my head. The results were normal. The doctor told me that the back of the head is one of the most sensitive parts of the body and that I was really lucky, Well, slipping and falling is something that doesn’t happen so often, but I realized I need to be more careful.
BTW, the bill will be sent to me later. I don’t know how much I will need to pay, but I expect the cost to be high, given that I paid $4000 for dental work. However, I have insurance, so the insurance company will bear the expense.]
I did big no-no thing again in the US…I went to an emergency hospital.
On the night of January 2nd, I went out with my friend. And I slipped on the stairs and fell, then I smacked back of head with the concrete stairs. I felt too much pain, so I could not get up. So my friend clutched me and I was transported to the sofa. But my headache was not relieved absolutely. So, my friend thought it was too bad, he took me to an emergency hospital. However, the emergency hospital was very crowded and I felt too cold. Then I just took common tests and went home. The next day, my headache was also not relieved absolutely and back of my head was not swollen although I hit it very hard. So, I supposed that something happened in the inside of head. Then I went to the emergency hospital again. In the US, if we go to the hospital, we need to make an appointment. If we don't have an appointment, we have to go to the emergency hospital.
[I had another big mistake in the US: I went to the emergency room at a hospital. In the evening on January 2nd, I went out with my friend. I slipped on some stairs, fell, and smacked the back of my head on the concrete steps. I had a lot of pain and could’t get up. My friend helped me up and moved me to a sofa. However, the pain in my head remained strong so my friend thought my condition was serious enough to go to a hospital. The emergency room was very crowded and cold. I received a routine check-up and went home. The next day me headache had not lessened but the back of my head was not swollen from the hard blow. I imagined that the swelling could be inside my head and decided to return to the hospital. In the US you need an appointment to see a doctor, so without an appointment you need to go to the emergency room at a hospital. ]
I arrived at the hospital 11:30 am, and the check was finished at 3:00 pm. The doctor in charge was a very gentle woman. I had taken an X-ray and a CT scan of my head. My results of the check were normal. The doctor told me that the back of head is one of the most sensitive parts, and I was really lucky. Well, to slip and fall is not too often, but I have to be careful
BTW, the payment will be sent to me at a later date. How much do I have to pay? I think it is expensive, because I paid $4000 to the dentist… But I have insurance, so the insurance company will pay the payment.
[I arrived at the hospital at 11:30 am and the examination wasn’t finished until 3:00 pm. The doctor in charge was a very kind woman. I had an X-ray taken as well as a CT scan of my head. The results were normal. The doctor told me that the back of the head is one of the most sensitive parts of the body and that I was really lucky, Well, slipping and falling is something that doesn’t happen so often, but I realized I need to be more careful.
BTW, the bill will be sent to me later. I don’t know how much I will need to pay, but I expect the cost to be high, given that I paid $4000 for dental work. However, I have insurance, so the insurance company will bear the expense.]
Goal of 2009
It is January 2nd, but I am working enthusiastically!! (Of course, because I went to many place during year-end…).
[Today is January 2nd, for many people a vacation day, but I am working diligently. That is, of course, because I went to many places during the year-end.]
After I came to the US in June, 2008, I have spent 6 months in the US . My training period remains only about 4 months. The 6 months was passed as quick as a flash. The other trainee said to me, last four months will be passed more quickly than other months.
[Having come to the US in June, I have now spend six months here. My training period lasts only about four months more. These six months passed “as quick as flash”. The other trainee said to me that the last four months would pass even more quickly.]
Well, this is the New Year, so let’s set up a goal of 2009. I always set up a goal in the New Year. For example, working carefully, learning English hard, back-to-basics, or eliminating errors and so on. I think the goal of the year can just be such easy tasks. Then, I think back several times during the year, and check whether I achieve the goal or not.
[Well, now being a new year, I should set new goals for 2009. I always set up a goal at the beginning of a new year, for example, working carefully, learning English diligently, returning to basics, elimination errors, etc. I think the goal for the new year should be easily measured. Then, I can look back several times during the year and see whether or not I am achieving that goal.]
My goal of 2009 is ….. it is secret.
It is January 2nd, but I am working enthusiastically!! (Of course, because I went to many place during year-end…).
[Today is January 2nd, for many people a vacation day, but I am working diligently. That is, of course, because I went to many places during the year-end.]
After I came to the US in June, 2008, I have spent 6 months in the US . My training period remains only about 4 months. The 6 months was passed as quick as a flash. The other trainee said to me, last four months will be passed more quickly than other months.
[Having come to the US in June, I have now spend six months here. My training period lasts only about four months more. These six months passed “as quick as flash”. The other trainee said to me that the last four months would pass even more quickly.]
Well, this is the New Year, so let’s set up a goal of 2009. I always set up a goal in the New Year. For example, working carefully, learning English hard, back-to-basics, or eliminating errors and so on. I think the goal of the year can just be such easy tasks. Then, I think back several times during the year, and check whether I achieve the goal or not.
[Well, now being a new year, I should set new goals for 2009. I always set up a goal at the beginning of a new year, for example, working carefully, learning English diligently, returning to basics, elimination errors, etc. I think the goal for the new year should be easily measured. Then, I can look back several times during the year and see whether or not I am achieving that goal.]
My goal of 2009 is ….. it is secret.
Count down party
I returned to DC at 8:00 pm and went to the countdown party in DC at 9:30 pm.
I think I am very tough!
The party was held at the restaurant which was famous for oysters. But unfortunately, I don’t like oysters...
At 12:00 pm, we count downed, many balloon flew , and we had a toast with champagne, I think but I can't remember well. Because it was 5:00 am Dublin Time, I was so sleepy. BTW, it was so cold in DC. It was not so cold in Dublin, so I think DC is colder than Dublin. But, NY is much much much colder than DC, so I never visit NY for a while.
One day tour
Cliffs of Moherというのが見たくて、デイツアーに行ってきました。朝7時に出発、夜の7時に戻りで69ユーロです。要するに崖を見に行ってきたのですけど、アイルランドでダブリンとはま逆に位置することろにあります。バスで3時間半でダブリンと反対側に着きます。アイルランドはほんとに小さい国です。で、崖はすごかったんですけど、風がものすごく強くて立っているのもやっとという感じでした。崖の近くには行かなかったけれど、去年、観光客が崖から落ちて亡くなったとか。
As I wanted to see Cliffs of Moher, we joined one day tour. The tour started at 7:00 am and returned to Dublin at 7:00 pm and it costs 69 Euros. In short, we went to see the cliff. The place was located at an opposite side from Dublin in Ireland. We can arrive in three hours by bus. I think Ireland is a very small country. Then, the Cliffs of Moher was great, but it was so windy and we were almost falling. We didn’t go to near cliffs, but a person fell off the cliff and died last year, I heard.
I have to return to DC the next day. Of course, I went to temple bars and drank an Irish coffee and GUINNESS beer. We became friends with many Irish guys. I enjoyed Ireland very much. I miss Ireland and my friend’s sister.
It costs $500 from DC to Dublin but it costs $1700 from Tokyo to Dublin. Europe is very close from DC, I think. I do recommend to go to Europe to the next trainee from Hibiki.
My friend’s sister said a lobster in Ireland was really tasty, and she bought us one big lobster and one big crab. After we had gone to the temple bar (actually, I got drunk...) ,
she boiled the lobster and the crab for us. It was really tasty. I thought the lobster in Dublin was tastier than that in DC.
Temple bar
What is more Irish than Irish bar, and they call an Irish bar a temple bar. In Dublin, there is an area where many temple bars are, and we went there every day during our stay in Dublin. Most of the people drink GUINNESS beer and an Irish coffee in the temple bar. An Irish coffee is made of JAMESON whiskey and coffee with sugar, and puts on much fresh cream on the top. An Irish coffee has high calorie, and has strong alcohol. I like an Irish coffee without sugar. There is a birth-bar of a temple bar in
Dublin. As the Irish coffee in this temple bar is so nice, so I went there every night and drank the Irish coffee. But I can’t drink many glass of Irish coffee, because it is too rich taste. Each an Irish coffee and a glass of GUINNESS costs about 7 Euros, I think it is not cheap.
What is more Irish than GUINNESS beer. Then we went to a factory of GUINNESS tour. There is a GUINNESS storehouse in the city of Dublin. We can go there by bus. We enjoyed free samples in the GUINNESS storehouse. Although the alcohol was 2.8%, or I don’t know why, it was very mellow. We can drink one big glass of GUINNESS in the GUINNESS storehouse tour. We can pour GUINNESS into a glass by myself. Firstly, we pour GUINNESS in to a glass 90% and wait 5 minute to produce bubble on the top of the glass. Then we pour GUINNESS again to fill the glass. The GUINNESS in Ireland is completely different from the GUINNESS in the US, it was so mellow and tasty. Therefore, I drank a lot of GUINNESS during my stay in Ireland!!
A Happy New Year!!
I visited Ireland during year-end holidays. As my friend’s sister lives in Dublin, we, my friend who lives in Tokyo and I planned to see in Dublin. I think I travel too much...
Last time, when I visited Italy, I missed an airplane to Rome because the transit time was too short. This time, I made a mistake in booking an airplane. I have booked the flight which had a short transit time of one hour and 20 minutes. Sure enough, the airplane from DC to Atlanta was late one hour, so I had only 20 minutes to change the airplane in Atlanta. Sure enough, the airplane from DC to Atlanta was late one hour, so I had only 20 minutes to change the airplane in Atlanta. I dashed and could be on board the airplane from Atlanta to Dublin.
As I ran a lot and could catch the flight at the last minute, I felt my baggage could not make it in time... As I might have been expected, my baggage was lost in Dublin. As I prospected, my baggage could not be found at the Dublin Airport. The airport staff told me that my baggage would arrive at 11:00 am the next day, so I went to the home of my friend’s sister without my baggage.
Next day, my baggage was not delivered at 11:00 am... I called my friend in the US to call Delta Airline, and I asked my friend’s sister to call the Dublin Airport many times, and finally my baggage was delivered at 3:00 pm.
I decided that when I would book the flight next time, I should choose the flight with a long transit time.
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