
Get a driver’s license: 1

今日、免許を取りに行こうと思ってましたが、DMV(Virginia Department of Motor Vhicles: http://www.dmv.state.va.us/index.asp )のHPで、過去問ができません。メンテ中みたいです。過去問を解かずに試験を受けに行っても、受かる自信がないので、今日は行くことができません。残念。

I was going to get a driver’s license, but I can’t take sample exam in HP of DMV DMV(Virginia Department of Motor Vhicles: http://www.dmv.state.va.us/index.asp ). I guess, the server is in the maintenance. If I go to take a exam without solving sample exam, I have no confidence to pass the exam. So, I can’t go today. What a pity!
We have to obtain a driver's license within two months since we live here in Virginia. Seven weeks has passed since I came here. I have many thing to have to do, so the time has passed like a dart. When I realize I may be cherishing the memory of American life in Japan.

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