願いは叶う、私はこの言葉好きなんです。誰でもいろんな願いがあると思うけど。そうですね、あと背が10センチ低かったら(笑)とか、八頭身に生まれたかった、とかそういう物理的なお願いはちょっと無理ですけど。綺麗になりたい、社長になりたい、金持ちになりたい、なんて願いはいつかは叶う日が来ますよね。努力すれば。私は、いっぱい願いがあります。願いを叶えるために、毎日じゃなくてもいろいろ努力することが好きです。いっぱい願いを持ってると、それだけ叶う確率も高くなる(笑)。願わないと何もしないので、当然何も変わりません。今日より明日、明日より明後日、なにかちょっとでも成長していたいと思います。10年前には弁理士になるなんて思ってもみなかったし、5年前にはアメリカに住むなんて思ってもみなかった。いつか××したい、って思うのってとても大切だなと思うんです。だって願いは叶うものだから。アメリカって、Dreams come trueの国、って感じします。年収が億単位の弁護士もたくさんいます。でも、日本にいても、夢も願いもいつか叶う日が来るので、いっぱいお願いごとをして、その実現に向けて毎日がんばりましょ♪
“Wishes come true”, I like these words. I think everybody has many wishes. Well, some kinds of physical wishes, such as I wish I were ten more centimeters taller, I wish I were eight-head figure, are difficult to come true. However, some kinds of wishes such as I wish I were an enchantress person, I wish I had an own company, I wish I were rich like that, come true someday, if you make efforts. I have many wishes, and I like to make efforts to achieve the wishes, even if not every day. The more you have wishes, the higher probability the wishes come true. If you have no wish, nothing changes, so you never mature as a person, I think. I hope I mature as a person day by day. I never imagined I would become a patent attorney ten years ago, I never imagined I would live in the US five years ago. I think it is very important for you to think “I hope to do something someday.”, because wishes always come true someday. I have the feeling that America is a country in which dreams come true. For example, many lawyers’ annual incomes are millions of dollar. Even if we live in Japan, wishes come true someday, so we should have many wishes and make efforts for dreams/wishes to come true!
2 件のコメント:
Hi Mika! You are doing great and I've really been enjoying your blog. Hope to see you soon!
Thank you, Larry! I look forward to seeing you when I return to Japan.