
Five Guys

Five Guysのハンバーガーは、日本に帰る前に一度は食べるべきだというアメリカ人のお勧めのハンバーガーショップです。DCにも5件ほどあるということです。ということで、N社のSさんのFarewell Partyの一次会は、Five Guysというハンバーガーショップでした。私、カメラの充電が切れちゃって写真とれず、残念。
(2300 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201, tel: 703-812-8440)

Everybody recommends me to go to "Five Guys" and eat a hamburger before returning to Japan. I heard there are five "Five Guys" in DC. Therefore, we had a Farewell Party for Mr. and Mrs. S of N-company there.
As the rechargeable battery of my digital camera ran out, I couldn’t take pictures of my friends and a huge hamburger... Basically, a hamburger includes two beef pates and free toppings such as many kinds of sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, tomato, lettuce, pickles, mushroom. It was a huge hamburger. We have to wait a little after our order, because they are made-to-order.
One hamburger costs about five dollars, so it was very reasonable. I had not eaten a hamburger for 15 years, but it was really delicious.
(2300 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201, tel: 703-812-8440)

1 件のコメント:

bdon さんのコメント...

I miss Five Guys! I know in Buffalo NY and we have no Five Guys, so sad.

Enjoy your time in DC!
