
S.TEEM (http://www.s-teem.co.jp/)


It’s been a while since I have gone to see a masseur and received acupuncture. S.TEEM sports massage is the massage where the masseur whom I trust in for more than 15 years is. As far as I know, he is the most skillful person who can do a massage and an acupuncture in Japan (I think, in the world). Although I have experiences that I was given massage and acupuncture from tens of people, the effect of him is completely different from other people. If I feel pain on my back and I think it will become hard to walk, sometimes it is too late for remedy. But he ( Motoda-san) always remedies my back pain. Instead, I have to receive his massage and acupuncture two hours every day, for more than a week. One time is 50 minutes and 5000 yen, so if I go to there for one week, I have to pay more than 70000 yen, but I think it is very cheap, if considering about being hospitalized.
Motoda-san is always on an extended business trip accompanying with the Olympic athletes in each Olympic. Further, if there are some competitions, he goes out for a long time. Therefore, when only the opportunity which he is in Tokyo comes, I can aggravate lower back pain.
I am in trouble, because I have to return to Washington DC soon, but it is fine with me that Motoda-san is in Tokyo now.
He is such an important person that when I found a job after graduating from University, I decided to stay in Tokyo because of him.
Anyway, if you have shoulder discomfort or back pain, or want to relax etc, and if you have a time, please receive his massage. It is so nice.
The place(http://www.s-teem.co.jp/) is 10 minutes walk from Tamachi station of JR.

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