今日、お昼に銀行に行くために、外にでました。で、出たとたん、あなたのコートかわいいっ!って言われました。アメリカに来て、ものすごいよく、洋服や靴を知らない人に褒められますけど、結構嬉しいです。で、歩いていたらまた言われました。で、また言われました。という感じで、歩いている間中、ものすごく頻繁に、I love your coar!!とか言われました。私は、NYであまりの寒さでつい衝動買いしてしまった毛皮のジャケットを着てたわけですけど、ここのブランドから宣伝料でも取ろうかしら・・・。残念ながら?全員女の人でしたねぇ。
I went out of the Sughrue building to go to the bank at noon today. As soon as I went out, a lady who I don’t know said to me “Your coat is so nice!”. Since I came to the US, I am very often praised about my shoes or clothes from someone who I don’t know. Of course, I like it. Then, I was walking to go to the bank, another lady said to me “I love your coat!”. And, another lady said to me as well. Like that, I continued to be praised from ladies who I don’t know until I came back to Sughrue. Since I wore a fur jacket which I bought in NY on impulse because it was so cold in NY, I think I can get ad fees from the brand of the fur jacket. Unfortunately (?!), all who praised me were women.
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