
D.C. UNITED VS. Los Angeles Galaxy

日曜日、ベッカムを見に(笑)サッカーを見に行ってきました。グラウンドは灼熱の太陽。むちゃくちゃ暑かったのでビールがおいしかった。ベッカムは小さくて、残念ながら顔を確認することができませんでした。ゼッケン23。試合は、D.C. UNITEDの圧倒てきな勝利。4対1でした。とても楽しかったです。チケットは28ドル。

I went to see soccer game to see David Beckham. It was really hot day. Beer was so tasty because it was so hot. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see Beckham’s face because it was too far to see. His uniform number is 23. D.C. UNITED won a sweeping victory. The score was four to one. It was very fun. The ticket was $28.



I went to HILL WOOD museum with Mr. and Mrs. Kuratani. Mrs. Kuratani was very cute and delicate woman. The house which was the museum was owned by an individual, and there were many art objects and dishes. It was very cute house. As I couldn’t take a picture in the house, I took pictures just in the garden. We could have afternoon tea in the garden, so we had some tea and sweet. There is no so-called “kissaten”. Therefore it was unusual to take some tee in the afternoon in US.

Base ball


I went to a baseball game of Washington Nationals with BSKB. Before the game began, it was heavy rain. So I was worried the baseball game was rained out, but it cleared up a short time later and the game started. After several innings, audience increased. I thought American likes a baseball game. Well, I drank much beer and slept by the end…




Unit of liquid is gallon in US. One gallon is 3.785 litre. Water is sold in this unit. It is very big, so it is hardly decreased.


English school


I decided to go to English school in Rosslyn. It starts on Tuesday this week, and it is from Monday to Thursday, 6pm-8pm. It was &295 for six weeks. It was very cheap. I will go to DC to have a dinner with summer training program and I will go to dinner with Mr. McGinn, so I can’t go to every class, but I have to study English. I am a busy body!!


Dinner with Mr. McGinn

水曜日、McGinn事務所に行ってきました。 水曜日は講義が14時半で終わったので、山屋さんと、食事の時間まで、大滝を見に行ってきました。

I went to McGinn Law Firm on Wednesday. Since the lecture finished at 14:30, after that I went to Great Falls park with Mr. Yamaya until dinner.
Then, I went to McGinn Law Firm, Mr. Cooperrider took me to the Law Firm, and I had a small conversation together with Mr. Cooperrider and Mr.McGinn, then we went to eat sea food.
Mr. Miller also went with us. I ate lobster and it was very good. I ate huge dinner again. I thought because I eat so much and I put on weight in America…

USPTO and DC tour


I made a field trip to USPTO and DC on Wednesday, in the BSKB training. We were security checked before going into USPTO. We saw the search room? of patent and trade mark, the PC of the search room was made by NEC.

We saw Washington Monument, National World War II Memorial, White House, Lincoln Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial and Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC sightseeing tour.

Others, there are Smithsonian in DC. I can’t see everything of Smithsonian, even if I have many days…


My furniture



Finally, I got all my furniture. There are TV, TV stand, table, sofa, dining table, and lamp in the living room and there is a bed in the bed room.
It was really very very very ….difficult to assemble all furniture.
Others, I bought ironing board, iron, coffee maker, vacuum cleaner, and complete set of cooking tool. I hope next person will be easy to use.

The sofa is sofa bed. If someone comes to my apartment, he or she can sleep there.
Although I bought the cheapest TV in the electronic store (Best Buy) (the cheapest was 32 inches), the TV has DVD player! The price was $700. Then TV usually breaks down in three years, so I bought 4 years insurance ($100). So, TV is total $800. The coffee maker and iron are about $20, and cleaner is about $50. I think electronic tool is cheaper than Japan.
The telephone and humidifier were given by Mr. Watanabe and Mr. Honda.



I decided to cook Japanese food after a long interval. I made sansei-gohan. In the end, I brought a pressure cooker instead of a rice cooker. So I made sansei-gohan with pressure cooker. Cooking time is 5 minutes and steam time is 15 minutes. It is very fast. Unfortunately, sansei which I bought in US was not good, but finally, I made sansei-gohan. I will give sansei-gohan to Mr. Minagawa in appreciation for everything.




For the first time, I went to eat Japanese food last night. I was very impressed with Japanese menu after a long interval. I ate “mozukusu” and “hijiki”. A clerk said you you will be discouraged to eat “mozukusu”. I thought “mozukusu” tasted bad for American.
Michael who took me to the SUSITAROU is a friend of my English conversation teacher in Japan and he runs a company. He didn’t eat “uni” and “ikura”. It was very good for me…


こちらのアイロンは、立ってかけるため、アイロン台が高いです^^  日本にはないですね。このアイロン台はちょっといいなぁと思っていて、日本に持って帰ろうかなぁと思っています。

Since they do the ironing standing up, an ironing board is high. Japan doesn't have the ironing board like US. I think this ironing board is nice, so I would like to bring it to Japan.


オークウッドのアパートからEast Falls Churchの駅までは毎朝、毎晩シャトルバスが運行しています。Dunn Loringの駅からこれまたシャトルバスがBSKBまで運行しいています。アパートに東レのMさんという方がいます。彼は4月から1年間の予定で、研修にいらっしゃっています。すでに、日本車を購入していて、BSKBまで毎朝送って頂いています。車で15分くらいです。彼はBSKBでトレイニーとして仕事しているので、帰りは残念ながらシャトルですけど。

In eEvery morning and evening, the shuttle runs from Oakwood apartment to East Falls Church. The shuttle also runs from Dunn Loring to BSKB every morning and evening.
Mr. Minagawa from Toray lives in Oakwood apartment. He came to US in April and he will work as a trainee for a year. He has already bought Japanese car and he takes me to BSKB by car. It is 15 minutes from our apartment to BSKB. He works as a trainee in BSKB, so unfortunately I have to get on the shuttle on my way back.


Battle with pain : 2


土曜日、Rocky Gapの後、Bskbの人にhome partyに誘われて行ってきました。Examinerがいっぱいくるということだったので。あまりに人が多くて名前が覚えられませんでした。。。


It is three thirty, but I still can’t sleep. I sometimes feel strong pain in my legs, so I can’t sleep.
On Saturday, I went to home party after Rocky Gap because someone who is in BSKB invited me. Many Examiners came to the party. However I couldn’t remember the examiners’ name because they were too many…
On Sunday, I went to outlet mall with my friends. I intended not to buy so much, but I bought much… I bought tennis shoes and golf shoes. I will start playing tennis and golf.
I think this week was very busy.
Well, I can’t do anything but to wait for the pain to go away. While I am waiting, I will update my blog. If I take too much because I am inpatient of my pain, I get nauseous by side-effect. I concentrate on waiting until my pain is out.

Rocky Gap

木曜の夜から土曜日までRocky Gapに行ってきました。Rocky Gapはアメリカのメリーランド州にあるリゾート地です。金曜日は、ラフティング、土曜日はカヌーをしました。ラフティングは、人工で作られた急流のコースをボートで下ります。午前にコースを6,7週しました。午後は水笠をましたコースをさらに5,6週しました。なんと、午前と午後に1回ずつ、合計2回、川に転落して川の水をたらふくのみました。落ちた上からボートが乗り上げてきて、本当に死にそうでした。ボートにいるみんなはお笑いでしたけど。。。

I went to Rocky Gap from Thursday night to Saturday. Rocky Gap is a resort place which is in Maryland in US. I went Whitewater Rafting on Friday and I did Canoeing on Lake Habeeb on Saturday. In Rafting, we paddle a boat down the river which is artificially made. We went around six or seven times in the course in the morning. In the afternoon, we went around five or six times in the course with much more water.
And, I fell in the river twice and I drank much river water. When I fall in the water , the boat got on top of my head, I felt as though I was going to die. However everyone who were on the boat were all laughing at me! This year, some guy broke his tooth, so maybe, from next year, Rafting will stop because it is dangerous. I was about to die, but it was really fun. So I am sorry that Rafting will disappear.


Summer camp

明日から土曜日までRocky Gapに行きます。ブログはしばらく更新できません。金曜日は、Whitewater Rafting、土曜日は、Canoeing on Lake Habeebに参加します。

I will go to Rocky Gap from tomorrow to Saturday. Therefore I can’t update my blog. I will join Whitewater Rafting on Friday, and join Canoeing on Lake Habeeb on Saturday.

First day


It was the first day of the summer training program on Monday. We were given three very thick books and also very thick file which was written about power point. The actual summer training program will start from Tuesday. I will do my best.


Gay parade

土曜日にDupont Circleでゲイのパレードがあるというので行ってきました。ネックレスや飴玉やコンドームを投げられました。。。

I went to Dupont Circle to see gay parade on Saturday. Gays threw neclaces, candies and condoms.... at us

Welcome reception

The welcome reception was held at 15:00 on Saturday 14th. The participants of this year are 62. Japanese participants are about 40, and Korean and Chinese participants are many seconds after Japanese. The welcome reception was held at the house of one of the attorney of BSKB. It was a big house.


My NEW cell phone


I bought prepaid cell phone. Finally, I got a cell phone! Calling rate seems ten cent per one minute.

Japanese food

国産ひきわり納豆 domestic hikiwari natto 2.55 dollars
有機ひきわり納豆 organic hikiwari natto 3.45ドル
山菜 453g edible wild plants 453g 5.00ドル
たくあん takuan 3.60ドル
ごま豆腐 sesame toufu 3.85ドル
寄せ豆腐 yose doufu 2.20ドル
いか塩辛 squid siokara 7.70ドル
コシヒカリ2kg kosihikari  18.50ドル
海苔10枚 seaweed 2.50ドル
純玄米酢 pure genmai vinegar 7.30ドル
だしパック 10g×8袋 dasi packs 10g×8packs 3.55ドル
インスタントみそ汁10袋 instant miso soup 10 packs 3.95ドル
ピエトロドレッシング pietoro dressing 4.50ドル
なめ茸茶漬 nametake chazuke 4.60ドル
料理酒 500ml sake for cooking 4.35ドル
有機みりんタイプ organic mirin type 7.25ドル
花かつお 100g hana katuo 100g 6.95ドル
麦チョコ mugi chocolate 4.65ドル
井村屋ゆであずき210g imuraya boiled sweet red beans 4.65ドル

As miso and soy sauce are essential items for me, I brought them with me from Japan. When I thought about it carefully, Japanese foods are expensive.