Cliffs of Moherというのが見たくて、デイツアーに行ってきました。朝7時に出発、夜の7時に戻りで69ユーロです。要するに崖を見に行ってきたのですけど、アイルランドでダブリンとはま逆に位置することろにあります。バスで3時間半でダブリンと反対側に着きます。アイルランドはほんとに小さい国です。で、崖はすごかったんですけど、風がものすごく強くて立っているのもやっとという感じでした。崖の近くには行かなかったけれど、去年、観光客が崖から落ちて亡くなったとか。
As I wanted to see Cliffs of Moher, we joined one day tour. The tour started at 7:00 am and returned to Dublin at 7:00 pm and it costs 69 Euros. In short, we went to see the cliff. The place was located at an opposite side from Dublin in Ireland. We can arrive in three hours by bus. I think Ireland is a very small country. Then, the Cliffs of Moher was great, but it was so windy and we were almost falling. We didn’t go to near cliffs, but a person fell off the cliff and died last year, I heard.
I have to return to DC the next day. Of course, I went to temple bars and drank an Irish coffee and GUINNESS beer. We became friends with many Irish guys. I enjoyed Ireland very much. I miss Ireland and my friend’s sister.
It costs $500 from DC to Dublin but it costs $1700 from Tokyo to Dublin. Europe is very close from DC, I think. I do recommend to go to Europe to the next trainee from Hibiki.
2 件のコメント:
i strongly recommend a visit to ireland for everyone!
そーなの、そーなの。strongly recommendって感じよねぇ。日本からはなかなか遠くていけませんが。