

ジップカーというものがあるそうです。レンタカーの簡易版みたいなものです。会員が特定の場所に止めてある車(Zipcar)をシェアするもので、ガソリン代は込で、走った時間や距離に応じて料金を払います(1時間9ドルなど)。 ワシントンで車がない私には、便利なシステムかなと思っています。さて、利用するには、いろいろ書類が必要でした。
There is a zipcar in US. Zipcar is an abridged edition of rent-a-car.  The members share the car (Zipcar) which is stopped parked in specific location, the gas cost is included, and we pay fee (nine dollars per hour) depending on running hours or distance.  As I have no car in Washington DC, it is a convenientce system for me. Well, I need some document to utilize the zipcar.

Japan:To obtain a Clean Accident and Offense Record Certificate, go to the Japan Safe Driving Center.

If you select Japan in the foreigner’s page of zipcar HP (http://www.zipcar.com/apply/foreign-drivers), the necessary paper are displayed.  Japan:To obtain a Clean Accident and Offense Record Certificate, go to the Japan Safe Driving Center.


I need to have Japan Sage Driving Center issue some certificates (A Clean Accident and Offense Record Certificate). We need to obtain these papers in Japan to utilize the zipcar.

I can go to the local police station to get the application form.  The application is remittance formpayment. I pay 700 yen per one paper to Japan Sage Driving Center and apply. Don’t forget you obtain the paper in English.

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