

さて、先週の土曜日に40度から始まったインフルエンザは木曜日には熱も下がり、パーティもやって、月曜から仕事全開と思ってた矢先、土曜日の夜(girl’s partyの後)、あれれ、なんだか寒気が・・・で、38.8度。どうしよう。みんなに移してしまったかもしれません。インフルエンザって抗体ができるから二度とからからないと思ってましたけど、インフルエンザじゃなくて、ただの風邪だったのかな・・・。次の日、朝起きても38.5度。うーん、しんどい。
思えば、私、先週の水曜あたりから仕事しねばと思い、インフルなんて大嫌いと思い、熱を測って熱があるのもムカつく、と思い、アイスクリーム食べた後に熱計ってたんですよね・・・そうすると、36.0度とかなんです(笑)。先週の木曜日は朝の5時まで仕事してたし、金曜日は次の日、Girl’s Partyだと思うと楽しみで一睡もできず(笑)。木、金、土と3日間ほとんど寝てなかったので、単なる疲れかな・・・はぁ。家でも仕事できますけど、ミーティングに行かれないと、進まない仕事もいっぱいあって、ちょっと困ってます・・。ちなみに、さっきアイス食べて熱を測ったら35.8度でした。平熱じゃん(笑)。

Well I had flu last Saturday and my body temperature was 40C(104F) then. After that, it went down to the normal on Thursday, and I could have a girl's party. Just when I was about to re-start my work next Monday, I found I was something wrong... Yes, I felt cold. I took my body temperature, and it was 38.8C(101.8F). "Oh my god, what should I do? Everyone might have caught my flu..." I believed that I never have a flu once I had a flu because of an antibody of flu. Maybe I didn’t have the flu but a cold. Next day, my temperature was 38.5C (101.3F). I feel bad. In respect, I should have worked from Wednesday, I thought I hate the flu, and when I take a temperature, my high fever made me feel so bad. I took my body temperature after eating ice-cream, then my fever was always 36.0C (96.8F). That made me happy. I worked until 5 am on Thursday, and I could not sleep at all on Friday because I was very looking forward to having a girl’s part. That is I didn’t sleep for about three days. I think I was just tired. Although I can work in my apartment, but I can't do some of work until having a meeting. So I am in trouble. For your information, Just before, I took my body temperature after eating ices-cream, and it was 35.8C (96.4F). I am in very good condition!

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