


I have a problem which my Japanese friends don’t understand. The problem is that I can’t buy shoes in Japan, because my foot size is large. US is a paradise of to me! If I ask my shoes size, the clerk says that I’m sorry but we don't have your size, but we have one bigger size. It is impossible for me in Japan, I strain to put on the shoes which is bigger than my size! Consequently, although just four days passed, I bought four shoes with delight!!!

4 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


Unknown さんのコメント...

I told you that you wouldn't have any problems buying shoes in the States, didn't I?

Did you buy those shoes with my sister?

mika さんのコメント...

No, I bought them by myself. But she really helps me!! I bought cell phone today, then she did everything, so I can use cell phone now. She is so kind to me. I really thank her.

匿名 さんのコメント...


あ、その前に:無事にUS到着☆お疲れ様でした(^.^) ブログ楽しみにしてますねー♪