
Let’s go to Brazil!!!

ところが、パトリシアから友達がDCからブラジルに来るよってメールが来ました。で、その友達は私の友達でもあって、ちょうど会う機会があって、聞いてみたら、リオのカーニバルに合わせてブラジルに行くらしい。あー、あたしも行く。思い立ったら吉日、フライトとホテルを探しました。フライトは、直行便だと1500ドルくらいしてちょっと高い。ホテルは、カーニバル時期だから6泊で8000ドルとか意味不明な金額。やっぱりだめかも。と思ってたら、デルタからアトランタで乗り替えだけれども1000ドルくらいのフライトが見つかって、友達(夫婦)が、うちの部屋に泊まればいいよ、と言ってくれて、私のブラジル行きが現実に。ところで、ブラジルに行くにはビザがいるんです。知ってました?土曜日にビザを申請しました。間に合うといんだけど。ということで、私、2月の末にブラジルに行きますの♪ 日本からだと20時間とか30万とかかかりますけど、DCからだととても近いです。がんばって仕事調整しますっ。

It was a long time ago, when I first thought of going to Brazil. But I have no money and time, so I thought maybe I could not go to Brazil. My friend, Patricia, lives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. So, I want to see her.
However, I heard from her that her friend (also my friend) will be coming to Brazil by e-mail. I met the friends (Mr. and Mrs S) and asked them. Then they said they would go to Rio de Janeiro in time for the Carnival of Rio. So, I decided to go to Rio with them! Then I looked for the flight for Rio, and the hotel in Rio. A direct flight for Rio costs $1500, so it is a little expensive for me. And the hotel is so expensive, for example, 6 nights cost $8000. So, I was about to give up. At that time, I found a delta flight, it was not direct flight, but it cost $1000. Further my friends offered me to stay with them. So, to go to Rio became a reality! BTW, we need VISA to go to Brazil. So, I applied VISA on Saturday. I hope I would receive my VISA before trip. If I go to Brazil from Tokyo, it takes more than 20 hours, and about $3000, but from DC, it costs very reasonable. I will work hard and make time to go to Rio.

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